In Memoriam


1971 - 2019


1971 - 2019


It is with deep regret that we must relay of the passing of René Gurka, BigRep’s founder and former CEO.

René was a true visionary – full of excitement, warmth, quick-witted humor and charisma. He inspired everyone around him to achieve the unimaginable and was a leader who we at BigRep were infinitely fortunate to have.

Born in 1971 in the North Germany town of Varel (Friesland), he grew up in Wickede an der Ruhr. Later, he studied business law in Osnabrück before settling in Berlin. René was an energetic entrepreneur and imaginative creator. He brought his incredible energy to global leadership positions as Managing Director of the German American Chamber of Commerce in San Francisco, California and of Berlin Partner GmbH, promoting the city as a leading hub for business and technology around the world.

René energized BigRep as a global brand from its foundation. He brought his personality and global thinking to the company’s core. René’s spirit lives on at BigRep where his limitless energy continues to fuel the daily lives of everyone there.

We cannot imagine what BigRep and all our daily lives would look like without René’s influence on the company and its employees. There are no words that can properly convey the incredible impact and inspiration that René had on the spaces he lived his life and his lasting influence on those around the world who were blessed to know him and remain dedicated to his ideas.

Our thoughts are with René’s family.
We are committed to fulfilling his vision for BigRep.

In tiefer Trauer und mit großem Bedauern müssen wir leider mitteilen, dass Herr René Gurka, der Gründer der BigRep GmbH und ihr früherer CEO, nach langer Krankheit verstorben ist.

René Gurka war ein echter Visionär – charismatisch und begeisterungsfähig; ein Schnelldenker mit unglaublich scharfem Verstand und zugleich warmherzig. Für alle, die ihn erlebten und mit ihm zusammenarbeiteten, war er eine Quelle der Inspiration: Wir alle bei BigRep schätzen uns glücklich ihn gekannt zu haben.

René Gurka wurde 1971 im norddeutschen Varel / Friesland geboren und wuchs in Wickede an der Ruhr auf. Später studierte er Wirtschaftsrecht in Osnabrück und ging dann nach Berlin. René war ein ungemein dynamischer Unternehmer, ein ideenreicher, kreativ Schaffender. Er brachte seine unglaubliche, ansteckende Energie in internationale Führungspositionen ein; zunächst als Managing Director der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Handelskammer in San Francisco und schließlich als Geschäftsführer der Berlin Partner GmbH. Hier vermarktete er Berlin rund um die Welt als attraktiven Wirtschafts- und Technologiestandort.

Als Gründer der BigRep GmbH richtete er das Unternehmen vom ersten Tag an gezielt als globale Marke aus und hat mit seiner Persönlichkeit und seiner weltläufigen Zugewandtheit die Unternehmenskultur bis heutegeprägt. Seine schier unbegrenzte Energie motiviert uns alle bei BigRep auch jetzt noch.

Es ist für uns kaum vorstellbar, wie BigRep und unser Arbeitsleben ohne die unternehmerische Prägung von René Gurka und seine Wirkung auf die Mitarbeiter/innen heute aussähe: Den enormen Einfluss und die Inspiration, die René Gurka in seinem Leben auszeichnete; die Art, wie er alle, die das Glück hatten, ihn kennen zu dürfen, nachhaltig prägte, so dass sie bis heute seinen Gedanken verpflichtet sind – all das lässt sich nicht in Worte fassen.

Unsere Gedanken sind bei der Familie von René Gurka.

Die große BigRep-Familie, wir alle, wollen auch künftig seine Vision für BigRep verwirklichen.

It is with deep regret that we must relay of the passing of René Gurka, BigRep’s founder and former CEO.

René was a true visionary – full of excitement, warmth, quick-witted humor and charisma. He inspired everyone around him to achieve the unimaginable and was a leader who we at BigRep were infinitely fortunate to have.

Born in 1971 in the North Germany town of Varel (Friesland), he grew up in Wickede an der Ruhr. Later, he studied business law in Osnabrück before settling in Berlin. René was an energetic entrepreneur and imaginative creator. He brought his incredible energy to global leadership positions as Managing Director of the German American Chamber of Commerce in San Francisco, California and of Berlin Partner GmbH, promoting the city as a leading hub for business and technology around the world.

René energized BigRep as a global brand from its foundation. He brought his personality and global thinking to the company’s core. René’s spirit lives on at BigRep where his limitless energy continues to fuel the daily lives of everyone there.

