AM in Low Volume Production: High Speed, Quality, And Cost Efficiencies

While developing a new product, the leap from design to production is one of the biggest hurdles to overcome. And with low volume production of 100-1000 parts, the cost and time sink of getting to market are multiplied exponentially and might be prohibitive.

In recent years, there’s been a growing focus on additive manufacturing as not just a prototyping technology but a full-fledged tool for low volume production, customization, and mass customization. Embracing large-format additive manufacturing for small-scale production has created a paradigm shift in fostering innovation, streamlining operations, and delivering significant cost reductions through cutting-edge 3D technology.

Ultimately, the crux of leveraging 3D printing is contributing to a single bottom line – operational efficiency.

What is Low Volume Production?

Also known as low-volume manufacturing (LVM), is as the name implies - the production of parts on a smaller scale. Low volume production lies halfway between prototyping and mass production. This offers manufacturers a space where they can blend the flexibility of the former with the precision and repeatability of the latter.

Production of precise tooling, functional prototypes, custom parts, jigs and fixtures, and spare parts in limited quantities are some examples of low volume production scenarios. LVM is particularly advantageous when it comes down to cost-efficiency, customization capabilities, and rapid prototyping while gaining faster market access.

Big 3D Print Batch Printing

What Drives the Demand for Low Volume Production?

Small quantities of parts needed for:

1. Customization

The growing demand for personalized products and components has surged low volume manufacturing. Customization production relies on an automated, efficient, and lean supply chain set-up that requires a great deal of flexibility making 3D printing an ideal fit.

Low volume production also encompasses mass customization as businesses need variations of concepts to realize which features can be customized, and how to best implement them in their product lines.

2. Niche Markets

Many industries require short production runs with specific requirements for niche markets. Low-volume 3D printing is well-suited for these scenarios, as it enables the cost-effective production of limited quantities of specialized products that would otherwise be hard to serve. This includes specialty vehicles, one-off products, or nonstandard designs.

3. R&D and Innovation

Low-volume manufacturing helps in making real strides by responding to market demand and introducing new features and products at a faster pace. It enables rapid prototyping and production of units for testing, validating, and refining new designs and components. This capacity for rapid innovation is crucial in creating groundbreaking ideas by introducing new products and technologies ahead of competitors.


4. Sustainability

As environmental concerns grow, low-volume manufacturing reinforced by 3D printing underlines efforts for sustainable production methods. 3D printing's additive nature, which builds up material layer by layer, reduces material waste and energy consumption compared to traditional subtractive manufacturing methods. By producing only what is needed and minimizing waste, it aligns with sustainable manufacturing practices.

Low Volume Production Scenarios

1. Tooling

It’s hard to overstate the impact of tooling in the production process, especially in the automotive industry. With traditional methods, tooling lead times can take months and costs run high.

By incorporating additive manufacturing, the production of tools like molds, jigs, assembly, and inspection fixtures is economical and time-effective resulting in shorter lead times. Thereby expediting design and raw materials validation before transitioning to production.

low-volume-production tooling

2. Rapid Prototyping

It’s a given that initial designs are prone to imperfections, so prototyping allows engineering to try out parts and explore possibilities. The ability to swiftly implement changes is advantageous in such scenarios as low volume production offers the flexibility for making real-time adjustments.

Originally 3D printing was developed for rapid prototyping, so it’s no surprise that it’s a natural choice for low volume production processes.

3. Temporary Parts

When manufacturers need a part for a machine or a prototype, it might take a while for the replacement to arrive, leading them to seek out alternative methods to avoid delays.

Low volume production encourages uptime by being a stand-in until the ordered part comes through. With an in-house 3D printer, the part can be produced with materials like BigRep’s TPU that’s flexible yet strong. 

Ford jigs and fixtures low volume production
Audi Breathe Chair 3D print on BigRep ONE

4. Bridge Production

Low volume runs of a part might be required between the interim stage of product development and full-scale production. These units are samples for testing, fit checks, verifying the design, checking conformance quality, and eliminating foreseeable defects.

This is vital for newly developed products or components to avoid any risks before mass production.

5. Small-Quantity Production

Low or sporadic demand, initial pilots of a new product or market, parts produced in limited editions, and specialized components raise the need for small-quantity production.

Reliance on outsourcing production might not be the most cost and time-effective as typically there’s a minimum order quantity and no flexibility in changing the order size. Also, the limited window to make iterations to products before hitting the market encourages manufacturers to create in-house low volume production workflows.

BigRep ONE.4 Large-Format 3D Printer

6. Produce on Demand

When there isn’t predictable demand, the production of units as and when needed helps with avoiding the high costs. This just-in-time manufacturing approach in low quantities is an alternative to maintaining inventory management in warehouses.

Parts can be 3D printed on-demand, eliminating logistical challenges, minimizing the risk of overstocking, and reducing the time it takes to fulfill and respond to changing requirements.

7. Fabrication of Obsolete or Discontinued Parts

In some cases, especially with legacy systems or machines, certain components may become obsolete or discontinued. Low volume 3D printing can provide a cost-effective solution by reverse engineering and fabricating replacement parts, extending the life of equipment that might otherwise be rendered unusable.

LVM is particularly valuable in building a spare inventory of replacement components where production volumes are low.


Why 3D Printing is the Answer

1. Growing Acceptance and Versatility

Factors like design freedom, reliable quality prints, prototyping capabilities, repeatability, low cost, and a hands-off approach have created a surge in the adoption of LVM 3D printing. Industries are taking the printing process into their own hands, ensuring their products are leading the market in innovation by introducing new designs and features before competitors.

BigRep PRO 3D Printer

Also when it comes to the range of materials, 3D printers such as the BigRep PRO have a diverse engineering-grade filament portfolio and are open to third-party materials enabling flexible applications.

2. Automated for Peace of Mind

Automation enables lights-out manufacturing minimizing the dependence on highly skilled workers, furthering peace of mind in the production process.

Safi Barqawi, the owner of AVI Boston, an Automotive Custom Fabrication company talks about about how the BigRep Studio is like an extra pair of hands in his workshop.

"Finding skilled fabricators and installers are a challenge, but with our 3D printer, it's like having a full-time employee building parts. We design, press print, go away for the weekend and all the parts are ready by Monday morning."

BigRep Fiber-Ready PEX (Power Extruders)

3D printing software such as BigRep’s, aids material handling, remote print monitoring, data analytics, auto calibration, batch production, automated design, and workflows. This results in closer ties and predictable workflow timelines across the length of the print process. The best part of using these softwares is that it requires no prior experience in 3D printing or CAD software skills reducing the learning curve for operators.

3. Excellent Part Accuracy and Build Volume

3D printing technology excels in ensuring the accurate production of large to small sized parts, a critical aspect in maintaining product quality. The exceptional tolerances ensure the creation of complex geometries with precision, making it a reliable choice for manufacturing high-quality, sizable parts.

“The biggest advantage of large-scale 3D printing is getting rid of assemblies. When we can produce bigger parts in one piece, this gives us a huge advantage.”

Lars Bognar, a research engineer for additive manufacturing at Ford Engineering Europe.


The large build volume enables the efficient batch production of multiple parts or larger components in one go. This reduces the need for assembly, streamlines the manufacturing process, and is cost-effective.

4. Low-Risk Investment, Offering Time and Cost Savings

Unlike traditional methods that involve cutting parts from large chunks of non-recyclable materials, 3D printing uses only uses what’s required, drastically reducing waste and material costs. This resource-efficient approach aligns with sustainability goals while simultaneously offering financial savings. The option of printing parts as needed also brings down costs associated with inventory and logistics.

WAT Berlin, an automotive manufacturer specializing in the production of vehicle frames is dramatically improving workflows in their facilities with custom 3D printed parts. André Lenz, an engineer at the Berlin facility elaborates on how the BigRep ONE has been enabling the production of light-weight, durable components.

“If we had made them out of steel or aluminum, for example, it would have been incredibly expensive and above all heavy and made from multiple parts.”

3D printing simplifies manufacturing by serving as a one-step process, eliminating the need for multiple machines, thus saving valuable time and reducing associated costs. The process is also easily automated, allowing for unmanned operation and further cost reductions.


5. Other Benefits

  • Strong and Lightweight Parts The use of material like carbon fiber which has an excellent strength-to-weight ratio, leads to lighter, more robust parts with lesser printing time.
  • Flexible Use of 3D Printers Businesses invest in a 3D printer for a particular project but explore other applications and printing materials giving them more return on investment.
  • Parts Fit Right the First Time Fast, precise, and inexpensive 3D printing iterations ensure that components, especially steel parts where accuracy is paramount, are a perfect fit at the first go.

