Large-Format 3D Printing Accelerates Fire Engine Manufacturing

3D Printing Fire Engine Manufacturing

Magirus uses large-format 3D printing for prototyping  of fire engines

Behind every firefighting team that responds to emergencies and fires, there is a fire engine, and behind every fire engine, there is a team of engineers working hard to deliver the safest and best-performing vehicles and features. That is precisely where Magirus comes in. The Germany-based company was founded in 1864 by firefighter Conrad Dietrich Magirus with the aim of pioneering state-of-the-art firefighting vehicles and products. Today, over 150 years later, large-format 3D printing is helping the company to continue this mission and move fire safety & disaster control solutions into the future.

Large-scale 3D printing heralds new era for fire engine prototyping

3D printing is not wholly new to Magirus. The company, which supplies a large range of fire fighting vehicles, turntable ladders, equipment and equipment wagons, special solutions, pumps and
portable pumps, has been using the technology since 2015 to enhance its prototyping and product development. Like most 3D printing adopters, Magirus initially worked in collaboration with external 3D printing service providers. In 2018, however, as the demand for large-scale prototypes increased, the company decided to invest in its own in-house 3D printer, the BigRep ONE.

Since then, 3D printing has become an integral part of Magirus' prototyping and product development workflows, especially for the production of aesthetic and ergonomic fire engine parts measuring more than 300 mm in length. Magirus' Chief Engineer in Prototyping Jens Krämer and his team frequently use the BigRep ONE to 3D print functional prototypes, which can be fitted and tested on trucks in order to validate the part design before moving ahead with tooling and production.

"Before 3D printing, prototyping was very expensive," Krämer states, explaining that his team used to rely on hand lamination and milling processes—both of which are time consuming and costly—to produce prototypes before moving ahead to final tooling.

With 3D printing added to the prototyping workflow, the Magirus team has not only dramatically reduced its prototyping costs (from nearly a hundred-thousand euros to just thousands of euros), it has also achieved much faster part development lead times. "It used to take from 3-6 months, depending on the size and capacity of the prototyping workshop, now it's a matter of the printing time on the machine, so just a couple of days," Krämer says.

The time and cost savings afforded to Magirus' prototyping department by 3D printing have also enabled more agile part development, which helps the company to meet the needs of its firefighter clients. In other words, large-scale 3D printing allows Magirus to rapidly manufacture and validate prototypes, which in turn enables it to update and improve its fire engines and firefighting solutions based on customer feedback.

Rapid response for production

While Magirus' main use for its in-house BigRep ONE 3D printer is prototyping, the fire engine manufacturer is also starting to explore the use of the technology for small-series production. In fact, the company's first 3D printed end-use part is now undergoing the final stages of validation for use aboard fire trucks.

The part in question is a window frame for a fire engine crew cab door. The crew cab is a fire truck designed to carry at least nine crew members. As one can imagine, it is important for the firefighters to have as much visibility as possible from the cabin as they approach the fire or emergency scene they have been called to. Magirus was thus asked by its firefighter customers if it could install an additional window into the frame of the crew cab door to improve visibility from inside.

In developing the window, the Magirus team used the BigRep ONE to 3D print a prototype of the frame—a structural element designed to connect the outer shell of the door to its inner side. The quality of the prototype window frame was ultimately so satisfactory that the team decided to forego tooling altogether and 3D print the end-use component. The production part, which measures roughly 800 x 600 x 150 mm, was 3D printed using a higher resolution than the initial prototype and was made from a high-temperature carbon fiber reinforced polymer, HI-TEMP CF.

"Because the volumes are low, we have started pre-series production for the [window frame]," says Harald Fitz, Chief Engineer of Firefighting Standard Vehicles at Magirus. "What we are also doing is testing and validation because the part has to be rigid and withstand the circumstances where firefighters are using their trucks… This is ongoing at the moment, but we are confident that the part will withstand all the testing we are applying." The 3D printed window frame is being tested for vibration, impact, and heat deflection temperature, among other things.

By leveraging 3D printing for the crew cabin window frame, Magirus not only benefited from faster and more cost-effective prototyping, it has translated these benefits to end-use production. Most importantly, it has found a way to address and meet the requests of its customers, who rely on the company's products and systems to save lives.


BigRep ONE 3D printer

Vital to Magirus' successful use of 3D printing—both for prototyping and now end-use production—is the BigRep ONE 3D printer. Manufactured by Berlin-based BigRep, the BigRep ONE is a large-format industrial 3D printer that has an install base of over 400 systems globally.

The system is characterized by its massive build volume, totaling one cubic meter, and its compatibility with several polymer filaments, including PLA, TPU, PETG, and HI-TEMP CF, an engineering-grade biopolymer reinforced with carbon fiber. The BigRep ONE also integrates two BigRep Power Extruders with interchangeable nozzle sizes, facilitating multi-material printing or the use of water-soluble supports.

For Magirus, the size and industrial capability of the BigRep ONE were big draws. Not only is the machine suitable for manufacturing the large-scale prototypes the company requires for its fire trucks, but it also can be used to produce several smaller components—such as the window frame—in a single batch. The adjustable 3D printer settings, such as resolution, also allow the company to rapidly manufacture prototypes at a lower resolution and enhance the print quality for end-use parts.

"As you can imagine with the size of our vehicles, the parts [we needed] were getting bigger," says Krämer. "After a final evaluation, we decided to purchase the BigRep ONE. Firefighting vehicles are the ideal product of 3D printing due to the amount of vehicles produced and because high customization and individualization—and even digitalization—require quick and fast solutions."

"I'm quite confident that we could increase the quantity of parts being produced by the BigRep ONE 3D printer," Fitz adds. "Starting from prototyping, and now having the first part produced in a small series, I could really imagine that for special cases or for special parts we could move completely to 3D printing. The BigRep ONE 3D printer is really suitable for that."

In other words, this is just the beginning of production 3D printing for Magirus. 3D printing technology has the potential to open up increasing opportunities for custom and low-volume parts for fire engine manufacturing applications. Who knows, the next Magirus fire truck you see could be fitted with a 3D printed component!

Want to Learn More About Faster Manufacturing of Commercial Vehicles?

Commercial vehicles like refuse collection trucks and fire engines place high demands on their components. Learn how large-format 3D printers give companies the flexibility and versatility to iterate fast, produce faster, and get to market faster, all while reacting to challenging customer requirements on short notice. Don't miss out, watch the webinar now:



The BigRep ONE is an award-winning, large-format 3D printer at an accessible price point. With over 500 systems installed worldwide, it's a trusted tool of designers, innovators, and manufacturers alike. With a massive one-cubic-meter build volume, the fast and reliable ONE brings your designs to life in full scale.

Explore the ONE


The BigRep ONE is an award-winning, large-format 3D printer at an accessible price point. With over 500 systems installed worldwide, it's a trusted tool of designers, innovators, and manufacturers alike. With a massive one-cubic-meter build volume, the fast and reliable ONE brings your designs to life in full scale.