We cannot imagine what BigRep and all our daily lives would look like without René’s influence on the company and its employees. There are no words that can properly convey the incredible impact and inspiration that René had on the spaces he lived his life and his lasting influence on those around the world who were blessed to know him and remain dedicated to his ideas.

Our thoughts are with René’s family.
We are committed to fulfilling his vision for BigRep.

In tiefer Trauer und mit großem Bedauern müssen wir leider mitteilen, dass Herr René Gurka, der Gründer der BigRep GmbH und ihr früherer CEO, nach langer Krankheit verstorben ist.

René Gurka war ein echter Visionär – charismatisch und begeisterungsfähig; ein Schnelldenker mit unglaublich scharfem Verstand und zugleich warmherzig. Für alle, die ihn erlebten und mit ihm zusammenarbeiteten, war er eine Quelle der Inspiration: Wir alle bei BigRep schätzen uns glücklich ihn gekannt zu haben.

René Gurka wurde 1971 im norddeutschen Varel / Friesland geboren und wuchs in Wickede an der Ruhr auf. Später studierte er Wirtschaftsrecht in Osnabrück und ging dann nach Berlin. René war ein ungemein dynamischer Unternehmer, ein ideenreicher, kreativ Schaffender. Er brachte seine unglaubliche, ansteckende Energie in internationale Führungspositionen ein; zunächst als Managing Director der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Handelskammer in San Francisco und schließlich als Geschäftsführer der Berlin Partner GmbH. Hier vermarktete er Berlin rund um die Welt als attraktiven Wirtschafts- und Technologiestandort.

Als Gründer der BigRep GmbH richtete er das Unternehmen vom ersten Tag an gezielt als globale Marke aus und hat mit seiner Persönlichkeit und seiner weltläufigen Zugewandtheit die Unternehmenskultur bis heutegeprägt. Seine schier unbegrenzte Energie motiviert uns alle bei BigRep auch jetzt noch.

Es ist für uns kaum vorstellbar, wie BigRep und unser Arbeitsleben ohne die unternehmerische Prägung von René Gurka und seine Wirkung auf die Mitarbeiter/innen heute aussähe: Den enormen Einfluss und die Inspiration, die René Gurka in seinem Leben auszeichnete; die Art, wie er alle, die das Glück hatten, ihn kennen zu dürfen, nachhaltig prägte, so dass sie bis heute seinen Gedanken verpflichtet sind – all das lässt sich nicht in Worte fassen.

Unsere Gedanken sind bei der Familie von René Gurka.

Die große BigRep-Familie, wir alle, wollen auch künftig seine Vision für BigRep verwirklichen.


