Staging-BigRep Industrial 3D Printers


Learn Industrial Design for
Additive Manufacturing (DfAM) Methods


Watch Additive Manufacturing (AM) experts Frank Marangell and Forbes 30 under 30 Italy recipient Macro Mattia Cristofori as they discuss, and teach, Design for Additive Manufacturing in industrial applications. Learn how to design products for large-format AM’s unique qualities from a renowned designer, how to take advantage of newly accessible engineering-grade materials and minimize post-processing.

Demonstrating with real-world examples of large-format designs created by BigRep and its partners, see the unique product-capabilities that designers can take advantage of with AM in large-format on an industrial scale.


Register for the webinar to discover :

  • The difference between printing in desktop and large scale
  • How to reduce post-processing and maximize aesthetic output
  • Strategies to save material and minimize supports
  • Tips for large-format slicing, infill, pattern and wall-thickness

Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions – otherwise, see you in the webinar!


Berlin • Boston • Singapore


Title: Learn Industrial Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM) Methods
Duration: 52 minutes
HostS: Frank Marangell, President of BigRep America Inc. and EVP of Global Sales and Marco Mattia Cristofori, BigRep Product Owner Engineered Solutions:

Frank Marangell is the President of BigRep America Inc. and Chief Business Officer for BigRep GmbH, a global leader of large-scale 3D printers. Marangell manages all U.S. operations for the German-based company, in addition to his role on the executive team where he leads global sales in North America, Europe and Asia.

Marco Mattia Cristofori is a renowned designer of high-profile AM projects and BigRep’s product owner of engineered solutions. A prominent designer in BigRep’s internationally lauded NOWLAB innovation consultancy, Cristofori was recognized by Forbes 30 under 30, 2019 for his excellence in design for additive manufacturing, demonstrated in his work on AM innovations like the NERA e-Bike, Airless Tires, and LOCI Podcar.

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You can’t afford to miss this one.

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