Explore the ONE

About the author:

Dominik Stürzer <a style="color: #0077b5" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a>

Dominik Stürzer

Head of Growth Marketing

Dominik is a mechanical engineer whose passion to share knowledge turned him to content creation. His first 3D prints started in university. Back then the 3D printers were big on the outside and small on the inside. With BigRep the machines are finally big in their possibilities.

3D Printing Industry Meeting: Recap from Rapid + TCT 2021

BigRep 3D-Printers at Rapid + TCT

After a long 20 months of webinars, virtual demos and virtual events, the BigRep team was excited to be back live, in-person at RAPID+TCT, North America’s largest and most influential event for 3D printing and additive manufacturing. For BigRep, it was the perfect opportunity to showcase our large-format 3D printers and applications of our customers who #THINKBIG.

BigRep Booth at Rapid + TCT

In the BigRep booth, the PRO and STUDIO 3D printers were center stage. With their massive size, they attracted a lot of attention as attendees were eager to learn about the features, open source materials and how large-format can help them. Potential customers expressed frustrations in not being able to print full-scale or having long lead times due to outsourcing – which are some of the top reasons people turn to BigRep’s large-format 3D printers. We also analyzed parts right on the show flow to PROVE the value to prospects.

BigRep PRO at Rapid + TCT


BigRep customers #THINKBIG and are using additive to save time and money. In the booth, we displayed parts from a few of our customers including WAT (fixture), JK Automotive Design (end use part), Nikola Corporation (prototype), Boyce Corporation (end use part), and more. Attendees that visited the booth and checked out the parts were amazed at the quality of the parts, print times and materials.

Bigrep at Rapid + TCT
3D Printed Nikola Truck Grille

Key Takeaways

Throughout the 3 day event, several experts and industry leaders took the stage to discuss a variety of topics and share their experience and knowledge. A few key takeaways from these...

1. Taking the hype out and bringing 3D printing to reality.

As always, there is a lot of hype around 3D Printing and what it can do. During several talks, the speakers brought 3D printing back to reality and discussed the real challenges and uses of it. From automotive to aerospace and medical to consumer products, additive offers many great rewards. An expert from General Motors talked about the benefits of FFF 3D printing technology for tooling and prototypes. His big take away was how FFF enables production, helps you minimize defects and also allows you to get to market faster. This sentiment was echoed by several other speakers as well. And then when you take into account the size of printers, the rewards goes exponentially.

Management within companies are also pushing to using additive but experts were quick to point out the importance of not just 3D printing a part because you can. Talk to product development, engineers, production line experts and find the “reality” of where additive fits.

The reality of 3D Printing was also talked a lot about in terms of the pandemic. From supply chain issues to supporting PPE, AM really stepped up during the past 18 months and showcased the true beauty of the technology.

For BigRep, our customers are putting additive manufacturing to use in real life applications from prototyping to production. Our PRO is allowing customers to iterate fast. Produce Faster. Get to market fastest.

2. 3D Printing is another tool in your toolbox.

Additive manufacturing is not positioning itself as a technology to replace traditional manufacturing – “it’s just another tool in your toolbox.” This statement was mentioned during several talks. As the AM industry grown and matures, companies are starting to understand this and realized the true benefits AM can provide.

When considering additive, you must ask yourself the why. Why am I really using additive? Is it the best method to produce my part? And the answer will not always be yes. Traditional manufacturing is often times still the best solution, but when you find the right application for the right part, AM can provide significant savings for both time and cost. One speaker, Ellen Lee from Ford, said it best, “You must find the opportunities that will solve problems with AM.” And as other speakers said, when you do, these are the applications that will pay off in the long run.

3D Printed Automotive Production Tool

For BigRep, we see this with several of our customers who also rely on CNC, sand casting, and other traditional manufacturing methods. They utilize 3D printing when the cost and time savings pay off whether for prototypes, molds, tooling or even end use parts. When the payback is positive, it usually mean big savings not only in cost but also lead time.

3. Applications, applications, applications.

The applications for 3D printing are vast, but still see a lot of prototypes and tooling.

During the presentation, Industrial Manufacturers Discuss the Production Readiness of AM, one speaker talked about using FFF for tooling and how you are missing out if you aren’t using it for that. Other speakers, including Stanley Black and Decker and X Moonshot Factory also talked about how being able to 3D print prototypes is allowing them to iterative fast and as a result bring about better products.

Then in terms of production parts or end use parts, customization of parts is still a huge benefit of using AM from shoes to jewelry and also one off parts for customer automotive interiors (as several BigRep customer are doing) or large displays.

3D Printed Car Dashboard

As several speakers spoke about the benefits of FFF for tooling, we see it every day from our customers, including WAT, Nikola, Vestas and more. One of the key benefit our large-format 3D printers allow is the ability to print tools that cost a fraction and are lighter weight and often more ergonomic.

Missed seeing us at RAPID+TCT?
Request a demo and let’s talk about your challenges.

3D Printed Life-Size Dinosaur Models

3D Printed Model Life-Size Dinosaur

Imagine walking into a museum and seeing a life sized dinosaur as tall as 15 feet (5 meters tall). The sheer size would impress you. The accuracy and attention to detail would wow you.

But did you ever think about how these life-sized dinosaur models were created? Well CDM:Studio are experts at this. They are a model making company based in Perth Western Australia that specializes in interpretive design and fabrication for museums, architects, designers and builders.

The Challenge

Western Australian Museum came to CDM: Studio for help with an exhibit that would feature life size dinosaurs and other animals. The challenge: create over 110 models in just 9 months. In the past, each dinosaur or animal would have had to been modeled out of clay, which takes a very long time and very skilled sculptures to . And with a timeline of only 9 months, it would not have been possible.

Enter 3D Printing

In order to meet this short deadline, CDM: Studio needed to come up with a way to produce the models faster, with less dependency on humans, who can’t work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The BigRep ONE was the perfect solution to what they needed – large build size and able to work non-stop.

Now thanks to digital modeling using Zbrush, the files were then sent to the BigRep ONE for 3D Printing. The parts were optimized for 3D printing with internal mounting structures since many of the creatures would then be hanging in the museum.

“BigRep ONE is a workhouse and able to make all these models that we couldn’t have done any other way,” said Jason Kongchouy, Studio Manager at CDM: Studio.

Once the models were finished printing – due to the enormous size of the dinosaurs, the printed parts needed to be glued together to create a 1:1 life size scale of the dinosaurs. The average size of the parts were 3 feet (90 cm) long. Next they were post-processed and painted for an authentic, realistic finish.

3D Printed Model of a Life-Sized Dinosaur

Creating Accurate, Realistic Parts

One of the benefits of 3D printing is being able to produce exact replicas from a digital file. For Western Australian Museum, having accurate representations of the dinosaurs was extremely important. Every digital file was approved by scientists and museum staff. So the 3D prints came off the machine that came off the machine needed to match what was approved, and with the BigRep ONE CDM: Studio was able to do that.