Go Big With Low Volume Production

Low-volume production thrives in scenarios that are fast-paced, innovative, and cost-efficient. 3D printing's versatility, automation, precision, and efficiency make it a perfect choice. An Ecosystem such as BigRep’s creates a unique environment with innovative 3D printing technology and solutions for low volume production and beyond.

Want to learn more about low volume production empowered by additive manufacturing?

Register to download the eBook, 7 Ways BigRep 3D Printers Unlock Profit Instantly.

Discover how investing in large format additive manufacturing (AM) can revolutionize your industrial business, driving innovation, efficiency and significant cost savings with BigRep’s advanced technology.


The BigRep PRO is a 1 m³ powerhouse 3D printer, built to take you from prototyping to production. It provides a highly scalable solution to manufacture end-use parts, factory tooling or more with high-performance, engineering-grade materials. Compared with other manufacturing and FFF printing solutions, the PRO can produce full-scale, accurate parts faster and at lower production costs.

Explore the PRO


The BigRep PRO is a 1 m³ powerhouse 3D printer, built to take you from prototyping to production. It provides a highly scalable solution to manufacture end-use parts, factory tooling or more with high-performance, engineering-grade materials. Compared with other manufacturing and FFF printing solutions, the PRO can produce full-scale, accurate parts faster and at lower production costs.

Explore the PRO

About the author:

Natasha Mathew <a style="color: #0077b5" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a>

Natasha Mathew


Natasha Mathew enjoys trying new things and one of them she’s currently obsessed with is 3D printing. Her passion for explaining complex concepts in simple terms and her knack for storytelling led her to be a writer. In her 7 years of experience, she has covered just about any topic under the sun. When she’s not carefully weighing her words, she’s reading, crafting, spinning, and adventuring. And when asked about herself, she writes in the third person.

3D Printed Spare Parts: On-Demand Solutions for Aerospace, Defense, and Industrial Manufacturing

A broken or defective part could mean a reduction or even a total halt in production while waiting for the replacement to arrive – an expensive inconvenience for manufacturers.

One of the areas where 3D printing has been most disruptive is in the fabrication of temporary spare parts. These printed components can often meet functional requirements until a longer-lasting solution can be sourced or produced. This allows industries to continue production, which increases machinery uptime and minimizes supply-chain uncertainties.

In this article, we'll examine some common challenges for aerospace, defense, and industrial manufacturers, and how 3D-printed temporary solutions enable a more seamless production workflow.

1. Emergency Repairs

Imagine the scenario: You’re an industrial manufacturer relying on a machine to complete a lucrative contract for a client. Suddenly, a crucial part of the machine breaks, and production grinds to a halt.

If the replacement part isn’t at hand, you’d have to contact external suppliers for troubleshooting, components, or services. Inevitably, the time spent waiting for the part to arrive introduces an element of uncertainty into what is already a stressful situation, with an added layer of potential delays and costs.


Why 3D Printing is a Solution

With the introduction of an in-house 3D printer, on-demand production gives industrial manufacturers the ability to produce temporary spare parts or tooling as and when required, which buffers the wait time. The range of high-performance industrial-grade 3D print materials ensures the temporary spare parts are strong enough to bear the loads and stresses until the replacement part can be sourced.

3D printers such as the BigRep PRO enable aerospace and defense manufacturers to print with engineering-grade materials, such as carbon fiber reinforced polymers, and high-performance materials like flame-retardant Polyetherketoneketone (PEKK). These materials are better suited for parts that endure fluctuations in temperature or operational stress.

2. Unavailable Spare Parts

A spare part might be inaccessible for a number of reasons. For example, it could be out of stock or it may no longer be in production. In situations where defense or aerospace manufacturers are operating in remote locations or are deployed in field operations, they could be out of reach of the traditional supply chains.

In these scenarios, the manufacturer's hands are tied, with no immediate solution to getting that all-important spare part installed to get production back up and running.

How Large-Format is Changing the Way We Produce Parts

Why 3D Printing is a Solution

A spare part might be inaccessible for a number of reasons. For example, it could be out of stock or it may no longer be in production. In situations where defense or aerospace manufacturers are operating in remote locations or are deployed in field operations, they could be out of reach of the traditional supply chains.

In these scenarios, the manufacturer's hands are tied, with no immediate solution to getting that all-important spare part installed to get production back up and running.

3. Surrogate Parts for Training

The production timeline of complex machinery might be long and at times operators might require training to handle it. Stand-in parts replicating the original designs are needed for training before the final assembly arrives so the operations can start without delay. This scenario often arises in the aerospace industry where complicated equipment is often used and time is a crucial factor given the testing, validating, and certification process of the tightly regulated sector.

BigRep Academy

Why 3D Printing is a Solution

By fabricating components, these stand-in parts offer employees a hands-on approach to familiarize themselves with the procedures and intricacies of the final machinery. This ensures operators are well versed in the assembly and servicing of the machines and allows manufacturers to accurately implement operation timelines.

Several government aerospace agencies have successfully integrated 3D printing into their operations training programs, a fact that underlines the unique advantages associated with AM. Industrial manufacturers can also leverage 3D-printed surrogate parts for a smoother workflow transition ensuring employees are brought up to speed with potentially complex operations.

Advantages of 3D-Printed Temporary Spare Parts

1. Minimized Disruption in the Production Process

3D printing spare parts on-demand addresses equipment breakdowns or component failures immediately. Defective components can be swiftly replaced, reducing downtime and enhancing operational efficiency.

One of 3D printing’s biggest strengths, quick design iterations, allows for the customization of parts to meet specific requirements, ensuring optimal performance and compatibility. This in-house solution streamlines the production timeline by decreasing the wait time for the original part to arrive, enabling industrial, aerospace, and defense industries to meet their typically tight schedules and customer demands more effectively.

Full length portrait of engine and landing gear of passenger aircraft with pilot in the wing isolated on the sun background
<a style = "font-weight: bold; color: #E7E7E7"  href="/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/BigRep-PRO-2021_02-scaled.jpg" download><i class="fa fa-download"></i> Download </a>

2. Reduces Downtime thereby Saving Money

Simply put, the more time that elapses between a part breaking down and its replacement being fitted, the higher the financial implication.

In this sense, traditional methods for purchasing and sourcing spare parts from external sources for industrial machinery can lead to extended periods of equipment downtime and lost productivity. Stocking replacement parts might be the obvious solution, but it comes with increased costs and additional logistics to purchase, store, and maintain the parts.

3D printing on-demand minimizes the disruption of the production process by being an immediate stand-in. This decreases the downtime and keeps the machinery moving, adhering to operation timelines. This results in positive financial implications for manufacturers within the aerospace and manufacturing sectors, who are ultimately looking for reliable solutions to unforeseeable machinery breakdowns.

3. On-Site Manufacturing is the Only Viable Option in Remote Locations

The ability to manufacture replacement solutions in any location is particularly appealing within the fields of defense and aerospace. In scenarios where on-site production is the only viable solution, for example, mountainous terrains, deserts, or at sea, having the ability to print replacement parts in-house is a game-changer. These locations are typically far from areas under operational coverage for geographical reasons, and the time for the part to arrive might be unpredictable or the logistics might be impossible.

CNE Engineering with SAS Scandanavian Airlines

4. Saves Time by Eliminating Traditional Production Steps

Where traditional manufacturing methods involve lengthy and often manual fabrication processes, 3D printing enables the direct production of parts from digital designs. This democratization of the manufacturing process skips the tooling process, reduces the dependency on skilled workers, and eliminates the maintenance of inventory and logistics. These steps in the time-consuming outdated process pile costs and 3D printing have the transformative power of directly printing on demand resulting in the economical production of spare parts.

5. Surrogate Tools for Operator Training

Time is money in most industries, and it rings particularly true in aerospace. The machinery, tools, and parts used in spacecraft and airplanes are often complicated, and operating or handling them requires training. With 3D-printed surrogate parts, they can learn how to effectively use machines before their arrival. This preemptive measure ensures accurate operational timelines, a crucial workflow addition to minimize the likelihood of inefficiencies during the production process.

3D Printed Mold for Jet Engine Cover

6. Digital Inventory Replaces Physical Inventory

Managing a physical inventory involves stocking up the approximate number of parts in the right environmental conditions by anticipating future needs. This may not always be a feasible option for spare parts as there are a lot of components involved in the production process that may break down. With 3D printing, the part design files are digital and can be transferred to any corner of the world and produced with a 3D printer. This digital optimization of inventory minimizes the effects of supply chain bottlenecks and potentially costly storage solutions.

