3D Printer Speed: What You Need to Know

3D Print Speed

In additive manufacturing, if you want to succeed, then you need high speeds. The crucial question remains: how can you maintain quality while significantly ramping up production speeds?

It helps to have a better understanding of how 3D printing speeds are defined, what they mean for your prints, and tried and tested ways of producing parts faster. To learn more, read our thorough guide below.

Defining 3D Printer Speed

Oftentimes 3D printer speed is equated with the speed of the print head: the faster the printhead moves and deposits filament, the faster a part is built. But that’s only part of the picture.

While the speed of the print head influences the deposition rate of filament on the print bed, it does not reflect the overall length of the 3D printing process. It is far from the only print setting to influence overall printing time. It’s worth taking a broader look at 3D printing speeds for the FFF process, considering the 3D printing process from beginning (pre-processing) to end (post-processing).

Each step in the FFF 3D printing process adds time, contributing to how long it takes to get from 3D model to finished product. Fortunately, this means that the end-to-end 3D print speed can be accelerated by optimizing certain elements of the print process and tweaking certain settings. We propose a slightly more encompassing metric of speed that takes into account the time and labor spent before and after printing, as well as the printing time itself.

What Influences 3D Print Speed?

To accelerate and optimize the speed of the 3D printing process, it is important to understand what factors come into play across the pre-processing, build, and post-processing stages.

3D Printing Speed
A batch of 3D prints are sliced with BigRep BLADE.


Pre-processing encompasses the time it takes to prepare the 3D model and the 3D printer for the printing process. Three pre-processing stages determine how long a 3D print will take.

3D Model Preparation

3D model preparation is itself a category that includes parameter selection and printing preferences. Decisions made in 3D model preparation have a massive influence on overall printing times. For example, choosing the right orientation for the 3D print on the build platform can reduce or even eliminate the need for support, cutting back on printing time. Some slicing programs, such as BigRep BLADE, offer automatic settings—like auto-orientation—that optimize these features so you don’t have to spend time figuring out the right parameters.


Slicing software translates 3D models into a language that 3D printers understand. This process takes time, especially if your 3D model is particularly complex or the STL file is too large. Adjusting the resolution of your 3D model as well as layer heights and infill densities can alter slicing times. Keeping your slicer software updated can also eliminate bugs that slow processing times.

3D Printer Calibration

Calibration is a necessary step that ensures your 3D printer is properly positioned and all components, such as the extruder, motors, and axes, are aligned. Manual calibration can be time-consuming and take hours, but many FFF 3D printers offer automatic calibration that can be done in mere minutes.

3D Print Speed
A sensor measures the printed structures to calibrate the extruders for dual extrusion before printing.

3D Print Time

The print time refers to how long the 3D printer spends creating an object. As you might expect, it is typically the most time-intensive element of the 3D printing process. Different print settings and hardware features can increase or decrease printing times.

3D Print Speed

Print speed refers to the rate at which the 3D printer extrusion system moves when extruding filament. Print speed is measured in millimeters per second (mm/s), and most FFF 3D printers have the capacity to print at speeds in the range of 40 mm/s to 150 mm/s. This setting can also influence print quality: the faster the extruder, the less precise the print becomes.

Travel Speed

Travel speed indicates how fast the print head moves when not extruding filament. The travel speed can often be faster than the print speed without affecting quality. However, if it is too fast, it can lead to 3D printing defects like less precise prints or even layer shifts.

The sustainable travel speed you can achieve, depends a lot on the mechanical structure of your 3D printer. A sturdier frame and portal allow for higher travel speeds without the risk of vibrations showing in your part.

3D Print Speed
Two 3D prints with different layer heights: 0.2mm and 0.6mm.

Layer Height

This measurement determines how thick each printed layer will be and thus has a direct influence on printer speed. The thicker the layer height, the fewer layers will be needed to complete a print and the faster your part will be built. As the layer height increases, however, the resolution of the print decreases.