“What came off the machine which is really, really important with our business. Where we are trying to get the scientist accuracy correct,” commented Kongchouv.

Future of 3D Printing for Model Makers

As customers expect you to meet shorter and shorter deadlines, 3D printing is becoming an essential tool to meet them. Having the ability to print non-stop and produce accurate models is a big competitive advantage for companies like CDM: Studios.

Kongchouy concluded with, “If you are not integrating 3D printing into your pipeline you are just going to fall behind. The BigRep has shifted our industry forever.”


The BigRep ONE is an award-winning, large-format 3D printer at an accessible price point. With over 500 systems installed worldwide, it's a trusted tool of designers, innovators, and manufacturers alike. With a massive one-cubic-meter build volume, the fast and reliable ONE brings your designs to life in full scale.

Explore the ONE


The BigRep ONE is an award-winning, large-format 3D printer at an accessible price point. With over 500 systems installed worldwide, it's a trusted tool of designers, innovators, and manufacturers alike. With a massive one-cubic-meter build volume, the fast and reliable ONE brings your designs to life in full scale.

Explore the ONE

About the author:

Dominik Stürzer <a style="color: #0077b5" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a>

Dominik Stürzer

Head of Growth Marketing

Dominik is a mechanical engineer whose passion to share knowledge turned him to content creation. His first 3D prints started in university. Back then the 3D printers were big on the outside and small on the inside. With BigRep the machines are finally big in their possibilities.

Fast Product Development in Commercial Vehicle Manufacturing with 3D Printing

Do you make a highly specific product that you adapt to each customer’s needs and requirements? This usually involves long iteration cycles that cost both time and money. Learn how the ZOELLER group now takes just days rather than weeks to develop and optimize its custom-made components.


What are the challenges of manufacturing customer-specific vehicles?

With its 2,500 employees, the ZOELLER group develops and manufactures waste collection vehicles, with a special focus on the necessary lifter systems. Its products are used around the world, so they have to meet a wide range of requirements. As well as handling different types of bins, they have to comply with country-specific legal regulations that call for different safety and protection equipment. Dr. Bojan Ferhadbegović, Head of Engineering and Design at ZOELLER, said: “These machines are used around the world. They don’t just have to be fast, they also have to be highly reliable.”

The resulting customer demands call for constant adaptation. Control elements need to be installed in covers and housings, lamps  need to be positioned correctly, and numerous sensors for process monitoring need to be integrated. The product development process is a long one, because solutions need to be developed, checked for suitability and optimized. In the past, such components had to be laboriously formed from steel sheets and then discussed with the customer once complete. As well as taking a long time to develop, these prototypes were also rather limited in terms of complexity, precision and material properties. And some requested features were impossible to provide through this process. As a result, it was necessary to create the first near-series component to get a real feel for the object’s geometry and haptics.


How can 3D printing resolve these problems?

Several years ago, ZOELLER decided to tackle this issue and started to move away from traditional production methods and 3D print such prototypes instead. The company benefited from this decision in many different ways. It now takes just a few days, not weeks, to turn a design into a tangible object. Design departments, production departments and customers can coordinate more quickly, which produces significantly shorter iteration cycles. Change requests are quickly incorporated in the design, and the modified part can be examined just a few days later. Printed prototypes are also easy to install in vehicles, so they can be tested in real-world conditions. Marco Neuchel, Head of Development at Zoeller, says: “The great thing about parts being available so quickly is that we can try them out immediately in field tests and with our product. That means we can test the parts within a few days and then get feedback quickly.”

As well as speeding up development, 3D printing has considerably expanded options in terms of geometry and materials. ZOELLER can now, for example, include surfaces and structures that could not be created by the traditional process. And the huge range of available filaments means that even the initial prototypes are extremely similar to the parts produced later in series, especially in terms of appearance and the behavior of the material. Using ASA, for example, makes it possible to print objects whose stiffness and haptics are similar to those of the serial parts ultimately produced by means of rotational casting.

Dr. Ferhadbegović: “Our customers have very specific requirements. So we need to produce highly specific parts incredibly quickly on request – and 3D printing is the perfect tool!”


How did 3D printing evolve at ZOELLER?

In the beginning, ZOELLER had 3D printed parts made by external service providers. To become less reliant on suppliers and also save time and money, ZOELLER bought a BigRep ONE in July 2019. After a short training period, it was soon possible to successfully print a range of different objects, and so the numbers of printed parts swelled quickly. The ONE was soon upgraded to tandem mode, so that parts could be printed at the same time in order to further speed up production.

Two years after purchasing its first ONE, the company decided to expand its printing capacities by buying a BigRep PRO. This allowed ZOELLER to print more than twice as fast as before, and with improved precision. The BigRep PRO is fully enclosed for improved temperature management; it can also process an even wider range of diverse materials, and thus has even more applications.

Nowadays, ZOELLER prints not just prototypes, but also production equipment. Quantities range from 2 to 2,000 units, depending on the component. A 1 cubic meter build volume allows large parts to be printed in one piece, so there is no need for bonding. Alternatively, the large printing surface can be used to produce larger numbers of multiple small objects sequentially. ZOELLER now plans to print end-use parts in small runs in the near future. Some parts are reworked, e.g. primed and painted, and then subjected to weathering tests to examine their suitability for use in all weathers.

What experiences has ZOELLER had with 3D printing and its BigRep printers?

It was not difficult for ZOELLER employees to familiarize themselves with 3D printing. They were quickly able to learn what they needed to know, and the printers were integrated smoothly into existing production processes. This is partly due to the construction and design of the BigRep PRO and the BigRep ONE, and partly to the support provided by BigRep customer service. Marco Neuchel: “The BigRep PRO has been running for more than 300 hours now, and we have not encountered any problems so far. It is a really well-designed machine! And whenever we have a question about the printers or the printing process, we can get help on the phone or via email. We are completely satisfied with BigRep!”


3D printing has taken root quickly at ZOELLER, and is now an integral part of the production chain. So it’s hardly surprising that Dr. Ferhadbegović is very pleased: “3D printing has become an integral part of our development process. 3D printing is definitely the future for us!”

Want to Learn More About How 3D Printing Speeds Up Commercial Vehicle Manufacturing?

Commercial vehicles like refuse collection trucks and fire engines place high demands on their components. Learn how large-format 3D printers give companies the flexibility and versatility to iterate fast, produce faster, and get to market faster, all while reacting to challenging customer requirements on short notice. Don't miss out, watch the webinar now:



The BigRep PRO is a 1 m³ powerhouse 3D printer, built to take you from prototyping to production. It provides a highly scalable solution to manufacture end-use parts, factory tooling or more with high-performance, engineering-grade materials. Compared with other manufacturing and FFF printing solutions, the PRO can produce full-scale, accurate parts faster and at lower production costs.