7. Large-Scale Singular Prints Requiring no Assembly

Massive parts in airplanes and other aircraft demand large-scale MRO equipment. Traditional manufacturing processes often relied on the fabrication and assembly of multiple separate components which increased production time and the risk of assembly errors or inconsistencies. With 3D printing, the production of large, complex components in a range of materials, in a seamless integrated unit is second nature. By drawing on advantages such as accuracy, precision, and repeatability, the production of spare parts as fully assembled entities aids swift and cost-effective solutions.

3D Printing Service PARTLAB
BigRep Materials

8. A Full-Spectrum of Industrial-Grade 3D Print Materials

From eco-friendly filaments made with recycled ocean waste to high-performing carbon fiber-reinforced materials suitable for aircraft components, there’s a wide range of materials that fit the bill for different spare parts and budgets. 3D printing offers the freedom to select the filament based on the specific function of the spare part. This allows for the choice of materials that best embody the physical, chemical, and structural properties needed for optimal performance. While not all industrial 3D printer manufacturers support 3rd party filaments, some of them like BigRep have open material platforms that cater to the user’s requirements, whether it is prioritizing high performance or cost-effectiveness.

Empowered In-House On-Demand Solutions

3D-printed spare parts have unlocked an agile, responsive, and adaptable localized production workflow which is vital for the aerospace and defense industries that demand highly individualized components that may not be readily available.

By printing spare parts on demand instead of storing them in inventory, these industries can significantly save time, reduce costs, and find reliable solutions internally till the permanent part is sourced. These developments have critical advantages for the day-to-day operation of machinery, especially in remote locations where self-sufficiency is essential.

Want to learn more about how Low-Volume Production Empowers the Aerospace and Defense Industry?

Register to download the eBook, From the Print Bed to the Sky: 3D Printing Aerospace-Grade Parts.

Discover how the aerospace and defense industry leverages 3D printing to deliver purpose-built, qualified tools to explore the skies and beyond.

In this eBook, we deep dive into:

  • How 3D printed parts are instrumental in transforming the aerospace industry.
  • The rigorous tests and certifications that validate the performance and safety of the 3D-printed parts.
  • FEA analysis that helps build robust aerospace-grade parts.
  • 3 use cases of aerospace industry giants that thought out of the box with 3D printing.



The BigRep PRO is a 1 m³ powerhouse 3D printer, built to take you from prototyping to production. It provides a highly scalable solution to manufacture end-use parts, factory tooling or more with high-performance, engineering-grade materials. Compared with other manufacturing and FFF printing solutions, the PRO can produce full-scale, accurate parts faster and at lower production costs.

Explore the PRO


The BigRep PRO is a 1 m³ powerhouse 3D printer, built to take you from prototyping to production. It provides a highly scalable solution to manufacture end-use parts, factory tooling or more with high-performance, engineering-grade materials. Compared with other manufacturing and FFF printing solutions, the PRO can produce full-scale, accurate parts faster and at lower production costs.

Explore the PRO

About the author:

Patrick McCumiskey <a style="color: #0077b5" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a>

Patrick McCumiskey


Patrick has over a decade’s worth of experience writing about design and technology. After first encountering 3D printing on a project while studying a Masters Degree in design, he’s taken a keen interest in the development of 3D printing and its impact on the world of design and tech.

Open Material 3D Printers: Unlimited Applications with Low to High Temperature Plastics

BigRep PRO 3D Printer Open Material System

Open 3D print material systems offer manufacturers freedom to choose any compatible filament that hits the market but closed material systems deliver predictable results. This raises the BIG question: Are open material systems truly open for innovation?

3D printing promises unparalleled freedom of production. Open material systems multiply that freedom tenfold.

The FFF continues to swell with an ever-growing range of 3D print filaments, and manufacturing sectors are wasting no time in discovering new applications with their 3D printers. For example, medical technology and the defense industry are increasingly seeing the use of Conductive Polymers such as PEDOT (Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) in applications like organic electronics, sensors, and energy storage devices.

However, not all 3D printers support any compatible materials. There are two types of materials systems: open and closed. 3D printers with closed material systems allow you to print with specified proprietary materials whereas with open material systems, you can use any compatible filament.

If open material systems sound more open to innovation, what keeps industries within the walls of closed 3D material systems?

Open vs Closed 3D Print Material Systems


With an open material system, you can experiment with different materials, create and edit print profiles (the print temperature, print speed, layer height, etc., in the 3D printer’s slicer software) to bring out desired properties and source them from different suppliers, which opens a world of possibilities.

On the other hand, closed material systems keep printing simple and consistent by limiting you to proprietary materials specified by your 3D printer manufacturer and locked print profiles. This can ensure reliability and consistency but might come with a hefty price tag (expensive proprietary materials, cost to unlock new print profiles etc.,) and limit innovation with other materials. While closed systems offer ease of use and predictability, open systems are all about flexibility.

Advantages of an Open Materials System

Flexibility and Freedom

Choice: You have access to a broad range of materials which allows you to select the perfect material based on the functionality and aesthetics you are looking for.

Customization: You can tailor material profiles of any compatible filament ensuring your 3D printer delivers successful prints and brings out desired properties.

Lower Material Costs: You can choose from different suppliers without being locked into expensive proprietary filament.

Budget Flexibility: With affordable access to a wide range of materials, you can go big or small on the budget.

Cost Efficiency

Innovation and Experimentation

Encourages Exploration: The freedom to experiment with new and advanced materials drives innovation in applications.

Facilitates R&D: Open systems support continuous product development with materials that fit specifications.

Diverse Sourcing: You can source materials from different suppliers, which reduces supply chain bottlenecks.

Enhanced Reliability: An open system makes it easier to maintain a steady flow of materials, reducing the risk of production downtime.

Supply Chain Benefits

Enhanced Performance

Optimized Material Profiles: Profiles can be tailored to bring out the best properties of any compatible material, whether it’s strength, flexibility, or heat resistance.

Adaptability: There is no restriction on a single set of materials which allows for the smooth and efficient scaling of your business as it grows and evolves.


Choosing the Right 3D Print Material

With the plethora of materials available, which one would be the best fit for your part? The right filament depends on your project requirements. Are you looking for ease of use and biodegradability? PLA might be your best bet. Need something tougher with higher temperature resistance? Consider ABS or Polycarbonate. For extreme performance, PEEK could be the answer.

By understanding the properties and printing requirements of these materials, you can make informed decisions and achieve the best results for your 3D printing projects. Whether you're prototyping, producing functional parts, or exploring new applications, there's a 3D printing plastic that fits your needs.

BigRep Filaments group

Exploring Low to High-Temperature 3D Print Plastics

One of the key considerations while choosing a plastic is the temperature range of the material and your 3D printer’s technical capabilities. From low to high-temperature filaments, each type has its own strengths and applications.

Standard & Bio-Based Plastic Filaments

BigRep ONE Sample 3D Print Prototype

PLA (Polylactic Acid): One of the most user-friendly and commonly used filaments, PLA is biodegradable and perfect for beginners. It prints at relatively low temperatures (around 190-230°C) and is great for prototypes, educational models, art installations, and interior decor.

PETG (Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol): A step up from PLA, PETG offers better durability while still being easy to print with. It typically prints at around 220-250°C and is well-suited for functional parts that need impact resistance to a certain degree.

Engineering-Grade Plastic Filaments

ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene): Known for its excellent strength, ABS is a popular choice for more demanding applications. It requires a heated print bed and prints at around 220-250°C. It is ideal for parts that need to withstand higher temperatures and mechanical stress.

ASA (Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate): ASA is the weatherproof version of ABS. It prints at similar temperatures to ABS (230-270°C) but offers better UV resistance, making it perfect for automotive and parts exposed to outdoor elements.

CNHTC -Dr. Dong with a 3D print

High-Performance Plastic Filaments

CNHTC 3D printed parts with the BigRep PRO

Polyamide (PA): Highly durable and wear-resistant, Polyamide, also known as Nylon, is a bit trickier to print because of its tendency to absorb moisture. It prints between 240-300°C and is excellent for gears, bearings, and other high-stress components.

Polycarbonate (PC): Tough and transparent, Polycarbonate is one of the strongest 3D printing materials available. It prints at around 260-310°C and is great for applications that need high-impact resistance and clarity.

PEEK (Polyether Ether Ketone): At the top end of the temperature spectrum, PEEK is a high-performance plastic used in aerospace, medical, and industrial applications. It requires very high printing temperatures (around 350-450°C) and offers exceptional mechanical and chemical resistance.

Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Filaments

PA12 CF (Polyamide 12 Carbon Fiber): Durable and with great surface quality, PA12 CF is suitable for many industrial parts with daily usage under long-term stress. Its high strength-to-weight ratio makes PA12 CF a perfect solution for lightweight end-use parts.

PC CF (Polycarbonate Carbon Fiber): Its impact and heat resistance make PC CF an ideal choice for industries such as electronics, automotive, and aerospace. The addition of carbon fibers provides additional strength and toughness.