Nozzle Diameter

The nozzle diameter is a hardware selection that can unlock faster printing rates. The bigger the nozzle diameter, the wider each printed line will be. This can eliminate the need for multiple perimeter layers to achieve a certain wall thickness. A wider nozzle diameter also allows for increased layer height.

Infill Patterns & Density
Two 3D prints are sliced with different infill percentages and wall thicknesses.

Infill Density

The percentage of infill density—the internal structure that supports the outer shell of a 3D print—can have a big impact on print speeds. The lower the infill density, the less material is required, which can reduce print times.

You should note that lower infill densities also provide less strength than a higher infill, so it’s about finding the right balance between speed and quality.

Support Structures

Generated to reinforce overhangs and bridges, support structures can also increase the time it takes to 3D print a model. Support patterns, densities, and other settings will influence support printing time. Orienting your model on the print bed to minimize supports can also speed up print times.

The white material is BigRep's BVOH filament, a water soluble support for easy removal.
The white material is BigRep's BVOH filament, a water soluble support for easy removal.


Once the 3D print is removed from the print bed, a certain level of post-processing is required. For prototypes and hobbyist-grade components, post-processing times can be minimal. For end-use parts or visual prototypes, however, post-processing can be demanding.

Support Removal

If your 3D model was printed with supports, removal is an obligatory step. The ease of removal is highly dependent on the type and number of supports.

Some supports can be removed manually in just seconds, while others require special cutting tools to avoid damaging the 3D print. The easiest and often fastest support removal can be achieved by using a dual extrusion 3D printer and a soluble support material that simply dissolves away.

Break Off Support Structures
Support structures are designed to break away easily after 3D printing.

Sanding and Polishing

Sanding and polishing are necessary steps for 3D prints that need a fine surface finish. Since both these steps are manual—requiring the use of sandpaper, polishing paste, or cloth—they can be very time-consuming, especially for larger prints.

Mechanical methods like tumbling and sandblasting are more complex yet speedier options for larger batches.

Priming and Coating

Other optional post-processing steps are priming, painting, and coating. The time each of these steps takes depends entirely on the technique used (for example spray coating, dip coating, or hand painting) as well as the scale of the 3D print and batch size.

For example, dip coating can accelerate post-processing for batches of parts, while spray coating can be more efficient for large prints.

3D Print Speed
A 3D print is post-processed with a brush-on coating to smooth and protect the surface.


3D printing speed is not as simple as knowing the mm/s rate of the print head: many other factors influence how long it will take to complete a 3D print job. In the pre-processing stage, model prep, slicing, and parameter selection can be optimized for faster processing.

In the build stage, various settings and hardware choices directly influence the speed and quality of a 3D print. Finally, the degree of post-processing required for an FFF 3D print can greatly influence how long it takes to get from a 3D model to the finished part.

By optimizing these various steps and understanding the correlation between print speed and part quality, you can achieve faster print rates and a more efficient printing process overall.

Want to learn more? Watch this webinar to see how to save time with the BigRep PRO 3D printer!

Dominik Stürzer <a style="color: #0077b5" href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/dominik-stuerzer/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a>

Dominik Stürzer

SEO Manager 

Dominik is a mechanical engineer whose passion to share knowledge turned him to content creation. His first 3D prints started in university. Back then the 3D printers were big on the outside and small on the inside. With BigRep the machines are finally big in their possibilities.

How to Choose Which Features You Need on the Modular BigRep ONE 3D Printer

BigRep ONE Large-Format 3D Printer

How to Choose Which Features You Need on a Modular BigRep ONE

BigRep ONE Large-Format 3D Printer

The BigRep ONE is a modular large-format FFF 3D printer designed to produce high-quality, long-lasting parts while saving you time and money. With a massive build volume of one cubic meter and versatile modular feature configurations, it’s perfect for a wide range of applications, including prototypes, furniture design, creative exhibitions, automotive components, tooling, and more.

