In Memoriam


1971 - 2019


1971 - 2019


It is with deep regret that we must relay of the passing of René Gurka, BigRep’s founder and former CEO.

René was a true visionary – full of excitement, warmth, quick-witted humor and charisma. He inspired everyone around him to achieve the unimaginable and was a leader who we at BigRep were infinitely fortunate to have.

Born in 1971 in the North Germany town of Varel (Friesland), he grew up in Wickede an der Ruhr. Later, he studied business law in Osnabrück before settling in Berlin. René was an energetic entrepreneur and imaginative creator. He brought his incredible energy to global leadership positions as Managing Director of the German American Chamber of Commerce in San Francisco, California and of Berlin Partner GmbH, promoting the city as a leading hub for business and technology around the world.

René energized BigRep as a global brand from its foundation. He brought his personality and global thinking to the company’s core. René’s spirit lives on at BigRep where his limitless energy continues to fuel the daily lives of everyone there.

We cannot imagine what BigRep and all our daily lives would look like without René’s influence on the company and its employees. There are no words that can properly convey the incredible impact and inspiration that René had on the spaces he lived his life and his lasting influence on those around the world who were blessed to know him and remain dedicated to his ideas.

Our thoughts are with René’s family.
We are committed to fulfilling his vision for BigRep.

In tiefer Trauer und mit großem Bedauern müssen wir leider mitteilen, dass Herr René Gurka, der Gründer der BigRep GmbH und ihr früherer CEO, nach langer Krankheit verstorben ist.

René Gurka war ein echter Visionär – charismatisch und begeisterungsfähig; ein Schnelldenker mit unglaublich scharfem Verstand und zugleich warmherzig. Für alle, die ihn erlebten und mit ihm zusammenarbeiteten, war er eine Quelle der Inspiration: Wir alle bei BigRep schätzen uns glücklich ihn gekannt zu haben.

René Gurka wurde 1971 im norddeutschen Varel / Friesland geboren und wuchs in Wickede an der Ruhr auf. Später studierte er Wirtschaftsrecht in Osnabrück und ging dann nach Berlin. René war ein ungemein dynamischer Unternehmer, ein ideenreicher, kreativ Schaffender. Er brachte seine unglaubliche, ansteckende Energie in internationale Führungspositionen ein; zunächst als Managing Director der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Handelskammer in San Francisco und schließlich als Geschäftsführer der Berlin Partner GmbH. Hier vermarktete er Berlin rund um die Welt als attraktiven Wirtschafts- und Technologiestandort.

Als Gründer der BigRep GmbH richtete er das Unternehmen vom ersten Tag an gezielt als globale Marke aus und hat mit seiner Persönlichkeit und seiner weltläufigen Zugewandtheit die Unternehmenskultur bis heutegeprägt. Seine schier unbegrenzte Energie motiviert uns alle bei BigRep auch jetzt noch.

Es ist für uns kaum vorstellbar, wie BigRep und unser Arbeitsleben ohne die unternehmerische Prägung von René Gurka und seine Wirkung auf die Mitarbeiter/innen heute aussähe: Den enormen Einfluss und die Inspiration, die René Gurka in seinem Leben auszeichnete; die Art, wie er alle, die das Glück hatten, ihn kennen zu dürfen, nachhaltig prägte, so dass sie bis heute seinen Gedanken verpflichtet sind – all das lässt sich nicht in Worte fassen.

Unsere Gedanken sind bei der Familie von René Gurka.

Die große BigRep-Familie, wir alle, wollen auch künftig seine Vision für BigRep verwirklichen.

It is with deep regret that we must relay of the passing of René Gurka, BigRep’s founder and former CEO.

René was a true visionary – full of excitement, warmth, quick-witted humor and charisma. He inspired everyone around him to achieve the unimaginable and was a leader who we at BigRep were infinitely fortunate to have.