Validated BigRep Filaments Compatible with All BigRep Machines

The heart of all BigRep machines is the material system that’s open for innovation. You can print with any compatible filament of your choice – BigRep’s or a 3rd party’s – and unlock new applications with our low to high-temperature machines.

We also have a portfolio of industrial-grade 3D printer filaments ranging from affordable, general-use materials to technical materials for demanding industrial applications. Each filament is rigorously tested to ensure reliable and even extrusion so have successful prints every time.

Our filaments are specifically designed for large-format 3D printing, helping you bring your big ideas to life.

Our Catalogue of Verified Filaments


PA12 CF: Stiff and strong for industrial parts
HI-TEMP CF: High-temperature carbon fiber
ASA: UV-resistant and high-strength
ABS: Versatile and impact-resistant
PLX: Cost-effective and reliable
BVOH: Water-soluble support for dual extrusion
HI-TEMP: Stiff and eco-friendly
PA6/66: Lightweight and resistant
PRO HT: Easy printing and support removal
PETG: Durable and impact-resistant
PLA: Affordable and versatile
TPU 98A: Flexible and chemically resistant

BigRep BLADE: Custom Material Print Profiles Made Easy

As part of BigRep’s commitment to a lifetime partnership with our customers, we develop material profiles to ensure best printing quality so your prints come out right the first time, no matter your level of 3D printing experience.

Our slicing software, BLADE, offers a variety of pre-configured profiles for all BigRep materials. These profiles optimize the printing process, saving you valuable time and money by achieving faster print times, reducing material usage, creating lighter parts, and improving the aesthetics of your prints.

Have third-party materials you want to print on your BigRep machine? No problem. With BLADE, you can fully customize the printing parameters to perfect your parts. The intuitive interface makes it easy to create custom profiles and fine-tune print settings such as layer thickness, extrusion and build chamber temperature, and print speed to meet your material and application requirements.


The Best of Both Worlds

When you opt for an open material system, you may not get custom printing profiles or materials that are developed for and tested on that specific 3D printer. With BigRep, you can reap the benefits of both worlds. We combine closed systems' reliability and consistency of our propriety materials and profiles with open systems' flexibility, competitive pricing, and broad material choice. This dual approach ensures businesses achieve maximum performance and best price-to-performance ratio, while maintaining the freedom to experiment and innovate.

Want to learn more about open material choice for 3D printing solutions?

Register to watch the webinar, FROM LOW TO HIGH TEMP FILAMENTS: How to Choose the Perfect Material for Any Application

Learn why all BigRep 3D printers are open material systems, meaning you are free to use any compatible material, whether its BigRep or otherwise. Gain insights about 3D printing materials across the temperature spectrum, from standard low-temperature polymers to high-temperature and high-performance materials.


About the author:

Natasha Mathew <a style="color: #0077b5" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a>

Natasha Mathew


Natasha Mathew enjoys trying new things and one of them she’s currently obsessed with is 3D printing. Her passion for explaining complex concepts in simple terms and her knack for storytelling led her to be a writer. In her 7 years of experience, she has covered just about any topic under the sun. When she’s not carefully weighing her words, she’s reading, crafting, spinning, and adventuring. And when asked about herself, she writes in the third person.

BigRep Celebrates Successful Listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

BigRep public listing photo op with the bull and the bear at Frankfurt Stock Exchange

BigRep SE marked its entry into the public stock market with the IPO ceremony at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

Frankfurt, 31. Juli 2024 – In the bustling financial district of Frankfurt, we, BigRep SE, opened the trading day with a bell-ringing ceremony at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. This marks our official entry into the public stock market with shares now trading under the ticker B1GR. 

Getting to this point of the journey was paved by our strategic business combination with SMG Technology Acceleration SE, facilitated by our IPO sponsor, SMG Holding. Known for its focus on European SMEs, SMG Holding played a key role in listing BigRep on the public market. SMG Technology Acceleration SE has been renamed BigRep SE, with Dr. Sven Thate and Dr. Reinhard Festag stepping in as CEO and CFO, respectively.

BigRep Deutsche Borse on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange trading floor

The Iconic Bell Ringing Ceremony

BigRep's bell ringing ceremony on the Frankkfurt Stock Exchange trading floor

The bell-ringing ceremony, a time-honored tradition in the financial world, took place in the main trading hall of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The event was attended by board members, investors, BigRep team members, and a host of financial analysts and media representatives as we debuted on one of the world’s leading stock exchanges.   
The day began with a photo session at the stock exchange square by the legendary Bull and Bear statues followed by Dr.-Ing. Sven Thate’s speech on the stock exchange floor. This was followed by the bell-ringing ceremony that signaled the start of trading with media and journalists in attendance documenting the event.

Dr.‐Ing. Sven Thate, CEO of BigRep said in his speech,

“Going public allows us to think bigger and pursue our buy-and-build strategy. We see great growth and synergy opportunities by expanding inorganically. The current market conditions will only increase consolidation pressure, giving us a chance to use our public listing to benefit our shareholders.”

BigRep at the Bull and the Bear Frankfurt Stock Exchange
BigRep's CEO Sven Thate's speech BigRep's bell ringing ceremony at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange trading floor

As a nod to our accomplishments, NERA, the world’s first 3D-printed E-Motorcycle was on display along with other 3D prints designed to commemorate the occasion. The event also featured our newly launched 3D printer -  VIIO 250 - our most automated 3D printer yet. 

The BigRep NERA, the world’s first 3D-printed E-Motorcycle.
The BigRep NERA, the world’s first 3D-printed E-Motorcycle.
the BigRep VIIO 250 on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange trading floor
BigRep VIIO 250 on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange trading floor.
3D printed Bull and Bear by BigRep at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange trading floor

The Significance of the Ceremony 

Listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange provides us with more visibility and access to a broad base of international shareholders, fueling our ambitious expansion plans of innovating with new technologies and advancing our Additive Manufacturing product offerings.

BigRep's bell ringing ceremony on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange trading floor
BigRep's bell ringing ceremony at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange trading floor.

The Frankfurt Stock Exchange, known for its stringent listing requirements and robust regulatory framework, provides a platform that ensures transparency, investor protection, and efficient trading, aligning us with the highest standards of corporate governance.

From Inception to the BIG Public Listing

Founded in 2014, BigRep is an industry leader in large-format FFF 3D printers which includes the whole spectrum of low to high-temperature machines engineered in Germany and Austria. Our offerings include verified 3D print materials, intuitive software, an e-learning platform, application engineering, superior customer service, and comprehensive training to set our customers up for success with every 3D print.  
We launched 3 large-scale machines this year - 2 high-temperature 3D printers from the HAGE3D acquisition – the ALTRA 280 and IPSO 105, and our most automated 3D printer yet, the VIIO 250. Today our clientele spans from industry giants like Ford, Deutsche Bahn, Canyon, and Airbus, to educational institutions, research institutes, and start-ups

A BIGger and Brighter Future Ahead

The BigRep Team on the on Frankfurt Stock Exchange trading floor

The bell-ringing ceremony at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange is the beginning of a new chapter for us at BigRep. As we embrace the new opportunities of being a publicly traded company, we continue to dream BIG, innovate BIGger, and look forward to achieving the BIGgest milestones for our team members, customers, investors, and shareholders.

For more information, visit

About the author:

Natasha Mathew <a style="color: #0077b5" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a>

Natasha Mathew


Natasha Mathew enjoys trying new things and one of them she’s currently obsessed with is 3D printing. Her passion for explaining complex concepts in simple terms and her knack for storytelling led her to be a writer. In her 7 years of experience, she has covered just about any topic under the sun. When she’s not carefully weighing her words, she’s reading, crafting, spinning, and adventuring. And when asked about herself, she writes in the third person.

The BigRep IPSO 105 Futureproofs Outdoor Fiber Cabinets

Sichert use case - telecommunication FCC outdoor Smart bench prototype printed by the high-temperature industrial plastic 3D printer BigRep IPSO 105

Sichert, a 100-year-old Berlin-based company, integrates smart multi-tasking features into their fiber connection cabinets with the high-temp, large-volume 3D printer, the IPSO 105.

FTTH (Fiber To The Home), the future of high-speed internet in every household and company, is basically the connection where the fiber cable goes all the way to the user instead of ending at an anonymous cabinet down the street.

These outdoor cabinets (FCC), although unassuming, are a critical component in present-day telecommunication. They are designed to take on the rigors of the harshest weather conditions while ensuring seamless IT infrastructure by housing servers, networking equipment, and other essential hardware. They are equal parts of form, fit, and function while blending in with the spaces in which they are installed.