The latest version, the BigRep ONE.4 can be configured with various modes and add-ons. Customize the specific large-format 3D printer for your current needs, while you also have the possibility to upgrade as those needs change in the future. It’s important to understand the BigRep ONE’s standard features and capabilities as a modular 3D printer, so you can adjust the ONE to meet your specific Additive Manufacturing needs.

Which Features Does the BigRep ONE.4 Already Have?

The newest iteration of the BigRep ONE has an array of fantastic features that give you full control over your prints.

Massive Print Volume

The ONE.4’s massive one cubic meter build volume firmly establishes it as one of the biggest 3D printers in FFF manufacturing, giving you the ability to unleash your potential in a way that smaller printers simply cannot achieve.

Enclosed Safe Frame

The ONE.4 has a plexiglass enclosure, perfect for monitoring print progress as well as showing your work to any potential visitors. It also provides CE-compliant operator protection: if you open the enclosure mid-print, the machine will stop running. The enclosure reduces temperature fluctuation within the build volume, which is important for maintaining quality and consistency, especially during longer prints.

PEX Fiber-Ready Extruder

Featuring 0.6mm, 1.0mm, or 2.0mm nozzles, the fiber-ready Power Extruders (PEX) provide versatile solutions from maximum detail to high-flow 3D printing. While producing amazing results with BigRep materials including biopolymers, water-soluble support, engineering-grade materials, and fiber–reinforced filaments, the fiber-ready Power Extruder is open for printing with 3rd party materials.

BigRep Fiber-Ready PEX (Power Extruders)

Semi-Automated Print Bed

The 1M2 print bed is covered with polyimide foil to ensure that your print stays fixed to the print bed, with additional adhesion possible with glue such as Magigoo. The ONE.4 features semi-automatic print bed calibration to ensure proper extrusion and adhesion of the first layers of your print. For fully automatic calibration and even more control, however, it’s worth checking out the BigRep PRO.

Out-of-Filament Sensor

The BigRep ONE’s out-of-filament sensor pauses all prints when you are out of filament, essential for large prints that may use up multiple spools. Simply replace the filament and continue your print.

Intuitive User Interface

For full optimization and calibration of your print, the BigRep ONE is equipped with an intuitive user interface. It helps you remotely load gcodes onto the system, or manually with a USB stick, calibrate the print bed, stop and start operations, and monitor systems in conjunction with BigRep CONNECT.

BigRep ONE.4 Intuitive User Interface

Filament Enclosure

The filament enclosure has been designed to fit all standard spool sizes, including two spools up to 8kgs. This allows for longer, more continuous printing time.

Standard Camera

For extra-large prints that can take days or even weeks, it’s important to be able to monitor your prints remotely from your computer, tablet, or mobile device. The ONE.4 comes with a webcam attached to your printer, allowing for worry-free prints. The camera also allows you to make time-lapse videos, which can be useful for boosting your marketing outreach.

Which Configuration Works for Me?

The ONE.4 is customizable to meet your specific needs, which begins with the extruder combination you choose.



Single Mode is the most affordable option, a basic configuration with a single Power Extruder and a 1mm nozzle. This option is great for prototyping and testing large-scale prints on a lower budget, however, water-soluble support isn't possible in Single Mode.

BigRep ONE.4 Single Mode
BigRep ONE.4 Dual Mode


Our most popular configuration is Dual Mode, which allows for dual extrusion. This is perfect for producing complex geometries when you need water-soluble support for easy removal after printing. Some customers prefer to keep different nozzle sizes on either PEX to avoid swapping out nozzles for different prints. Another advantage of dual extruders is having two different primary materials readily loaded for fast switching between filaments.