Born in 1971 in the North Germany town of Varel (Friesland), he grew up in Wickede an der Ruhr. Later, he studied business law in Osnabrück before settling in Berlin. René was an energetic entrepreneur and imaginative creator. He brought his incredible energy to global leadership positions as Managing Director of the German American Chamber of Commerce in San Francisco, California and of Berlin Partner GmbH, promoting the city as a leading hub for business and technology around the world.

René energized BigRep as a global brand from its foundation. He brought his personality and global thinking to the company’s core. René’s spirit lives on at BigRep where his limitless energy continues to fuel the daily lives of everyone there.

We cannot imagine what BigRep and all our daily lives would look like without René’s influence on the company and its employees. There are no words that can properly convey the incredible impact and inspiration that René had on the spaces he lived his life and his lasting influence on those around the world who were blessed to know him and remain dedicated to his ideas.

Our thoughts are with René’s family.
We are committed to fulfilling his vision for BigRep.

In tiefer Trauer und mit großem Bedauern müssen wir leider mitteilen, dass Herr René Gurka, der Gründer der BigRep GmbH und ihr früherer CEO, nach langer Krankheit verstorben ist.

René Gurka war ein echter Visionär – charismatisch und begeisterungsfähig; ein Schnelldenker mit unglaublich scharfem Verstand und zugleich warmherzig. Für alle, die ihn erlebten und mit ihm zusammenarbeiteten, war er eine Quelle der Inspiration: Wir alle bei BigRep schätzen uns glücklich ihn gekannt zu haben.

René Gurka wurde 1971 im norddeutschen Varel / Friesland geboren und wuchs in Wickede an der Ruhr auf. Später studierte er Wirtschaftsrecht in Osnabrück und ging dann nach Berlin. René war ein ungemein dynamischer Unternehmer, ein ideenreicher, kreativ Schaffender. Er brachte seine unglaubliche, ansteckende Energie in internationale Führungspositionen ein; zunächst als Managing Director der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Handelskammer in San Francisco und schließlich als Geschäftsführer der Berlin Partner GmbH. Hier vermarktete er Berlin rund um die Welt als attraktiven Wirtschafts- und Technologiestandort.

Als Gründer der BigRep GmbH richtete er das Unternehmen vom ersten Tag an gezielt als globale Marke aus und hat mit seiner Persönlichkeit und seiner weltläufigen Zugewandtheit die Unternehmenskultur bis heutegeprägt. Seine schier unbegrenzte Energie motiviert uns alle bei BigRep auch jetzt noch.

Es ist für uns kaum vorstellbar, wie BigRep und unser Arbeitsleben ohne die unternehmerische Prägung von René Gurka und seine Wirkung auf die Mitarbeiter/innen heute aussähe: Den enormen Einfluss und die Inspiration, die René Gurka in seinem Leben auszeichnete; die Art, wie er alle, die das Glück hatten, ihn kennen zu dürfen, nachhaltig prägte, so dass sie bis heute seinen Gedanken verpflichtet sind – all das lässt sich nicht in Worte fassen.

Unsere Gedanken sind bei der Familie von René Gurka.

Die große BigRep-Familie, wir alle, wollen auch künftig seine Vision für BigRep verwirklichen.


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(Nehme Abschied)