Sichert, a 100-year-old Berlin-based company, is an industry leader in producing outdoor cabinets, access chambers for fiber optic, and copper cable distribution. With innovation at the core of their offerings, 3D printing has been an integral part of their workflow for decades. While the company relied on desktop 3D printers and outsourced print projects, as their needs got bigger, they sought to invest in an in-house solution to innovate with sizable high-performance parts.

Sichert added a new player to its FFF 3D printing capabilities - the BigRep IPSO 105 - a high-temperature 3D printer, for rapid prototyping and future-proofing their products. With the 3D printer, they design cabinets that visually match their surroundings, upgrade the aesthetics, and integrate thoughtful multi-tasking features that offer smart city solutions. 

What are Fiber Connection Cabinets (FCC)?

Fiber Connection Cabinets (FCC) are specialized industrial cabinets used in telecommunications to manage and distribute fiber optic cables that extend directly to households, providing high-speed internet and data services. Their core function is to also protect cables from environmental and physical damage, facilitate splicing and termination, and ensure easy access for maintenance.

Traditionally made using expensive injection molding, parts of FCCs are now increasingly produced with 3D printing technology, allowing for rapid prototyping, cost efficiency, and greater design flexibility. This supports the growing demand for reliable and scalable fiber optic connections, essential for connecting households and businesses to the gigabit age.

Sichert use case - FCC outdoor fiber cabinet

Challenges with Traditional Manufacturing

1. High Cost of Prototyping
Injection molding needs expensive molds which results in high-cost prototyping

2. Design Limitations
Metal and mold designs restrict the freedom to experiment with cutting-edge designs and structures.

3. Material Constraints
Limited range of materials that can be used, especially when it comes to high-temperature and environmentally resistant applications.

Thorsten Drochner, Director of  R&D said,

“One of the biggest challenges in developing new street cabinets is that prototypes are really expensive because of injection molding. This is where the IPSO 105 brings in the advantages - prototyping, rapid prototyping, or even small iterations. It's very fast, simple and cost-effective.”

Benefits of a Large-Scale High-Temp 3D Printer

Sichert initially used desktop 3D printers to explore the potential of additive manufacturing by printing parts of outdoor cabinets. Encouraged by flexibility and cost savings, they upgraded to the IPSO 105, BigRep’s large-format high-performance 3D printer.


Large-Scale Innovation

The generous build volume of 400 mm x 600 mm x 440 ensures Sichert’s design freedom to experiment with complex structures in full-scale.

BigRep IPSO 105
Sichert Blog IPSO 105 high temperature industrial plastic 3d printer

High-Temperature Applications

With the build chamber heating to 100°C, the print bed reaching 180°C, & the extruder capability of 450°C,Sichert can print high-performance parts.

Open Material Platform

Capable of printing with virtually any compatible material, especially environmentally resistant filaments, is a game-changer for Sichert's R&D team.

BigRep Filaments

High Cost and Time Savings

The 3D printer, IPSO 105, reduced prototyping costs and accelerated the product development cycle with quick turnaround print time. 

Sichert’s Applications with the IPSO 105

1. Product Development

a. Smart Bench
Sichert designed an aesthetically pleasing outdoor fiber-cabinet bench with future cities in mind. It is fitted with a solar panel at the back, a phone charger to the side, and a fiber distribution cabinet within the bench. The 3D-printed parts were post-processed to give it a natural wood finish so it blends into environments where grey cabinets might stand out.

Sichert use case - outdoor telecommunication cabinet Smart Bench prototype printed by the high-temperature industrial plastic 3D printer BigRep IPSO 105
Sichert's Smart Bench outdoor fiber cabinet printed by the high-temperature industrial 3D printer - BigRep IPSO 105

b. Smart Tower
Sichert’s Smart Tower was built to house 5G small cell (a small wireless device that boosts mobile network coverage and speed in busy areas), with the side panels 3D printed for flexibility in shape and design. Built to be installed in public places, it can also double as an information point in spaces such as bus or tram stops.

Sichert use case - outdoor telecommunication cabinet Smart Tower prototype printed by the high-temperature industrial plastic 3D printer BigRep IPSO 105
The Smart Tower's side panels were 3D printed by the IPSO 105.

2. Rapid Prototyping and Design Testing

Rapid prototyping is one of the areas in which Sichert uses the 3D printer extensively, especially for all their new products, FCC cabinet series, and predominantly for their out-of-the-box designs. Prototypes of PCBs (printed circuit board)  and cabinet parts are often printed and tested for tolerance, design fit checks, and stability. The printer’s capability to handle large parts without the need to cut and reassemble them ensures structural integrity and saves time.

Sichert use case - rapid prototyping and design testing FCC outdoor cabinet parts printed by the high-temperature industrial plastic 3D printer BigRep IPSO 105

3. Material Testing and Validation

The IPSO 105’s open material system which allows for printing with any compatible 3D print filament enabled Sichert to test a range of 3D print materials like BigRep’s environmentally resistant ASA, high-strength Polyamide with carbon fibers, and the durable Polycarbonate filament. This ensured the final part met all environmental and operational requirements.

“The IPSO 105 gives us the freedom to choose any material range from low to advanced materials like PEEK which we use in high-temperature use cases. We used to face challenges in picking the right materials which meet specific needs and with this 3D printer, we can explore our options.”

Sichert use case - PCB for FCC outdoor cabinet parts printed by the high-temperature industrial plastic 3D printer BigRep IPSO 105

4. Trade Fair Samples

Sichert often takes part in trade shows and showcasing high-quality, visually appealing prototypes are an integral part of keeping the industry updated with their latest offerings. These 3D-printed parts are post-processed with varnish or undergo structural reinforcing treatments to give potential customers a realistic idea of what the final product would look and feel like.

Sichert use case - FCC outdoor cabinet trade fair samples printed by the high-temperature industrial plastic 3D printer BigRep IPSO 105

Future-Proofing Outdoor Cabinets

Sichert use case - FCC outdoor cabinet parts 3D printed by the high-temperature industrial plastic 3D printer BigRep IPSO 105

The freedom to print in true scale, unlimited choice of material, high to low-temperature capabilities, and cost and time efficiency delivered by the 3D printer have enabled Sichert to expand the functionality and experiment with the design of their fiber cabinets.

With the IPSO 105, Sichert not only weatherproofs but also future proofs their outdoor cabinets by making them smarter and ahead of their time.

Want to learn how Industries are expediting Product Development with 3D Printing?

Reduce Cost and Lead Time with Industrial 3D Printing in Product Development.

Design Prototypes for Industrial Production 

  • Prototyping design iterations is faster and easier as part of a seamless digital workflow
  • Get better-informed feedback regarding part fit, function, aesthetics, and more with full-scale prototypes
  • Accelerate time to market with 3D printed prototypes produced in a fraction of the time

Maximum Performance. Unbeatable Price.

The IPSO 105 is an industry all-rounder high-temp machine with an unbeatable price-to-performance ratio. It is the most automated, reliable, and fastest way to get robust, high-performance parts in the hands of industrial engineers and designers. Aptly called the tool maker's tool, it is a blazing hot machine of 105 liters reaching 100°C with a print bed heating up to 180°C.

Explore the IPSO 105

Maximum Performance. Unbeatable Price.

The IPSO 105 is an industry all-rounder high-temp machine with an unbeatable price-to-performance ratio. It is the most automated, reliable, and fastest way to get robust, high-performance parts in the hands of industrial engineers and designers. Aptly called the tool maker's tool, it is a blazing hot machine of 105 liters reaching 100°C with a print bed heating up to 180°C.

Explore the IPSO 105

About the author:

Natasha Mathew <a style="color: #0077b5" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a>

Natasha Mathew


Natasha Mathew enjoys trying new things and one of them she’s currently obsessed with is 3D printing. Her passion for explaining complex concepts in simple terms and her knack for storytelling led her to be a writer. In her 7 years of experience, she has covered just about any topic under the sun. When she’s not carefully weighing her words, she’s reading, crafting, spinning, and adventuring. And when asked about herself, she writes in the third person.

BLADE 3.12.3 Released!