Twin mode is perfect when you want multiple prints of the same geometry, speeding up your output by 100% and doubling your production. As both extruders work simultaneously, you can print two versions at once, cutting costs and reducing time-to-part by 50%. With Twin Mode, each extruder can print within one-half of the build volume, so Dual or Single Mode is required for larger prints needing build volumes over 0.5m2.

BigRep ONE.4 Twin Mode

Which Additional Add-Ons Are Available?

The BigRep ONE is a modular printer, so you can choose features to optimize your 3D printer based on your specific needs. Here are the useful add-ons that you may want to consider:

Keep-Dry Add-On

If you want to improve quality and make the highest-quality prints possible, then it’s important to keep your materials dry, particularly engineering-grade and hygroscopic filaments. The keep-dry box protects filaments from environmental moisture and dust, which is especially important for materials such as TPU, BVOH, and HI-TEMP.

BigRep ONE.4 Keep-Dry Box

Connected Camera

For additional peace of mind, the ONE.4 can be equipped with a USB camera and integrated into BigRep CONNECT, a new monitoring and analytics software that lets you keep track of prints, job queues, material usage, and more... plus, BigRep CONNECT is free.

Dual Mode Add-On

If you already have Single Mode, you can upgrade to as your needs change to print with two extruders instead of one. This is also necessary to install first if you want to print in twin mode.

Twin Mode Add-On

If you have Dual Mode already enabled, the twin kit add-on allows you to upgrade to twin mode as well.

Custom Color

The BigRep ONE is easily identifiable with its trademark orange corners, but you can rebrand your ONE.4 with the custom color add-on to match your company's color scheme or corporate identity.

BigRep ONE.4 Custom Color

Three Different Personalities of the BigRep ONE

In the race for 3D printing success, knowledge is half the battle. Understanding the full capabilities of the ONE should give you an indication of which features you need to get the most out of your 3D printer. It’s always worth considering exactly what your aims are before tailoring the ONE to meet those desires. To give you an indication, we have three potential combinations you could work with:

The Sprinter

As the name suggests, the Sprinter is all about speed and is great for ramping up output of batch production. Once design and calibration, material usage, and bed-leveling are set, the Sprinter works quickly and efficiently to simultaneously produce two identical parts. A Sprinter setup could include the Twin Mode extruder configuration with a 1.0mm nozzle, doubling production capabilities, and a CONNECT camera to monitor 3D prints over long periods.

The Essentials

When you want a large-format 3D printer at a smaller price, you may want only the Essentials. Opt for a no-thrills, all-business Single Mode ONE.4 configuration perfect for rapid testing and production. The Essentials includes a single fiber-ready Power Extruder with a 1.0mm nozzle. Perfect for beginners, it's a robust solution at minimal cost.

The Perfectionist

The Perfectionist is a ONE.4 configuration suited for applications requiring the best quality using materials that deliver. For complex geometries, Dual Mode is recommended to enable the ONE.4 to print water-soluble support, like BigRep BVOH, together with a range of compatible materials. To keep sensitive materials in optimal condition, add on the Keep-Dry Box to protect filaments from environmental moisture and dust. For maximum detail, this Perfectionist approach utilizes a 0.6mm nozzle for finer-quality prints and lower layer heights.

Don’t Limit Yourself

In the 3D printing world, there are no limitations to what you are capable of. With the BigRep ONE, you are given the opportunity to create a 3D printer completely in line with what you want to achieve.

As your 3D printing needs evolve, simply upgrade your ONE with additional features to grow along with you. If you need a custom solution for your needs, please feel free to contact our team today.


The BigRep ONE is an award-winning, large-format 3D printer at an accessible price point. With over 500 systems installed worldwide, it's a trusted tool of designers, innovators, and manufacturers alike. With a massive one-cubic-meter build volume, the fast and reliable ONE brings your designs to life in full scale.

Explore the ONE


The BigRep ONE is an award-winning, large-format 3D printer at an accessible price point. With over 500 systems installed worldwide, it's a trusted tool of designers, innovators, and manufacturers alike. With a massive one-cubic-meter build volume, the fast and reliable ONE brings your designs to life in full scale.