Explore the PRO


The BigRep PRO is a 1 m³ powerhouse 3D printer, built to take you from prototyping to production. It provides a highly scalable solution to manufacture end-use parts, factory tooling or more with high-performance, engineering-grade materials. Compared with other manufacturing and FFF printing solutions, the PRO can produce full-scale, accurate parts faster and at lower production costs.

Explore the PRO

About the author:

Michael Eggerdinger <a style="color: #0077b5" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a>

Michael Eggerdinger

Business Manager Materials

Michael is a toolmaker, a mechanical engineer, and a patent engineer. His years of working in manufacturing and as a project manager in various industries provide him with a profound knowledge of the main challenges in modern production processes. In 2017, he bought his first 3D printer to be used at home, and he has been hooked ever since!

6 Time Factors About the BigRep PRO

The BigRep PRO is an industrial large-format 3D Printer to support your company's development and production. Since the PRO launched in 2018, the BigRep R&D team has mainly focused on making this machine better by listening to what the customers wanted.

With an almost one cubic meter build volume, the BigRep PRO is a fully enclosed industrial 3D printer for producing full-scale, large parts, including functional prototypes, factory tooling, patterns and molds, and end-use parts.

In November 2021, we launched a newer and more powerful BigRep PRO, also known as the PRO.2.

Our focus? EASE-OF-USE. We built a large-format 3D printer that can be used by everyone.

This blog post lists 6 time factors about the BigRep PRO to better understand this 3D Printer's potential.

It took 12 seconds to remove the parts below from the bed by bending the SWITCHPLATE®

Ever had issues removing big 3D printed parts from your printer? Well, say no more!

Quoting Kerry Stevenson, Founder at Fabaloo:

“I can personally attest to slicing up my appendages on several occasions when wrestling a print stuck on a glass plate with a sharp chisel. Not fun at all.”

The SWITCHPLATE® is magnetic and easily snaps into place. Heat increases the adhesiveness of the SWITCHPLATE® surface, so your print stays fixed during printing but is easy to remove once cooled. For time-saving production, the SWITCHPLATE® can be swapped before cooling to free the printer to begin the next print.

Thanks to this feature, the effort to remove large parts from the bed is radically reduced. No need for scrapers, brims, or worrying about your appendages!


In 8 minutes, your BigRep PRO is automatically calibrated

We had a precise aim: make sure the first layer is ALWAYS right. 

Why is the first layer so important?
Believe it or not, a not adequately calibrated first layer for single or dual extrusion is the leading cause of FFF 3D print failures for desktop and large-format 3D printers.

With the updated MXT® Controls, the brain of the BigRep PRO, calibrating won’t require manual actions and can not be wrong. The MXT® Controls use proprietary algorithms and surface-mapping to bypass manual print bed and extruder calibration, ensuring that the crucial first print layers are optimal every time.

Before a new gcode starts printing, the machine will run an autocalibration process, which takes around 8 minutes. In the first step, the extruder will map the printing bed and build a digital mesh. Secondly, the PRO will print a few lines on the bed; the sensors will map them to gather the necessary information, ensuring a perfect first layer with the Z calibration and a perfect XY calibration for dual extrusion.

To put things in perspective, manually calibrating a large format 3D printer can take up to 2 hours!!!


2 hours and you will be mastering our slicing software BigRep BLADE

BigRep BLADE is a free and easy-to-use slicing software allowing greater control of printing parameters on all BigRep large-format 3D printers. With BLADE presets, you can easily prepare your 3D printing files in just a few clicks. Features like auto-orient and auto-placement make BLADE simple to use.

Large-format 3D printing doesn't only mean big parts. With the BigRep PRO, you can also produce several smaller pieces using the "batch production" feature of BLADE.

This feature will ensure the parts are printed "sequentially," 3D printing one STL after another rather than printing all of them simultaneously. This process is only possible with large-format 3D Printers with an XYZ moving portal like the BigRep PRO and will save you up to 10% in printing time, depending on the geometries, in just one click! Software optimizations are great, aren't they?

If you want to discover more features about BigRep BLADE and how it has been optimized for large-format 3D printing, you can download BLADE for free and watch our basic and advanced training.

Also, if you are used to slicing files with Cura, BLADE will look much more familiar!


By slicing the above four manifolds sequentially instead of all together, we saved 5% printing time.

13 days! The longest print we have run on a BigRep PRO so far.

The BigRep PRO has been designed to 3D print as long as you need with its custom-built gantry engineered for high speed, fast acceleration, and accuracy. The robust frame eliminates vibrations during printing, assuring fast yet precise movement gliding the extruders along with a reinforced carriage system. Powered by Bosch servo motors with integrated encoders, the PRO calculates the real-time location of the print head to self-monitor for position accuracy. We call it the 2nd Generation Precision Motion Portal.

In addition, the already-mentioned MXT® Controls orchestrates the harmonious coordination of all components and processes to ensure fast printing, accuracy, and repeatability. It employs proprietary algorithms that improve your gcode print file. The result is better quality, such as smoother surfaces from spline interpolation, higher accuracy from backlash compensation and vibration filtration, and overall consistent results.

That’s why our customers can 3D print 24/7, reliably. 

Unfortunately, we can not show you the 13 days part because of an NDA, but we can show you how a six-and-a-half-days print of a prototype for a car bumper looks fresh out of a BigRep PRO!


For 2 weeks, your engineering materials are kept dry in the filament chamber

The PRO’s environmentally sealed filament chamber with a two-spool capacity ensures that all materials, including engineering-grade and water-soluble, remain dry in a consistent temperature and humidity-controlled environment. Even when powered off, the PRO’s airtight material storage ensures best-in-class quality and reliability.

In addition, we need to highlight that we give you a choice regarding the filament. The BigRep PRO is an open system, which means you can use third-party filaments.

BigRep offers original filaments with qualified BLADE profiles, including biopolymers, fiber-filled, engineering-grade, and water-soluble support materials, meaning you can start printing virtually any shape immediately. On the other hand, we know that some customers prefer to order their filament from different providers or make their own!

For example, our customer METSO Outotec uses a BigRep PRO in Brasil to manufacture large-scale sand casting patterns. Close to their facility, there is a filament provider able to support them with the material they need. METSO Outotec preferred to use locally produced material.

Why should we lock you in a closed system?


1 month shorter lead time than outsourced CNC machining

We 3D printed a large-format hand-held jig (see picture below) and compared the lead times with a couple of CNC machining shops in Germany.

The results are pretty interesting:


If you are interested in learning more about how 3D printing and CNC work together, download this eBook.


Explore the PRO


Explore the PRO

About the author:

Marco Mattia Cristofori <a style="color: #0077b5" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a>

Marco Mattia Cristofori

Head of Product Marketing

Marco is a creative product marketer with an architectural background. He has been part of the BigRep family for five years, following all the development stages of its outstanding large-format 3D printing solutions.

3D Printing Produces Engine Covers to Accelerate Aircraft Maintenance

3D Printed Molds for Jet Engine Covers

How a specialized local engineering company supported a major airline during the pandemic with jet engine covers made with 3D printed molds.