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72 entries.
Mirco I. Richardson wrote on August 9, 2019 at 10:51 am
Never will forget lunch with him alone at the SOHO in Summer 2014, after meeting the "first" time in Spring 2014. He walked in being greeted by everyone and to me it felt like: "Wow, was there ever anyone in Berlin who did NOT know him". He had a smile on his face the whole time. He was a born mover & shaker in every positive sense of the word. And it was there, as we were talking, that we realized by coincidence that we were part of the same event with dignitaries from Qatar 4 years earlier ; he was the morning show and I the afternoon show. We had basically missed each other by 2 or 3 minutes. Looking back, it would have been great if these 2 or 3 minutes hadn't separated us, 'cause talking with René was always enriching. RIP
Varun wrote on August 9, 2019 at 10:35 am
I didn't know Rene, but I know his amazing work, Rest in Peace Sir.
Mathieu wrote on August 9, 2019 at 5:30 am
From to the all unu team, we are addressing our sincere condolences. Rene was a charismatic and enthusiastic entrepreneur, we will miss him.
南极熊 wrote on August 9, 2019 at 3:53 am
我们是南极熊3D打印网,一直也报道了很多BigRep和René的新闻。我们一直也对你们所取得的成就表示称赞。 创业做3D打印不容易,健康地发展下去也不容易,且行且珍惜! 我们一起继续奋力前行!
Nico Wachshofer wrote on August 8, 2019 at 11:24 am
When I first met you in 2014, and you integrated me into your vision, I was immediately inspired and captivated by your unique nature and the way of thinking. With your open, positive and hearty nature, you were always a great inspiration for me. Your positive way of thinking influences me since then. BigRep and I will miss you so much. ? In these hard times I wish your family much strength. RIP Rene
Sarah wrote on August 8, 2019 at 9:27 am
Lieber Rene, ich bin sehr dankbar, dass ich so viel wertvolle Zeit mit Dir verbringen durfte. Du warst mein Kollege, mein Chef, ein wichtiges Vorbild und ein guter Freund. Dein visionärer, gelassener, ganz besonderer Blick auf die Welt hat mich stets inspiriert, Deine unglaubliche Loyalität und treue haben mich begeistert und berührt. Ich kenne keinen Menschen, der so inspirierend und gleichzeitig warmherzig und loyal ist wie Du es immer gewesen bist. Lieber Rene, ich danke Dir, dass Du mein Leben so bereichert hast. Ich vermisse Dich. Deine Sarah
Marco de Visser wrote on August 8, 2019 at 8:03 am
Although we met only briefly, we still remember Rene very well. On behalf of our company, I would like to express our sincere condolences to Renè’s family, friends and colleagues who has suffered such a huge loss. Thanks for inspiring the world of 3D printing with your contributions, may it contribute to a healthy future of the industry! Blessings from The Netherlands.
Jan Vandewalle wrote on August 8, 2019 at 7:59 am
RIP Mr Gurka, never met you, heard a lot of great things about you. Our thoughts go the family, friends and everybody at BigRep.
Qiutiangum wrote on August 8, 2019 at 7:09 am
Sorrow! Although I don't know Rere kurka, although he left, but as the founder of a 3D printer, he will slowly guard the side of us to transfer 3D printing to every family.
Kamill Wolny wrote on August 8, 2019 at 6:57 am
Lieber Rene, vielen Dank für Alles was du der AM-Welt und auch mir persönlich gegeben hast. Es war toll, dich kennengelernt zu haben. Meine Gedanken gehen jetzt vor allem an deine Familie und an die AM-Freunde von BigRep. Haltet sein Werk in Ehren. Ruhe in Frieden.
Edward Borg wrote on August 8, 2019 at 5:23 am
From all the team and friends at Magigoo we would like to express our deepest sympathies and extend condolences to his family and his second family at BigRep. He will be truly missed.
Benedikt Kronberger wrote on August 7, 2019 at 10:28 pm
I would like to express my sincere condolences to Renè’s family who has suffered such a huge loss. You left us much too early, we will terribly miss you.
Gilad Bet-Halevi wrote on August 7, 2019 at 7:29 pm
RIP friend you will be missed,
Fabian Grupp wrote on August 7, 2019 at 4:07 pm
Every interaction we had was positive. I will remember him.
Deepak Mehta wrote on August 7, 2019 at 3:49 pm
Rene's drive behind BigRep was inspiring from the very first moment I saw the BigRep and decided to get one in Antwerp... The rocky years to develop the applications for large scale 3dprinting in a time when small scale 3dprinting was just getting off the ground and his firm belief in the company was amazing and inspiring... He will be sorely missed!
Natascha Beaufrère wrote on August 7, 2019 at 1:17 pm
I met René 4 years ago when I started working at BigRep. He was so full of live, charismatic, funny and a true visionary that inspired all the people around him. My deepest sympathies are with his family and friends in this difficult time. He will be sorely missed.
Michael Renninger wrote on August 7, 2019 at 1:07 pm
Rene was my first boss at the German American Chamber of Commerce in Atlanta, GA. We had a great time together! He was extremely positive, enthusiastic, inspiring and had a phenomenal humour. The world has lost a charming tumbler with great natural leadership skills! You will be deeply missed by many people Rene! My thoughts are with his closest friends and family. Michael
Frieda Gripp wrote on August 7, 2019 at 12:15 pm
Dear René, I thank the universe to have meet you! You truly have been a rare example of human being. Your deep, sincere human love - which always was felt in your presence - was overwhelming. I wish you a beautiful After Life - perhaps you will manage to establish a connection between this world and the hereafter - I'm sure you could make it ! Until then – See you! ❤
Jeroen Paulussen wrote on August 7, 2019 at 11:50 am
From everybody at Trideus, we wish to express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of René, as well as everybody at the BigRep family, in these difficult times.
Arthur Kraft wrote on August 7, 2019 at 10:47 am
Lieber René, deine positive Einstellung hat angesteckt und wird noch lange nachhallen. Danke, dass ich dich kennenlernen durfte.

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