New material profiles

  • ONE.3 with PEX CU 0.6 mm
    • HI-TEMP
    • PETG
    • PLA
    • PLX
    • PRO HT
    • HI-TEMP CF
    • TPU
  • ONE.3 with PEX CU 1.0 mm
    • HI-TEMP
    • PETG
    • PLA
    • PLX
    • PRO HT
    • HI-TEMP CF
    • TPU
  • ONE.4 with PEX CU 0.6 mm
    • HI-TEMP
    • PETG
    • PLA
    • PLX
    • PRO HT
    • HI-TEMP CF
    • TPU
  • ONE.4 with PEX CU 1.0 mm
    • HI-TEMP
    • PETG
    • PLA
    • PLX
    • PRO HT
    • HI-TEMP CF
    • TPU
  • ONE.4 with PEX CU 2.0 mm
    • PLA

Improved material profiles

  • PRO.1 with ACE 1.0 mm
    • ASA
  • PRO.2 with ACE 0.6 mm
    • PLA
  • PRO.2 with ACE 1.0 mm
    • ASA

Software Changes

  • Only materials compatible with the current extruder are shown
  • Differentiation between SWITCHPLATE Prime and SWITCHPLATE Select

Meet the New ALTRA 280: The Ultimate High-Temp Industrial 3D Printer

The ALTRA 280, our latest offering, is a fast, reliable, massive, and highly automated high-temperature machine that prints large-scale complex production-quality parts.

Built to be the ultimate machine on the production floor, the ALTRA 280 is the answer for the most demanding applications for industries ranging from aerospace, military, and defense to automotive. It features top-of-the-line specs such as a fully enclosed high-temperature printing environment, up to four state-of-the-art DSX extruders, an open material system compatible with BigRep and third-party filaments, and a massive build volume making it a mighty production beast.

An Industrial Powerhouse from HAGE3D

HAGE3D, a company specializing in large-format high-temperature machines that are part of BigRep through a planned acquisition, originally built the ALTRA 280. The machine is well-known in the European region formerly as PRECISE. The planned acquisition extends our portfolio by offering a full spectrum of low-to-high-temperature 3D printers on a large-scale platform.

Get to know the BIGREP ALTRA 280

An Expansive Build Chamber

With dimensions of 500 mm x 700 mm x 800 mm and a build volume of 280 liters, the ALTRA 280 can produce intricate, full-fledged prototypes and end-use parts. Its welded frame, ball screws, and servo motors ensure industrial-grade accuracy and repeatability.

Large-scale 3D printing
High-temperature capabilities

High-Temperature Capabilities

The build chamber and print bed reach up to 180°C, allowing for the use of high-performance materials like ULTEM 9085 and PEEK. This capability enhances the mechanical properties, functionality, and dimensional stability of printed parts.

Reliable DSX Extruders

Equipped with up to four DSX (Direct Synchronized Extruders) extruders capable of printing at 450°C, the ALTRA 280 ensures uninterrupted productivity and complex prints with dual extruders and their respective backup options.

Up to four reliable DSX extruders
Fully automated quick start

Fully Automated Quick Start

The ALTRA 280 features automatic functions like print bed calibration and real-time remote monitoring, enabling users to start printing at the push of a button and ensuring continuous 24/7 operation.

Heated Vacuum Print Bed

The vacuum print bed with material-specific surfaces improves print success by ensuring secure adhesion and easy removal of prints, maintaining homogeneous temperature distribution for accurate and intricate parts.

Heated vacuum print bed
Even temperature distribution

Even Temperature Distribution

Consistent temperature control delivers excellent prints and high-performance parts, delamination, and inconsistencies which are common in other 3D printers.

Reinventing Industrial Workflows

Whether you're looking to build aerospace-grade parts, iterate functional prototypes, or produce robust tooling in-house, the ALTRA 280 offers unmatched precision, automation, speed, and versatility to take your factory floor to the next level.

1. Aerospace-Grade Parts
Print safe and robust parts that qualify in the aerospace industry with the ALTRA 280. This advanced 3D printer uses high-performance materials to produce strong, lightweight, and functional parts. Its exceptional precision, repeatability, and resolution enable innovation at every stage of the design and production process.


2. Functional Prototypes
Test and validate designs before final production. The machine's open-material system allows you to choose from a wide variety of filaments, ensuring accurate replication of the final product. This flexibility accelerates iteration, reduces fabrication costs, and speeds up time-to-market.

BMW Plant Commuter

3. Durable Tooling
Create cost-effective, rapid tooling for your factory, including jigs and fixtures. The high-temperature capabilities enable the in-house production of strong and geometrically complex tools. Bypass traditional manufacturing constraints and print-on-demand tools efficiently.


An Open Material System to Print All Filaments

BigRep Filaments

The ALTRA 280’s material system, like all BigRep machines, is open for innovation. This unlocks the flexibility to print with any compatible 3D print filament, whether BigRep’s or a third party’s, opening up new applications and possibilities.

The ALTRA 280 is fully compatible with BigRep’s filament portfolio including industrial-grade materials that cater to a range of needs, from cost-effective, general-use materials to specialized technical materials. These filaments are produced under carefully controlled conditions to ensure uniform diameter and consistent composition, guaranteeing reliable and even extrusion.

Compatible 3D Print Materials

PC (Polycarbonate)
Known for its high strength, impact resistance, & transparency, PC is ideal for robust, durable parts.

PC-ABS (Polycarbonate/acrylonitrile butadiene styrene)
Combines the strength & heat resistance of PC with the flexibility of ABS, predominantly used in automotive and electronic applications.

PC-FR (Flame Retardant Polycarbonate)
A flame-retardant variant of PC, perfect for applications that need to meet stringent fire safety standards.

PC-CF (Polycarbonate reinforced with Carbon Fiber)
Polycarbonate reinforced with carbon fibers offer superior stiffness and strength.

PA6, PA12 (Nylon)
Both materials are known for their toughness, chemical resistance, and durability, they are excellent for mechanical parts and functional prototypes.

PA6-CF, PA12-CF (Polyamide Reinforced by Carbon Fiber)
Nylon with carbon fiber reinforcement, providing superior strength and light-weight parts.

PA12-GF (Polyamide Reinforced by Glass Fiber)
Nylon reinforced with glass fibers delivers superior stiffness and dimensional stability.

A copolymer of nylon that combines the best properties of different nylons are perfect for a wide range of applications.

ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene)
A flame-retardant variant of PC, perfect for applications requiring stringent fire safety standards.

ASA (Acrylic Styrene Acrylonitrile)
Similar to ABS but with better UV resistance, ASA is great for outdoor applications.

Flame-retardant ABS for applications that demand fire safety.

Electrostatic discharge-safe ABS is used in electronics and sensitive equipment housings.

TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane)
A flexible and durable filament for parts requiring elasticity.

TPC (Thermoplastic Copolyester)
Known for its flexibility and chemical resistance, TPC is best used for textiles, packaging, electronics, and automotive applications.

PETG (Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol)
A durable, easy-to-print material with good chemical resistance.

PLA (Polylactic Acid)
A biodegradable, eco-friendly filament used for general-purpose printing.

HT-PETG (High-Temperature Polyethylene Glycol Terephthalate)
High-temperature PETG with enhanced heat resistance and durability.

PCTG (Poly Cyclohexylenedimethylene Terephthalate glycol-modified)
A modified version of PETG, offering improved impact and chemical resistance.

PP (Polypropylene)
Lightweight, flexible, and resistant to fatigue and chemicals, ideal for hinges and containers.

Polypropylene reinforced with glass fibers is known for superior strength and stiffness.

PEKK, PEEK (Polyether Ether Ketone)
High-performance materials guarantee exceptional mechanical properties and resistance to extreme temperatures and chemicals.

PPSU, PSU (Polysulfone)
High-performance thermoplastics with excellent chemical resistance and thermal stability.

PAEK (Polyaryletherketone)
Known for its mechanical strength and chemical resistance, it is suitable for high-stress applications.

A high-performance polymer with excellent thermal, chemical, and flame resistance.

The Ultimate High-Temperature 3D Printer

ALTRA280_Master Sequence.00_04_17_18.Still003

The ALTRA 280 is a high-performance industrial beast with a large build volume, high-temperature capabilities, unlimited material options, and features that deliver reliable results with every print.

The machine is everything at once – a blazing hot, large, fast, reliable 3D printer manufacturing complex production-quality parts without compromise.

The Ultimate High-Performance Machine.

The ALTRA 280 is a high-performance industrial powerhouse with an expansive build volume. It delivers unrivaled reliability with up to 4 state-of-the-art extruders. The high-temperature capabilities enable peak-level 3D printing for demanding applications from aerospace to defense to automotive industries. The ALTRA 280 is everything at once – a large, fast, reliable, high-temp industrial machine. It delivers complex production-quality parts without compromise.

Explore the ALTRA 280

The Ultimate High-Performance Machine.

The ALTRA 280 is a high-performance industrial powerhouse with an expansive build volume. It delivers unrivaled reliability with up to 4 state-of-the-art extruders. The high-temperature capabilities enable peak-level 3D printing for demanding applications from aerospace to defense to automotive industries. The ALTRA 280 is everything at once – a large, fast, reliable, high-temp industrial machine. It delivers complex production-quality parts without compromise.