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72 entries.
Ryan Hayford wrote on August 6, 2019 at 5:11 pm
Full of Life... Genuine... Enthusiastic... Compassionate. You will always be remembered for your charismatic, friendly and welcoming personality. There are not many people in this world that can combine their personal and professional life as seamless and symbiotic as you did. You are remembered with a smile.
Ashish Panjabi wrote on August 6, 2019 at 4:19 pm
I'm deeply saddened to hear of Rene's passing. He was a true visionary and ambassador for the City of Berlin. The energy he brought made it enjoyable to work with or visit BigRep. My thoughts and prayers are with the family and those at BigRep. On behalf of the team at Jacky's Business Solutions, we hope to associate ourselves with the vision that Rene had professionally.
Hanno Hepke wrote on August 6, 2019 at 3:44 pm
I had the great privilege to get to know René in the founding times of BigRep and to work with him and the BigRep Team in very exciting times for the company. René's upbeat spirit, drive and enthusiasm were driving and balancing force at the same time. His energy and postitiveness he kept even in the most difficult periods of the comapny and his life are an inspiration and will continue to be to me. René, it has been a pleasure and honour to know you.
A.M.Moochhala wrote on August 6, 2019 at 3:05 pm
Was very inspiring when I first met him at an exhibition few years ago when he was just starting to sell the BigRep ONE. His passion and foresight made me immediately want to work with him. He will be missed by all from USC Solutions and Chemtron.
Hardik Prajapati wrote on August 6, 2019 at 2:45 pm
We learned a lot from him, we always wanted to 3D-print real size object and BigRep was showing us clear directions through Rene’s vision. 3D-printing community in India will truely miss him. Rest in peace beautiful soul.
Amir Fattal wrote on August 6, 2019 at 2:13 pm
Rene, Words can not describe the immense sadness of losing you. We met 5 years ago when BigRep was just starting, you already had an amazing vision to make this company into a global phenomenon. You created an unstoppable excitement that swept up everyone around you. It was such a real privilege to work next to you and learn so much of your understanding about brand and marketing. You were warm, funny and generous. You always created a positive work environment around you, and yet remained a mentor in every way. I have missed your presence and energy in the office and in my life for the past year and a half, now even more so. I am grateful for the time that we had together, it will always stay with me.
Eyal Nir wrote on August 6, 2019 at 1:57 pm
I got to know Rene when ordering one of the first BigRep printers. From the first interaction I was inspired by his personality and passion for 3D Printing and BigRep’s vision. Our work relations grew to a true friendship and on every visit he made to Tel Aviv we would catch up. Rene’s optimism and can-do attitude was catching, and I already miss him dearly. Farewell my friend, you will not be forgotten.
Marco wrote on August 6, 2019 at 1:47 pm
As a René employee, I can just say how much meeting this person changed my life. The most energised one. The one with not only one vision, but multiple ones, who made them happening bringing together an amazing team, which I consider today an extended family. The one who was saw behind the "experiences" of one person, but rather understanding the abilities of him/her after just a talk. The one who everyone loved and the one who was motivating constantly his employees/friends to push forward. The one who was able to keep a team of 100 people listening at him with shining eyes and big smiles. I consider myself a very lucky person, since I had the opportunity to meet the most inspiring person. Ciao René .
Abhishek Kalra wrote on August 6, 2019 at 1:41 pm
I met Rene in 2015 at the offices of BigRep in Berlin in 2015. We had gone there to a resellership agreement with them, though I met him briefly his passion towards 3D printing and his ecosystem was inspiring. Very very sad day for the 3D Printing Ecosystem ? May he rest in Peace !
Far McKon wrote on August 6, 2019 at 1:36 pm
René was an amazing man, full of life, vision, and keen to grab the future, and bring it to today. His larger than life stories sometimes seemed incredible, until you took into account the unlikely combination of lust for life, and practical problem solving he embodied. The people he mentored and inspires will continue to make the future real, in ways that would not have been possible without his influence. He will be deeply missed.
3D ADEPT Media wrote on August 6, 2019 at 1:21 pm
We met *René Gurka* two years ago for the first time at Formnext 2017 and we have discovered a brilliant and warm innovator of the AM industry. Today we share the sadness of the BigRep Team and just like all the Team at BigRep, we will cherish the best memories we have from the Founder & former CEO, and the light he has brought to this industry.
Legacies stay forever wrote on August 6, 2019 at 12:40 pm
Rene showed us and everyone around him what does inspiration really mean. Being at the top, founding companies and leading is a serious business. He did it with a smile and the biggest spark possible. Always hungry for more, always curious, always making people around him smile. All that while building empires. That's one hell of an inspiration.

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