WE ARE BIGREP We are Bigrep We believe it is time to change how we produce things. We want to make the world of manufacturing more individual, creative, and affordable. Founded in 2014, BigRep set sail to transform and scale up the 3D printing industry. First launching the BigRep ONE, an industrial 3D printer with one cubic meter build volume, BigRep established itself as a dedicated leader in large-format additive manufacturing solutions. Since then, the portfolio expanded to include a range of solutions like the compact and versatile BigRep STUDIO, the industrial and productive BigRep PRO, and two high-performance machines, the BigRep ALTRA 280 and IPSO 105. From prototypes to tooling, molds, and functional parts, we enable our customers to envision a world of possibilities. BigRep is committed to a lifetime partnership so our customers have everything they need to succeed including quality materials for parts that perform, intelligent software for productivity, expert service to maximize performance, and reliable and easy-to-use industrial 3D printers. THE BIGREP MANAGEMENT TEAM ThomasJanics-Jakomini CEO(Chief Executive Officer)BigRep SE & Managing Director BigRep GmbH & HAGE3D REINHARDFESTAG CFO(Chief Financial Officer)BigRep SE & Managing DirectorBigRep GmbH & HAGE3D NicoWachshofer CSO(Chief Service Officer) StephanZiegler CDO(Chief Digital Officer) JeffOlson President & DirectorBusiness DevelopmentBigRep Americas Inc. COMPANY NEWS All AllCompany NewsAusstellungenVom Web BigRep feiert den erfolgreichen Börsengang in Frankfurt Juli 31, 2024 Mit einem feierlichen Glockenläuten eröffnete die BigRep SE den Handelstag an der Frankfurter Börse und ging damit offiziell unter dem Tickersymbol B1GR an den regulären Aktienmarkt. BigRep heizt mit der Übernahme von HAGE3D den 3D-Druck-Markt an November 7, 2023 BigRep übernimmt die HAGE3D GmbH und baut damit seine Führungsposition in der großformatigen, offenen additiven Fertigung aus. SFM Technology stellt weltweit erste Halterung für Hubschrauber-Rotorblätter im 3D-Druck her März 24, 2023 Vor die Aufgabe gestellt, Halterungen für ein sicheres Verladen von Hubschraubern zu entwickeln, war der BigRep PRO für SFM Technology die erste Wahl. 1 2 3 … 5 Weiter » redefining additive Our growing interdisciplinary team consists of two-third engineers and technical staff. From mechanical engineers to software developers to industrial designers, electronics engineers to chemists and business experts, the whole team is involved in providing advanced large-scale 3D printing experiences. JOIN OUR TEAM BigRep Investors BigRep’s global efforts are supported by a group of highly reputable technology innovators. With an array of valuable experience in 3D printing and product development, they lead the way in our mission to redefine additive. More Information