Airplanes Grounded During COVID-19

The world was brought to a sudden standstill in March 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic halted most travel, resulting in the immediate grounding of 62% of passenger planes. [1] Consequently, various challenges emerged, including a lack of parking real estate and increased maintenance costs for planes not designed to stay idle. Scandinavian Airlines (SAS), in particular, had most of its planes exposed to Norway’s typically harsh winter.

Grounding a fleet is not an easy task. When parked for long periods, airplane engines need protection from the elements as well as other detrimental influences like debris and animals. Airlines have a few choices, such as specialized long-term storage in a dry, warm climate or a more flight-ready approach. [2] The latter involves keeping the engines covered while parked outside, aside from required weekly engine operation checks.

Standard procedures require various covers to prevent moisture and other objects from damaging the engines, keeping humidity levels stable with desiccants. Unfortunately, airlines like SAS did not have the necessary inventory of off-the-shelf engine covers, exhaust plugs, etc., for these additional grounded planes. Without proper equipment, parking the airplanes wouldn’t have been an option.

Initially, as a remedial fix, SAS used plastic wrap and tape, an acceptable approach for small-scale, short-term storage. However, with continuously idle airplanes, the engines need to be uncovered for their weekly engine starts. Jason Deadman, a production engineer at SAS, describes the eight-hour process of engine unpacking and repacking for these checks as “quite an operation.”

As the pandemic extended, a longer-term solution that was quicker and more cost-effective was needed.


Supply Chain Interruptions

A simple solution to this lack of engine covers, of course, was just to order more. Yet, COVID-19 ignited a domino effect in global supply chains. Without access to raw material during lockdowns, manufacturing slowed down, and fewer products were being made. One survey found that only a fraction of supply-chain companies could operate without disruption. [3]

The timely sourcing of parts from usual suppliers was nearly impossible. This problem called for some creative thinking. Several companies began to work beyond the normal system, such as shifting to in-house manufacturing, chartering cargo vessels, and redesigning parts to use what was available. [4]

Specifically, airlines encountered limited ground-service equipment availability. As a result, SAS determined that shortening the supply chain was the key—harnessing more locally available resources. This option would not only solve their logistics challenges but also move SAS toward a more eco-friendly and less risky operation.

3D Printed Mold for Jet Engine Cover

Thinking Outside the Box with 3D Printing

A shorter supply chain requires a search for local opportunities. Jason at SAS thought of 3D printing as a possible solution for their supply chain issues. After all, the benefits of 3D printing align with the company’s needs and values. These include fast production, design flexibility, low volume, low cost, and minimal waste. [5] Small objects could be produced easily with this technology, but how could he procure service equipment on an airplane scale? Despite the limitations in materials and size of most 3D printers, this seemed to be an untapped opportunity for the airline. SAS asked a local specialized supplier, CNE Engineering, how 3D printing can help with its grounded planes.

Nathan Brown, the founder of CNE Engineering, began reviewing the material requirements for the engine exhaust covers. They needed to withstand extreme outdoor temperatures and exhibit chemical and UV resistance. In addition, it needed to be soft yet robust—both the engine and cover could not be damaged when covered and uncovered. Based on these requirements, Nathan considered castable urethane, a widely available and low-cost material option.

This material, coupled with SAS’s volume needs of 20–100, called for cast parts. Fortunately, CNE revealed they could still 3Dprint the casting molds, or tools used to produce the equipment SAS needed. This option also met SAS’s timing requirements—initial equipment deliveries began several weeks after the project was initiated. By utilizing their BigRep large-format 3D printers CNE Engineering was able to act quickly, and produce custom tooling and equipment in-house at full scale to meet the immediate needs of SAS during the COVID Pandemic.

Jet Engine Covers made with 3D Printed PU-Molds

From Concept to Production

Now that the manufacturing approach was determined, the engineering details of the process followed. Once the casting production process was selected, CNE designed and engineered the molds, which utilized a combination of printed materials. This arrangement had to be liquid-tight, chemical resistant, and also allow for easy de-molding (part release). The BigRep ONE 3D printer could accommodate the top and bottom mold parts, in one piece, without needing to divide or segment them. BigRep’s STUDIO was used to produce mold parts that had smaller features and required a higher level of detail (e.g., negative space required for the cover’s handles).

The manufacturing process was refined as follows: The urethane tooling is printed and assembled, a process that takes a few days. Next, liquid urethane is poured into the mold to cure, taking only hours. In the end, one person can easily remove the final part from the mold in a few minutes.

SAS received its initial order within just two months of the kick-off meeting. Orders continued with similar quantities in various sizes for the different airplanes. The hours-long endeavor of wrapping and unwrapping jet engines is now a matter of minutes for a maintenance technician and these custom-built covers.

Where Can Large-Format 3D Printing Take Us?

CNE Engineering fulfilled three key aspects of their design with their BigRep 3D printers. First, a range of material options was available that enabled them to test and experiment with final-finish materials.  Second, the build volume (1 m3) of the BigRep ONE was large enough to meet the dimensions of the jet engine exhaust with single-piece prints. Further, the print-line orientation of the mold design enabled the ease of casting and mold release.

Large-format 3D printing is an exciting innovative method of manufacturing solutions that demands unique parts or features, for example, complex curvature coupled with a flexible material.

Nathan at CNE sees endless opportunities for large-scale 3D printing. He hopes to expand designing and 3D printing tooling and equipment for other airlines with their ground-service needs as well as other industries. Nathan lists tool holders, carts, jigs, templates, and other hangar equipment as promising candidates for large-scale 3D printing. The aim is to simply “find customers and identify the need”.


The BigRep ONE is an award-winning, large-format 3D printer at an accessible price point. With over 500 systems installed worldwide, it's a trusted tool of designers, innovators, and manufacturers alike. With a massive one-cubic-meter build volume, the fast and reliable ONE brings your designs to life in full scale.

Explore the ONE


The BigRep ONE is an award-winning, large-format 3D printer at an accessible price point. With over 500 systems installed worldwide, it's a trusted tool of designers, innovators, and manufacturers alike. With a massive one-cubic-meter build volume, the fast and reliable ONE brings your designs to life in full scale.

Explore the ONE

About the author:

Dominik Stürzer <a style="color: #0077b5" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a>

Dominik Stürzer

Head of Growth Marketing

Dominik is a mechanical engineer whose passion to share knowledge turned him to content creation. His first 3D prints started in university. Back then the 3D printers were big on the outside and small on the inside. With BigRep the machines are finally big in their possibilities.