Explore the ONE

About the author:

Lindsay Lawson <a style="color: #0077b5" href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/lindsay-lawson-152a69185/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a>

Lindsay Lawson

Head of Product Marketing

With an MFA in New Genres, Lindsay's background in sculpture and animation eventually led her to the world of 3D printing. She is primarily focused on applications using large-format 3D printing with additional emphasis on post-processing techniques and design for Additive Manufacturing.

Leveraging 3D Printing for Automotive Customization at AVI Boston

AVI Boston turns to 3D printing for automotive customization, cutting costs and saving time.

AVI Boston seamlessly weaves technology into crafting personalized and bespoke automotive parts like dashboards, radar installations, door panels, and beyond.

What puts them ahead of the curve is their expertise in integrating cutting-edge audio and visual systems, elevating both the car’s aesthetics and functionality. Their innovative approach is amplified by their use of 3D printing to manufacture end-use parts with BigRep’s STUDIO 3D printer to bring their concepts to life.

Having been in the automotive customization game for over seventeen years, AVI recently approached BigRep to purchase the STUDIO – a large-format 3D printer.

"Finding skilled fabricators and installers is a challenge, but with our STUDIO, it's like having a full-time employee building parts. We design, press print, go away for the weekend and all the parts are ready by Monday morning."

“A big issue we were facing was that we didn’t have enough hands onboard. Finding good fabricator installers is really difficult and now we have a 3D printing machine that does that for us, it's almost like having a full-time employee building a part," said Safi Barqawi, the owner of AVI Boston.

What the STUDIO 3D Printer Brought to the Table

“We can design everything specifically, just press print and we have the entire file on our computer. The cool thing is we have a scan of the door, the dashboard, the center console, design and build it even if the car is not here.” added Safi.

STUDIO G2 features that MOVED the

needle for  AVI BOSTON 

Large Build Volume

The STUDIO G2 boasts of a generous build volume of 1000 x 500 x 500 mm, 10 times that of standard desktop 3D printers. This enables AVI to create sizable quality end-use parts in a single print job, expanding the possibilities for customization.

BigRep STUDIO - Large build volume
BigRep STUDIO Dual Extruder

Dual Extrusion

The ability to print structures with two different materials without having to swap out filaments. The STUDIO G2 eliminates the need for filament changes and opens up possibilities for an uninterrupted seamless print without changing hands.

Reduced Post Processing

Compatible with the STUDIO G2’s dual extrusion system, water-soluble support material BVOH is a revolutionary filament in post-processing. This ecologically friendly advanced material delivers support during print and massively reduces post-processing.

BigRep BVOH Water-Soluble Support Filament

Digital Inventory

Produce on demand without added costs and uncertainty of keeping stock parts. Instead of stocking up on parts and running the risk of them going to waste, AVI could hit print as needed and create intricate, functional structures like dashboards, doors, center consoles, and cup holders.

Automotive Customization with 3D Printing
Complete auto interiors 3D printed, including panels, doors, cup holders, and more.

How AVI Benefited From BigRep’s STUDIO G2

Works Around The Clock

Having the STUDIO G2 is like having an extra pair of hands in the garage that works without a pause, occasionally needing a bit of grease. “We get five orders, we just press print five times, go away for the weekend, and come back all five prints are ready for us Monday morning” says Safi. “We do a lot of magnetic kits for a specific vehicle and once we design it, we can print it as many times as we'd like without having to recreate the product itself.”

Complex Geometries And Fine Details Come Through

Car parts like custom interior panels and speaker covers need intricate designs that are time-consuming and particularly hard to achieve with traditional machining methods. “With the STUDIO G2, we’ve been designing these parts in-house and building clean structures for such intricate pieces. We would never be able to do that by hand. Getting down to that small of a detail is really hard. What would take days or weeks to get manufactured outside is done in a fraction of the time with the STUDIO.”