Explore the ALTRA 280

About the author:

Natasha Mathew <a style="color: #0077b5" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a>

Natasha Mathew


Natasha Mathew enjoys trying new things and one of them she’s currently obsessed with is 3D printing. Her passion for explaining complex concepts in simple terms and her knack for storytelling led her to be a writer. In her 7 years of experience, she has covered just about any topic under the sun. When she’s not carefully weighing her words, she’s reading, crafting, spinning, and adventuring. And when asked about herself, she writes in the third person.

3D Printed Chandelier, The Hedron, Outshines Conventional Ceiling Lights

Ben Mickus, an award-winning designer and practicing architect, designed and 3D printed “Hedron,” a pendant that’s light years ahead of modern chandeliers.

Design inspired by geometry in nature. Dreamy ethereal glow. Timeless gradient aesthetic. These are some images that Ben Mickus’ 3D printed Hedron pendant light conjures to the mind. The chandelier balances intricacy with playfulness, inviting you to step into an elegant space that celebrates futuristic design powered by a conscious fabrication choice.

Ben Mickus founded Mickus Projects, a 15-year-old multi-disciplinary design studio specializing in furniture, lighting, architecture, and design strategy. He honed his design skills working on large-scale cultural projects at the prestigious architecture firm, Diller Scofidio + Renfro in New York.

Over the years, Mickus Projects has engaged in a variety of research-driven prototype projects, spanning furniture, architecture, and lighting. The design studio's latest endeavor in the interior lighting space with the Hedron delved into 3D printing with bioplastics.

C:\Users\n.mathew\OneDrive - BigRep GmbH\Desktop\Ben Mickus' Hedron printed with a BigRep
Photographed by Ryan Gobuty.

The Genesis of Hedron

Inspired by the geometric design of polyhedrons, Ben created the Hedron with a twist that fools the eye. One can look into and through it without actually seeing the light source inside. This geometrical trick makes the Hedron look like it’s glowing from within. Produced with translucent BigRep PLX, the printed walls are thinner at the edges and are angled precisely so the light bounces twice, creating a light-to-dark ambient glow. Almost magically, the light displays no glare and is shadow-free.

"The idea for this fixture started with the shape of a polyhedron, a multi-faceted, three-dimensional object, which has a really interesting form that naturally takes on a curve. Like a turtle shell, or an insect eye, or a soccer ball, all these things are based on polyhedrons where the curve changes between hexagons and pentagons," Ben explained.

close up of the hedron 3d printed chandelier with a bigrep printer designed by ben mickus
Photographed by Ryan Gobuty.

Through parametric modeling, he was able to meticulously iterate and adjust the angles of each surface to achieve the perfect result.

“I modeled the Hedron parametrically so that the angle of all surfaces could be very carefully and precisely controlled so that you can't see the light bulb, no matter which way you look at the fixture.”

3D Printing Illuminates the Path

Ben's prototype was successfully brought to life using BigRep's large-scale 3D printer – the  STUDIO. The choice of PLX, a bioplastic known for its bioplastic nature and surface quality, was a deliberate one.

“The superior surface quality achieved by BigRep's PLX was the best part. And it's the only filament that doesn't use petroleum products, which was a really big plus for me.”

Close up of the hedron 3d printed chandelier on a bridge with a bigrep printer designed by Ben Mickus
Photographed by Ryan Gobuty.

The printing process presented its own set of challenges, particularly in achieving a single-part print with striated texture and complex form. The large build volume of the BigRep STUDIO was crucial to produce the 18"W X 12"H intricate design in full-scale, while also allowing experimentation with different materials before the final choice of PLX. Inspired by various post-processing methods, Ben experimented by coating the fixture in a ceramic-based sealant to achieve a matte appearance.

Design Elevated by Functionality

Hedron's design is not only aesthetically pleasing but is also highly utilitarian. It is designed to hang from a concealed inner bracket inside the stem. The fixture can be easily attached and detached without the need for fasteners, glue, or additional hardware. Ben explained, "The entire shade is just lifted up, rotated 60 degrees, and then it slips out from kind of a three-point slot in the top of the fixture." This custom component is an excellent example of how Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM) can consolidate components for better products requiring less assembly.

Ben Mickus' Hedron chandelier 3d printed with a BigRep
Photographed by Ryan Gobuty.

A Bright Future Ahead

The Hedron will be showcased at the Light Design Expo in San Francisco on June 20th, which is sponsored by the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES). The event will be a platform for Ben to get a pulse of the industry, which he hopes will help in moving the Hedron towards mass production.

He is optimistic about the fixture's potential and looks forward to its reception. Keep an eye out for his futuristic Hedron at the Light Design Expo and beyond.

Ben Mickus' Hedron chandelier printed with a BigRep outdoors.
Photographed by Ryan Gobuty.

Want to Learn More about 3D Printing Bespoke Furniture?

Download the eBook, RH-Engineering & manoFigura 3D Print Luxury Furniture.

Find out how RH-Engineering and manoFigura design and create custom furnishings. Deep dive into their breakthrough product, the Magna Patero Ortus – a 3D-printed end-use sink.

Read this additive manufacturing case study to learn:

  • How businesses are manufacturing custom products with 3D printing
  • Why additive manufacturing is the perfect solution for custom and low-volume production
  • How large-format 3D printers unlock creativity and opportunity
  • Unique post-processing systems for end-use products


About the author:

Natasha Mathew <a style="color: #0077b5" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a>

Natasha Mathew


Natasha Mathew enjoys trying new things and one of them she’s currently obsessed with is 3D printing. Her passion for explaining complex concepts in simple terms and her knack for storytelling led her to be a writer. In her 7 years of experience, she has covered just about any topic under the sun. When she’s not carefully weighing her words, she’s reading, crafting, spinning, and adventuring. And when asked about herself, she writes in the third person.

3D Printing in Education: The BigRep STUDIO Takes Learning Out of the Box

The BigRep STUDIO for Universities

Integrate 3D printing in education with the BigRep STUDIO, a large-scale machine that sets students and researchers up for success with its state-of-the-art technology trusted by industry leaders.

3D printing is rooted in hands-on learning, a pedagogical tool for ambitious students and researchers to take them from concepts to physical models, preparing them for real-world success. The technology is widely used to ensure promising research outcomes through high-accuracy parts in a wide range of materials for studies ranging from engineering to art and design. While most entry-level 3D printers in the market comfortably fit on a desk, the unrestricted freedom to explore new ideas manyfold as the build volume gets BIGger.

Built with a generous build volume of 1000 x 500 x 500 mm, the BigRep STUDIO is 10 times that of a standard desktop 3D printer. It is a massive, reliable, and education-ready 3D printer built to graduate students from desktop learning to a professional industrial-grade machine. Many leading universities around the world house the STUDIO and discover applications across almost all academic and research disciplines.

Join the Ranks of Top Universities by Integrating Large-Scale 3D Printing into Your Curriculum



A Generous Build Volume

A 1000 x 500 x 500 mm build chamber for students and researchers to explore and test their ideas in full-scale.

BigRep STUDIO - Large build volume

A Safe, Fully Enclosed Build Chamber

The temperature-controlled build envelope for consistent prints and safe access to the print bed.

Open Material Platform

Freedom to print with compatible 3rd party materials including carbon-fiber-reinforced plastics enabling the widest variety of applications in any academic field.

BigRep Filaments
BigRep STUDIO Dual Extruder

Uninterrupted Productivity

The STUDIO allows for around-the-clock non-stop printing so students can schedule print projects back-to-back and experiment efficiently even during the busiest periods.

Training and eLearning Platform

Students have complete access to online courses on the BigRep ACADEMY and in-person training from fundamentals to expert-level in 3D printing.

BigRep Academy eLearning Platform

Space Conscious Machine Design

Built with a sleek body, the STUDIO is at home in any workspace. The machine runs on a convenient standard electrical outlet and has relatively low power consumption.

Intuitive 3D Print Software

Easy-to-use cutting-edge software suite gives students complete control over the print process, from design to print monitoring: BLADE, FLOW, and CONNECT.


Large-Format 3D Printing Applications Across Different Academic Fields

The natural intersection between the STUDIO and education lies in the shared focus on large-scale experimentation, critical thinking, and creativity. The 3D printer imparts practical learning by being a testbed for experimentation, prototypes, physical models, and real-world applications.

The most common educational fields that benefit from the STUDIO’s large-scale capabilities are:

1. Engineering

The significant advantage of the STUDIO for engineering and advanced manufacturing students is its ability to effortlessly print large parts with complex geometries. Designs that would be challenging or even impossible to build with traditional manufacturing methods are second nature for the 3D printer.