BLADE 3.5.0

  • Update to Cura 4.12
    • Improved UI
    • Better surfaces by using monotonic ordering
    • Faster startup times
  • Speed management
    • Speed is now calculated during the slicing process and dynamically adapted based on the (non-fixed) line width and layer height
    • Speed values were replaced with upper speed limits, which do not take into account extruder flow rate limits
    • Introduced the "Maximal Print Speed Estimation" which shows the maximum speed based extruder flow rate limits for fixed line width and layer height
  • Fixes in mixed mode and multi layer brim
  • Materials:
    • Added: PRO.1/PRO.2 ACE 1.0/0.6 LH06: TPU and PLA
    • Improved: PRO.1/PRO.2 ACE 0.6 LH03: PA6/66

BigRep Introduces BigRep FLOW, an End-to-End Solution for Production Aids

BigRep FLOW is a new customizable SaaS solution that makes application engineering for 3D printed jigs, fixtures, and manufacturing aids easier than ever, with no design skills or 3D printing experience required.


Berlin, Germany, May 5, 2022: BigRep, the global leader in large-format 3D printing solutions, launches its new workflow for automated application engineering: BigRep FLOW.

BigRep FLOW is a new Software as a Service (SaaS) product enabling anyone to create customized, 3D printable factory tooling with just a few clicks; no experience is required in 3D printing or 3D design. Much more than just design automation, BigRep FLOW automates the entire application engineering process for you with a customized app to produce ready-to-use tooling.


Since every customer's needs are unique, the initial step is BigRep's engineering team to learn more about the customer's application. Together with the client, BigRep determines feasibility based on user-defined benchmarks and qualifications to launch the development phase. Feedback and development iterations result in a custom BigRep FLOW Application generating 3D printable tooling that consistently gets the job done.  With BigRep FLOW, all design configurations are optimized for 3D printing speed and success, plus reduced material costs. Customers get the tools they need; faster, cheaper, and more accessible than ever.

In addition to a custom app, BigRep FLOW includes a collection of sample apps to produce a range of factory aids and tools. Available developed apps include transporters and organizers like customized trays, boxes, storage dividers, and shadow boards. Tooling apps and factory aids such as soft jaws, assembly jigs, and product twisters instantly let anyone create complex parts.


BigRep FLOW is accessible across platforms, including mobile devices. Each custom BigRep FLOW App requires virtually no training as the user experience is straightforward and streamlined. Users log in to their BigRep FLOW account to access an App Library, which includes their custom apps as well as free sample apps. After opening the appropriate app (for example, a fixture configurator), the user uploads a 3D file of their existing part, for which BigRep FLOW then generates the custom fixture. The user easily configures the parameters within seconds. With a single click within the app, they can order their printed tools or start production on an in-house BigRep 3D printer.


BigRep FLOW can replace an existing 3D workflow to save time and money. Users new to 3D printing can instantly create the tools they need and skip the 3D learning curve entirely, from application engineering to printing functional tools. The advantages of BigRep FLOW over a traditional 3D design workflow are clear. BigRep FLOW can create printable tools in minutes rather than days for immediate results and fast design iterations. The intuitive cloud-based interface makes it simple to configure custom tools, and design changes are calculated in real-time with instant visualization. More than just automated design, BigRep FLOW Apps create 3D printable tools that meet benchmarks and qualifications for real-world use. Perhaps best of all, BigRep FLOW lets you maximize the potential of additive manufacturing for your business but requires no experience in 3D printing or CAD software skills.

“We are very excited to launch BigRep FLOW, our Advanced Workflow Automation Software, making it very easy to configure and produce the factory tooling needed on the production floor – faster and cheaper,” says Dr. Sven Thate, Managing Director of BigRep. “With FLOW, we support our manufacturing clients with the customization of their operations to outpace the competition. Our vision is to offer end-to-end solutions for our users. FLOW can be used with a qualified printing service to turn an idea or a need into a printed solution. If speed is even more of the essence, it turns our large-format 3D printers into connected jig and fixture work-stations and more.”

See the new BigRep FLOW online at and try out a sample app directly on the website.

About BigRep

A global leader in large-format FFF 3D printing, BigRep strives to transform its user’s productivity and creativity with easy-to-use additive manufacturing solutions. With an aim to help companies accelerate innovation and rethink manufacturing, BigRep’s German-engineered 3D printers enable engineers, designers, and manufacturers from start-ups to fortune 100 companies to go from prototyping to production faster, getting their products to market first. Through collaborations with strategic partners – including BASF, Bosch Rexroth, Etihad Airways, and Deutsche Bahn – BigRep continues to develop complete additive manufacturing solutions comprising industrial 3D printers, software, and advanced materials. Founded in 2014, BigRep is headquartered in Berlin with offices and technical centers in Boston, Singapore, and Shanghai.

For additional information, please contact:

Abbey Delaney
Global Marketing Manager, BigRep
E: [email protected]
P: +1 989.860.8210

Maik Dobberack
DACH Marketing Manager, BigRep
E: [email protected]
P: +49 30 20 84 82 60

A Short Introduction to Generative Design

Generative design: Introduction

Imagine you could create thousands of options for a single design at the push of a button and then you just pick the best option! Generative design makes this possible.

Generative design is pushing the boundaries of what engineers and creators can achieve. The technology leverages artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to automatically generate design solutions based on design criteria.

This capability enables designers and engineers to explore geometries and forms beyond the bounds of human imagination and come up with superior solutions and products. Generative design’s potential is further unlocked using advanced manufacturing technologies, like 3D printing. In this article, we’ll take you through everything you need to know in order to understand and get started with generative design.

What is Generative Design?

Generative design is a a software-driven iterative design process in which 3D geometries are created based on goals and parameters. The software, which uses AI-driven algorithms to make optimized geometries that meet or exceed performance requirements.

In the generative design process, you are not required to upload an existing part or geometry. Instead, you input constraints and design goals for a given part, and the software will auto-generate a series of designs that meet your specifications. Inputs include dimensional and weight constraints, maximum cost, material type, necessary loads, what manufacturing technology is being used, and more. Generative design software takes all these factors into account when computing 3D models, resulting in a series of different designs that fit the parameters and goals.

From there, the various options can be further analyzed - either manually by the designer or using an automated testing program - to rank the geometries based on how well they meet the defined goals. The top choices can then be further refined and optimized until the best solution is found. Notably, because generative design is driven by artificial intelligence, the software continues to learn with every project, leading to increasingly advanced outcomes.

Difference Between Topology Optimization and Generative Design

While both are at the forefront of design processes today, topology optimization and generative design are not to be confused or conflated. One optimizes an existing CAD design to meet certain specifications, while the other creates a design from scratch using algorithms.

Topology optimization is a widely used tool in many CAD software programs. In the topology optimization process, users upload a CAD model and specify the design goals for the part including constraints, loads, etc.. The software processes this input and creates a single optimized geometry based on the original CAD model.

The generative design process, on the other hand, starts at a different point. Rather than input an existing 3D model to be optimized, you begin by setting the project constraints and goals. AI-driven software then analyzes these and generates a series of design outcomes, which you can evaluate and optimize further.

In summary, there are two important distinctions between topology optimization and generative design. First, unlike topology optimization, generative design does not require a human-designed CAD model to initiate the design process. And second, generative design offers you multiple optimized design outcomes, enabling you to explore more potential solutions and further refine the design.