Automotive Customization with 3D Printed Car Parts
AVI Boston 3D prints custom car parts with the BigRep STUDIO G2.

Cost Effective Solution

One of the perks of 3D printing in automotive customization is its ability to reduce production costs. With traditional manufacturing processes, tooling and molds are often used resulting in high costs. In comparison, when AVI switched to the STUDIO, it eliminated the need for expensive tooling resulting in reduced production costs, especially when it came to low-volume production and customization.

Intuitive User Interface

“The STUDIO G2 has been nothing but positive all the way around. The machine is extremely easy to use, it's very intuitive, if you want something, you just press print as many times as you want, and it’ll just keep printing it.” The STUDIO is equipped with an intuitive user interface that enables AVI to remotely load gcodes onto the system. The other functions supported by the machine are calibration of the print bed, stop and start operations, and monitoring systems in conjunction with BigRep’s CONNECT. “So, if there are three things that we do all the time, we have three presets on there and you just press print when you are ready for it. It's a very well thought out product backed up by a very good service team.” Safi elaborated.

Assembly of 3D Printed Car Parts
AVI Boston employee examines a newly installed 3D printed door panel.

The BIG Advantage

The conventional way to produce car parts has been highly manual. With the STUDIO, AVI could directly 3D print end-use parts that cost way less and fit perfectly the first time which also helps them stay on top of project timelines. The compact design of the 3D printer was the icing on the cake that enabled AVI to host it right in their workshop. “One of the coolest things about the STUDIO G2 is that it’s sleek and allows us to be super-efficient with the space we have. This gave us the ability to design and print parts with a 3D printer in-house” concludes Safi.

Want to learn more about car customization empowered by additive manufacturing?

Register to watch the on-demand webinar, Digitizing Production of Custom Large-Format Automotive Parts.

Learn how digitizing this process drastically reduces production time and number of stages while saving money and material costs. Also hear from Jeremy Katz, owner of JK Automotive Designs, and see first hand how Katz embraced different technologies, allowing his team to offer more to their clients and continue exceeding expectations. Don't miss out, register for the webinar:



The BigRep ONE is an award-winning, large-format 3D printer at an accessible price point. With over 500 systems installed worldwide, it's a trusted tool of designers, innovators, and manufacturers alike. With a massive one-cubic-meter build volume, the fast and reliable ONE brings your designs to life in full scale.

Explore the ONE


The BigRep ONE is an award-winning, large-format 3D printer at an accessible price point. With over 500 systems installed worldwide, it's a trusted tool of designers, innovators, and manufacturers alike. With a massive one-cubic-meter build volume, the fast and reliable ONE brings your designs to life in full scale.

Explore the ONE

About the author:

Natasha Mathew <a style="color: #0077b5" href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/natasha-mathew/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a>

Natasha Mathew


Natasha Mathew enjoys trying new things and one of them she’s currently obsessed with is 3D printing. Her passion for explaining complex concepts in simple terms and her knack for storytelling led her to be a writer. In her 7 years of experience, she has covered just about any topic under the sun. When she’s not carefully weighing her words, she’s reading, crafting, spinning, and adventuring. And when asked about herself, she writes in the third person.

Massive Benchy 3D Print as a Benchmark for Large-Format 3D Printers

The most frequently 3D-printed object in the world, 3D Benchy, is a 3D model in the shape of a boat that was designed as a benchmark to test all sorts of 3D printing parameters. BigRep put its large-format 3D printers to the test by producing the world's largest Benchy, measuring at 816 mm tall. Let's have a close look at this giant Benchy and what its features can show about BigRep 3D printers' capabilities.

What is a 3D Benchy?

A 3D Benchy is a computer model that is specifically designed to test the capabilities of a 3D printer. Its name derives from "benchmark," which reflects its relevance in 3D printing. The Benchy was first released as an STL file in 2015 and is often the first thing one prints with a new 3D printer it has a set of features that determine the printer's capabilities and possible limitations.


