Staging-BigRep Industrial 3D Printers

How RH-Engineering & manoFigura 3D Print Luxury Furniture


How RH-Engineering & manoFigura 3D Print Luxury Furniture

Learn how RH-Engineering and manoFigura use large-format 3D printing to manufacture end-use luxury furniture.

With 3D printing and artisan finishing techniques, René Helmreich and Enrico Klemmer create 100% custom furnishings that create a personalized ambiance in a room. The two have partnered their respective businesses and skills for a truly unique, and highly efficient, manufacturing process. In just four months of operation the team has already gained a foothold in their industry, having sold several products that were rapidly manufactured by their BigRep 3D printer. Find out how RH-Engineering and manoFigura design and create custom furnishings, and to see their breakthrough product, the Magna Patero Ortus – a 3D printed end-use sink.

Read this additive manufacturing case study to learn…

  • How businesses are manufacturing custom products with 3D printing
  • Why additive manufacturing is the perfect solution for custom and small yield production
  • How large-format 3D printers unlock creativity and opportunity
  • Unique post-processing systems for end-use products

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