Benefits and Limitations of Generative Design

There are many benefits to using generative design, including previously unimagined solutions and faster design iterations. As a relatively new software solution, however, generative design is still burdened by some limitations, which we will explore in more detail. But first, let’s take a look at some of the benefits.

Benefits of Generative Design

New design concepts: Traditionally, product designs are typically based on models that already exist. With generative design, however, geometries are not restrained by existing models. The software can therefore produce wholly new geometries that may surpass existing designs in terms of functionality and performance, often with an unexpected and novel appearance.

Faster time to market: Generative design technology can dramatically speed up product design timelines and therefore accelerate the time to market. Not only does it auto-generate multiple outcomes for a given set of parameters, it also enables you to compare the various designs and further refine them in a digital setting. This means by the time you get to physically prototyping your new product, many of the potential design flaws will have already been anticipated and avoided.

Complex design: Used in combination with advanced manufacturing processes, such as 3D printing, generative design unlocks unprecedented design freedom. Previously impossible parts, with lattices, organic structures, and complex internal geometries can be achieved to attain the best possible performance outcomes and meet design goals.

Automated assessment: Once the design outcomes have been generated the best option must be chosen. Depending on the project, this can be simply an aesthetic decision made by the designer, but more often this is a matter of part performance. Additional algorithms can be implemented to evaluate and rate the generated design in regard to parameters such as part performance, accuracy in relation to defined goals, and many more.

Partition wall made with Generative Design

Limitations of Generative Design

Upskilling: To make the most out of generative design software, designers must understand how to work with machine learning and AI-driven software. This is especially true for more complex design applications. Not all designers are equipped with these skills, which creates hurdles for adoption.

Accessibility: One of the challenges facing generative design today is accessibility. The cost of using generative design software has traditionally been steep, which makes it prohibitive to certain users. Free options are available but tend to require the users to script their own algorithms. Fortunately, thanks to cloud computing solutions, the price of generative design solutions is starting to decrease. In 2021, for instance, Autodesk cut the price of its Generative Design Extension for Fusion 360 by 80% to increase access.

Generative Design Process

Once an exclusive technology, generative design software is becoming more accessible as CAD software providers integrate the process into their product offerings. Below are some of the leading generative solutions on the market:

Autodesk Fusion 360

A leading CAD software program, Fusion 360 offers users a wide selection of 3D design tools. Autodesk’s Generative Design Extension for Fusion 360 utilizes machine learning and AI to quickly iterate design solutions based on defined goals and parameter sets for various manufacturing processes, including 3D printing, CNC machining, casting, and injection molding.

Siemens NX

PLM software provider Siemens has brought generative design to market in its NX platform. Siemens NX is an integrated solution that offers a combination of intelligent design and simulation for product design. NX also integrates topology optimization powered by convergent modeling.

PTC Creo Generative Design

The Creo Generative Design solution by PTC is fully integrated into its CAD/PLM/simulation platform, enabling the seamless transition from design concept to simulation to prototype to production. The solution consists of two design extensions: the cloud-based Generative Design Extension (GDX) and the Generative Topology Optimization extension (GTO). These extensions automatically highlight the top design options for the user and are compatible with both additive manufacturing and CNC machining.

nTopology nTop Platform

nTopology’s generative design software gives the user full control over the design optimization process. With it, you can build custom workflows and utilize field-driven design, which combines simulation, experimental data, and in-house engineering knowledge to generate innovative, optimized design solutions.

3D Printing and Generative Design

3D printing, also known as Additive Manufacturing, and generative design go hand in hand. Used in combination, the advanced technologies enable engineers and producers to take their products to the next level, overcoming design limitations imposed by more traditional manufacturing processes.

3D printing is a relatively young manufacturing approach that builds parts layer by layer. This is different from subtractive manufacturing processes, like CNC machining, which creates parts by removing material from a blank. Due to the additive nature of 3D printing, the technology is capable of producing a greater range of design features, including lattices, organic structures, and internal geometries. Today, there are many types of 3D printing technology on the market, including metal, polymer, and composite systems that fall into hobbyist/industrial and desktop/large-format 3D printer categories, for example. This means additive manufacturing can be used for a broad range of applications in many industries.

Generative design gives you the tools to make the most out of 3D printing. And vice versa. In other words, 3D printing and generative design provide unprecedented design freedom, which creates pathways for more innovative product development.

In addition to the design freedom 3D printing allows, the technology also offers other benefits, including production agility. Let us elaborate. 3D printing is not bound by the same economies of scale as more traditional production methods. This means that it can cost efficiently produce a single or small series of parts. Not only does this have benefits for prototyping, where high-quality functional prototypes can be quickly iterated for testing, but also for the mass customization of end-use parts. Generative design also encourages customization in that it can quickly generate new design variations based on parameter adjustments.

There are several examples of generative design and additive manufacturing being used to enhance the performance of a part. For instance, automotive manufacturer General Motors redesigned a seat belt bracket using Autodesk’s generative design solution and metal 3D printing. Not only did the new part consolidate eight components into a single structure, but it was also 40% lighter and 20% stronger than its conventional counterpart. .

Large-scale 3D printer manufacturer BigRep has used generative design to achieve previously impossible designs. The company’s innovation consultancy NOWLAB relied on generative design software and large-format 3D printing to produce the first 3D printed green wall with built-in drainage and irrigation systems. The first installation, known as the BANYAN Eco Wall, is characterized by an organic, plant-inspired structure measuring 2000 x 2000 x 600 mm, and is designed to irrigate the living plants fitted into it. A subsequent GENESIS Eco Screen was installed outdoors in Berlin and measured 4000 x 4000 x 800 mm. Generative design was vital in creating the unique design and optimizing it for 3D printing.

Industries that Use Generative Design

Generative design is a versatile technology that offers benefits to a range of industries, from aerospace to consumer goods. Here is how the top industries that have adopted generative design are using the approach:


In the automotive industry, generative design is being used to improve vehicle part design with the aim of enhancing performance and efficiency. Some of the most important goals in this sector are reducing weight and consolidating parts. Both are critical to improving fuel efficiency in cars.


Generative design is also making an impact in the aerospace industry, where new aircraft part designs are unlocking greater efficiency, performance, and safety. Like the automotive industry, aerospace is leveraging generative design to create more lightweight parts for better fuel efficiency.

Architecture and Construction

In the field of architecture, generative design allows designers and architects to conceive of new, outside-the-box solutions for architectural spaces and layouts while solving complex design problems. For example, generative design can come up with innovative and functional layouts for compact urban living spaces or offices.

Industrial Machinery

Generative design can be used with a range of manufacturing processes, including additive manufacturing and more traditional processes like CNC machining. This means industrial machinery businesses can explore new possibilities not only for AM but also for casting design. For example, industrial machinery designers can create better performing parts, such as gears, while also consolidating the number parts to lower costs, material usage, and overall risk.