Engineering students can quickly test, iterate, and refine their ideas and experiment with different filaments thanks to the open material system. They can gain insight into how material properties influence design and how manufacturing processes impact the final product. This experiential learning helps students develop an intuitive understanding of materials science and manufacturing principles, equipping them with valuable skills for their future careers.

Here are some of the use cases of Universities employing BigRep 3D printing systems in their research labs.

Helmut Schmidt University's Eleven-O-Six Racing Team 3D printed the steering wheel, entire bodywork, and a nose cone prototype.
Helmut Schmidt University's Eleven-O-Six Racing Team 3D printed the steering wheel, entire bodywork, and a nose cone prototype.
  • High-performance car production process
    Eleven-O-Six Racing Team, a motorsport team at Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg, Germany uses a BigRep 3D printer to see what it could bring to their high-performance car production process.

    Prof. Dr.-Ing Jens Wulfsberg, the Chair of Production Engineering (LaFT) and leader of the project underlines a key advantage of their BigRep 3D printer:

"Using a BigRep 3D printer is a fast solution to produce a fast car because we have short cycles for optimizing the parts. In every iteration cycle, the car is better, and faster. This is one of the direct consequences of using the machine."

  • Rapid prototypes
    Dr. Mario Oertel and his team at the advanced hydraulics engineering lab at Helmut Schmidt University are transforming weir designs with BigRep 3D printing systems.
  • End-use parts
    Aalborg University Engineers 3D printed a functional bicycle frame in one go.
At Aalborg university, a fully functional bicycle frame was 3D printed, thanks to the BigRep 3D printer's large build volume.
At Aalborg university, a fully functional bicycle frame was 3D printed, thanks to the BigRep 3D printer's large build volume.
  • Aerospace engineering
    Aix-Marseille Université, one of the largest universities in France, developed a unique accredited degree program in aerospace engineering with BigRep 3D printing systems.
Mixed Reality Aerospace Program
Using their BigRep 3D printer, Aix-Marseille’s technical aeronautical training school, POLYAERO introduced 3D printed mockup parts for an ideal training solution.

2. Sciences

Thanks to the large-build volume, the STUDIO can create anatomically accurate representations for biology and medicine students ensuring a realistic and immersive learning experience. The 3D printer can play a crucial role in medical device development, allowing researchers to prototype and test cutting-edge healthcare solutions.

The other area that additive manufacturing contributes significantly is in the visualization of concepts. Beyond healthcare and biology, they support environmental studies and geoscience research by creating models for studying ecosystems, geological formations, and natural phenomena.

The STUDIO can easily create complex components and prototypes for advanced physics research projects tailored to specific objectives. Students can experience experimental design, data collection, and analysis. Be it fabricating models that are tested by being subjected to natural forces, or designing innovative sensors, students can leverage the capabilities of FFF 3D printing to push the boundaries of scientific exploration and discovery.

The 3D-printed rotor blades at TU Berlin designed by  Jörg Alber, and Laurin Assfalg with a BigRep machine.
The 3D-printed rotor blades at TU Berlin designed by Jörg Alber, and Laurin Assfalg with a BigRep machine.

TU Berlin’s Ph.D. student, Jörg Alber, and Master’s student, Laurin Assfalg, 3D printed a wind turbine rotor blade to experiment, evaluate, and improve its performance. By creating and optimizing rotor blades on a smaller scale with BigRep’s 3D printer, they could explore different infills, shapes, and materials and test them against simulated real-world conditions.

Laurin Assfalg:

"3d printing was a compelling option to produce the rotor blades as it can create complex forms and enhance performance. The idea was to come up with the science that can somehow be used for big rotor blades too."

3. Art

In art and design education, the STUDIO empowers aspiring artists with the freedom and practical skills needed to breathe life into their creative visions. Students can explore new techniques and experiment with materials, overcoming the limitations of traditional art mediums. Some of the areas where the 3D printers give the students a leg-up are with props and special effects, fine art creation, sculptures, installations, and art preservation.

The machine’s high level of precision helps students create intricate artwork, allowing them to delve into digital fabrication techniques and integrate technology into mixed-media art projects. Welly Fletcher, an Assistant Professor of Sculpture in the Department of Art at the University of New Mexico, built a bridge to prehistoric cave art with a massive 3D printed mixed-media lion-like figure with a BigRep printer.

Welly Fletcher’s sculpture ‘Trans Time’, an abstract depiction of a lion-like animal printed using a large-format BigRep 3D printer.
Welly Fletcher’s sculpture ‘Trans Time’, an abstract depiction of a lion-like animal printed using a large-format BigRep 3D printer.

4. Architecture and Construction

Studying architecture and construction at a university with access to a large-scale FFF 3D printer offers students the opportunity to prototype their designs at scale. This helps with a detailed analysis of spatial relationships, structural integrity, and design aesthetics of the building. The physical model can be quickly iterated to find the perfect solution to architectural challenges.

From complex architectural features to intricate building elements, integrating a STUDIO in the process fosters interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation. Architecture and construction students can collaborate on projects that combine architectural principles with engineering expertise.

The elaborate, contemporary “Ancora Villa” printed on a BigRep printer, is a complex architectural design with a fragile overall structure and many highly intricate details.

BigRep 3D Printed an elaborate architectural model, Villa Ancora, in 1:50 scale in just 5 days.
BigRep 3D Printed an elaborate architectural model, Villa Ancora, in 1:50 scale in just 5 days.

5. Archaeology and Paleontology

FFF 3D printing can turn back time by recreating lifeforms that have gone extinct and artifacts that have been damaged or lost forever. The physical models are profoundly engaging, offering an unparalleled experience by allowing students to learn about the past by holding it in their hands. Creating singular pieces of small to large scale parts comes easy for the STUDIO and students have a wide variety of materials to choose from. Post-processing techniques like painting and wrapping the part ensure a more realistic representation.

CDM STUDIOS in Australia 3D was commissioned to create sculptures and models of dinosaurs and extinct sharks on short notice. With a BigRep 3D printer, they were able to accurately recreate 110 models in just 9 months.

A shark model 3D printed on a BigRep 3D printer by CDM:Studio.
A shark model 3D printed on a BigRep 3D printer by CDM:Studio.

6. Product Design

The iterative nature of 3D printing allows students to test and refine their ideas, gaining valuable insights into form, function, and manufacturability. By experiencing the entire design cycle—from concept development to prototyping—students develop critical problem-solving skills and design thinking methodologies.

The STUDIO enables the intersection of design, engineering, and materials science by collaborating with peers from diverse backgrounds to tackle complex design challenges. Through this collaborative approach, students gain a deeper understanding of the multifaceted nature of product design and develop the ability to integrate technical, aesthetic, and user-centered considerations into their designs.


Next-Gen AM Technology for Next-Gen Graduates

The STUDIO provides a solution for educational institutions that’s equal parts reliable and open for experimentation, engineered with state-of-the-art technology trusted by industry leaders. The 3D printer ensures successful research outcomes by printing high-accuracy parts with an open material platform rooted in a user-friendly, professional-grade full-solution AM eco-system.

In today's competitive job market, hands-on experience with professional 3D printers provides students with a valuable edge, offering a tangible representation of their ideas and enhancing the learning process. Prepare students for the real world and set them up for successful careers in any field, all within an accessible price range and unlimited experimental opportunities.


Want to learn more about how Universities are upgrading education with 3D printing?

Register to watch the on-demand webinar, Inspire Students and Innovate Faster.

In this webinar, we discuss with some of the top universities, the projects and research they’ve conducted using large-scale 3D printing. 


  • 3D printers support scientists and students conducting research in universities 
  • AM is crucial in fast-paced experimentation and rapid iteration 
  • To unleash creativity through AM technologies 
  • 3D printers are an ideal tool in educational institutions to test new ideas. 



The BigRep STUDIO G2 gets 3D printing off your desk and takes it to the next level. Operating with the same ease as a desktop 3D printer and with 10 times the build volume, the STUDIO G2 provides large-scale industrial manufacturing capabilities in a compact “fits everywhere” build.

Explore the STUDIO


The BigRep STUDIO G2 gets 3D printing off your desk and takes it to the next level. Operating with the same ease as a desktop 3D printer and with 10 times the build volume, the STUDIO G2 provides large-scale industrial manufacturing capabilities in a compact “fits everywhere” build.

Explore the STUDIO

About the author:

Natasha Mathew <a style="color: #0077b5" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a>

Natasha Mathew


Natasha Mathew enjoys trying new things and one of them she’s currently obsessed with is 3D printing. Her passion for explaining complex concepts in simple terms and her knack for storytelling led her to be a writer. In her 7 years of experience, she has covered just about any topic under the sun. When she’s not carefully weighing her words, she’s reading, crafting, spinning, and adventuring. And when asked about herself, she writes in the third person.

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