Staging-BigRep Industrial 3D Printers



Rapid Tooling with 3D Printers: A Step by Step Guide

With rapid tooling, manufacturers fabricate tools and prototypes with 3D printers in a fast, economic and flexible way.

Large scale 3d printing at LZH use case hero img

Large Scale 3D Printing Shines New Light on Laser Research

Learn how Laser Zentrum Hannover uses large scale 3d printing to create custom experiment environments.

C.J. Moyna and Sons - 3D printing for grading contractor and construction company

How 3D Printing is Paving the Way for Grading Contractor, C.J. Moyna & Sons

C.J. Moyna & Sons is a grading contractor from Iowa that revolutionizes its equipment manufacturing with the BigRep PRO industrial 3D printer.

3d printed dragon produced by the BigRep ONE

3D Printed Dragon Brings in the Chinese New Year

Artistic Spaces, a design studio in Tampa, Florida, 3D printed large sculptures with the BigRep ONE, overcoming scalability, time and design challenges while reducing material and labor costs by 30%.

BigRep PRO 3D Printer Open Material System

Open Material 3D Printers: Unlimited Applications with Low to High Temperature Plastics

Open 3D print material systems allow manufacturers the freedom to choose any compatible filament that hits the market but closed material systems deliver predictable results. This raises the BIG question: Are open material systems truly open for innovation? 

BigRep public listing photo op with the bull and the bear at Frankfurt Stock Exchange

BigRep Celebrates Successful Listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

BigRep SE opened trading day at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange with a ceremonial bell ringing, marking their official entry into the public stock market under the ticker B1GR.

Sichert use case - telecommunication FCC outdoor Smart bench prototype printed by the high-temperature industrial plastic 3D printer BigRep IPSO 105

The BigRep IPSO 105 Futureproofs Outdoor Fiber Cabinets

Sichert, an expert in producing outdoor telecom fiber cabinets, integrates smart multi-tasking features into their products with the high-temp, large scale IPSO 105 plastic 3D printer.

BLADE 3.12.3 Released!

New material profiles ONE.3 with PEX CU 0.6 mm HI-TEMP …

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BLADE 5.5.2 (Beta)

Dedicated BLADE version for BigRep VIIO 250. Download Installer Download Source …

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