Consumer Goods

Product design for consumer goods is all about innovation. Generative design is enabling product designers in this segment to bring superior solutions to market that solve complex design problems. Crucially, generative design takes out a lot of the legwork of designing by streamlining what would normally consist of multiple iteration cycles using AI-driven algorithms. This can save product design teams significant time and money.


Overall, generative design is changing how designers come up with solutions to complex problems. It provides an intelligent, automated pathway for conceiving new design concepts that push the boundaries while still meeting, even surpassing, the brief.

It is also worth mentioning that there are those who think generative design will make designers redundant through its use of automation and AI. This is far from the truth: the technology is not designed to replace the designer, it is built to empower them to explore wholly new design concepts that take product performance and efficiency to new levels. And as the technologies that power generative design—AI and machine learning—become increasingly sophisticated, so too will generative design solutions and outputs.


The BigRep PRO is a 1 m³ powerhouse 3D printer, built to take you from prototyping to production. It provides a highly scalable solution to manufacture end-use parts, factory tooling or more with high-performance, engineering-grade materials. Compared with other manufacturing and FFF printing solutions, the PRO can produce full-scale, accurate parts faster and at lower production costs.

Explore the PRO


The BigRep PRO is a 1 m³ powerhouse 3D printer, built to take you from prototyping to production. It provides a highly scalable solution to manufacture end-use parts, factory tooling or more with high-performance, engineering-grade materials. Compared with other manufacturing and FFF printing solutions, the PRO can produce full-scale, accurate parts faster and at lower production costs.

Explore the PRO

About the author:

Dominik Stürzer <a style="color: #0077b5" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a>

Dominik Stürzer

Head of Growth Marketing

Dominik is a mechanical engineer whose passion to share knowledge turned him to content creation. His first 3D prints started in university. Back then the 3D printers were big on the outside and small on the inside. With BigRep the machines are finally big in their possibilities.

Design innovative mountain bikes using 3D printing 

Canyon reinvents the mountain bike by combining efficiency and sustainability. New frame geometries are designed using topology optimization. Now thanks to large scale 3D printers, engineers can hold their creations in their hands within a few days.

Canyon: Creative from the very beginning

Ever since it was founded, Canyon Bicycles GmbH has been an innovative company. Started as a bicycle spare part dealership mainly selling parts during races, Canyon was among the first companies to start a mail order business before quickly developing their own bikes. Now Canyon offers bikes in all categories, from city bikes to mountain bikes, and employs more than 1000 people.  Working with professional cyclists like Jan Frodeno, Alejandro Valverde, and Mathieu van der Poel as well as teams like the Canyon SRAM Racing Team provides new impulses for innovation and development. To realize their ideas, engineers like Johannes Thumm, Senior Design Engineer MTB at Canyon, make use of what large scale 3D printing can offer. His task: “My work is focused on making the most lightweight and most efficient mountain bikes for racing. Exactly the bikes I like to ride myself.”

Additive Manufacturing saves time and money when designing bicycle frames

Until now, the development of a new frame concept used to be complicated, costly and most of all, time consuming. For a first prototype of a new frame, a mock-up would be welded from steel tubes.  This could then be used to attach parts and check the frame’s geometry and appearance. If problems arose a new mock-up was required, which could take weeks or even months.

For carbon fiber frames, making a prototype was even more demanding. Each design iteration required a new milled mold in which carbon fiber can be shaped into the design prototype. . This is a time consuming and therefore expensive process — the mold alone could cost between 10,000 € and 25,000 € — and again, it might be weeks before a frame design can finally be evaluated to decide if changes are necessary or not.


This is where 3d printing comes into play. Using their BigRep ONE, engineers can print the frame geometries that had been designed on the computer within one or two days. In just a short while it is possible to have a frame in hand, to get a real feel for the product, and to compare it with one's expectations.  These design iterations greatly influence the decision to abandon a design or develop it further. Johannes Thumm: “We can simply design, print, check the frame, maybe do some modifications, print it again.”


After a few post-processing steps like sanding, priming, and painting, the prototype looks like how the final bicycle frame will appear and is useful  for collecting aesthetic opinions from colleagues and potential customers. In case adaptations are required, the 3D printer drastically shortens iteration cycles and, therefore, the time it takes until the next frame version is available. Costs for 3D printed prototypes  are only a fraction of those made with conventional methods.

Development of sustainable frame concepts with the BigRep ONE

For an upcoming project, Canyon was forced to break new ground. The R&D department was tasked with developing a frame that should set a higher standard of sustainability, but this required solving several challenges. First, the frame should be made from only one easily recyclable material. Secondly, the frame had to be as rigid as possible for tough professional racing situations as well as improved handling for ambitious amateur rider. Finally, a maximum weight could not be exceeded.

To achieve all of these goals, Canyon used computerized topology optimization. After relevant boundaries had been set, the computer calculated the most ideal shape for the new bike frame. A number of changes and adaptations through many iteration cycles resulted in an optimized frame design that could actually be manufactured and was financially feasible. 


Without the 3D printer, iteration design process would not have been cost-efficient, or perhaps impossible. Johannes Thumm says, “3D printing already opened up so many cool chances to save time, to try new designs, extending all the possibilities of manufacturing.” 

Future development of 3D printing in the bicycle industry

Aside from bicycle design, 3D printing will accelerate product development in many other industries. As product cycles become ever shorter and customers ask for more individualized products, additive manufacturing makes it possible to react quickly to changing market conditions. By combining computer-aided design processes and modern manufacturing technologies, products can be made which were previously unconceivable.


Usable bike frames out of the 3D printer are still a vision of the future. But considering the rapid development of additive manufacturing it is only a matter of time before this will become a reality. Not only would bike frames in all sizes become available, it would also be possible to provide custom-made bike geometries based on individual bodily dimensions. For Johannes Thumm, 3D printing will play an important role in the future: “There are completely new possibilities also in how a product can look like.”

3D printing will also have a huge impact on sustainability in manufacturing.  Local production instead of long-distance cargo transport and avoiding large amounts of waste material during production will lead to bicycles making an even larger contribution to protecting the environment.”


The BigRep ONE is an award-winning, large-format 3D printer at an accessible price point. With over 500 systems installed worldwide, it's a trusted tool of designers, innovators, and manufacturers alike. With a massive one-cubic-meter build volume, the fast and reliable ONE brings your designs to life in full scale.

Explore the ONE


The BigRep ONE is an award-winning, large-format 3D printer at an accessible price point. With over 500 systems installed worldwide, it's a trusted tool of designers, innovators, and manufacturers alike. With a massive one-cubic-meter build volume, the fast and reliable ONE brings your designs to life in full scale.

Explore the ONE

About the author:

Michael Eggerdinger <a style="color: #0077b5" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a>

Michael Eggerdinger

Business Manager Materials

Michael is a toolmaker, a mechanical engineer, and a patent engineer. His years of working in manufacturing and as a project manager in various industries provide him with a profound knowledge of the main challenges in modern production processes. In 2017, he bought his first 3D printer to be used at home, and he has been hooked ever since!

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