Benchy Features

The most common Benchy features include overhangs, bridges, surface finish, and dimensional accuracy. These features are all important in 3D printing, and help evaluate the printer's ability to produce intricate designs, handle complex geometries, and maintain precise measurements. By looking closely at the quality of Benchy prints, one can identify issues or limitations with their 3D printer and make necessary adjustments for better results.

overhang dfam


Overhangs are horizontal or inclined surfaces extending beyond more vertically oriented parts of a 3D print. Successful overhangs showcase the printer's ability to handle complex geometries and maintain structural integrity without supports.

Bridging - Design for Additive Manufacturing

Dimensional Accuracy

The 3D printed Benchy's dimensions can be compared to the 3D model's original specifications. Accurate dimensional reproduction is an important indicator of a printer's ability to maintain precise measurements and avoid scaling issues.

Bridging front view - Design for Additive Manufacturing


Bridges are horizontal gaps between two vertical structures. Bridges demonstrates the printer's ability to create even and sturdy horizontal spans, without sagging or drooping in the middle. The length of possible bridges depends on a printer's capabilities, slicing settings, and material used.

Part Orientation - DfAM

Surface Finish

The surface finish of the Benchy model is an essential feature to evaluate. The smoothness, texture, and overall appearance of the 3D printed Benchy can be examined for any imperfections such as layer lines, warping, or inconsistent extrusion, which can affect the final print quality.

Benchy in BigRep PRO

Advantages and Challenges of Printing 3D Benchy

The Benchy is widely recognized in the 3D printing community for its successes and challenges. One of its major strengths is its ability to assess various 3D printing technologies and how they work with various materials. This versatility allows users to evaluate the capabilities and performance of different printers and materials, providing a first-hand understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. Another advantage of using the Benchy is its focus on evaluating print quality and accuracy. By using it as a test model, users can assess the level of detail, dimensional accuracy, and surface finish achieved by their 3D printers. This information is crucial for ensuring the desired level of quality in the final printed objects.

However, where there are opportunities, there are also challenges. One of the major challenges is the time-consuming nature of the test. The benchmark requires printing a complex model, which can be lengthy, resource-intensive, and particularly demanding for users who need quick results or have limited resources at their disposal.

Another limitation of the Benchy is that it may not fully represent real-world printing scenarios. While it is designed to incorporate various features and geometries to challenge printers, it may not capture all the complexities and nuances of real-world objects, potentially leading to limitations in its usefulness as a benchmark for real-world applications.

Benchy in BigRep BLADE
Giant BigRep Benchy

BigRep Benchy Specs

The world's largest Benchy was printed at the BigRep headquarters in Berlin. And while it is definitely a huge 3D print, it was not BigRep's biggest, heaviest, or longest running print.

Here are the printing specs for the BigRep Benchy:

  • Printer: BigRep ONE
  • Material: BigRep PLA
  • Nozzle Diameter: 1.0 mm
  • Layer Height: 0.6 mm
  • Dimensions: 864 x 864 x 816 mm (x, y, z)
  • Printing Time: 121 hours
  • Material Weight: 11.1 kg

How Does the BigRep Benchy Measure Up?

While it's a beloved and whimsical 3D model, Benchy does also function as a useful benchmark to evaluate a wide range of 3D printing parameters. Let's have a closer look at the giant Benchy results.

Giant BigRep Benchy Overhangs


The layer height, nozzle diameter, and overall 3D print dimensions greatly effects the quality of overhangs. This gigantic Benchy has large overhangs spanning ranges up to 50 mm long. They were not printed with support to help demonstrate the limits of the printer's capabilities. The BigRep ONE achieved an even, consistent quality with minimal deviations in layer appearance.

Giant BigRep Benchy Dimensional Accuracy

Dimensional Accuracy

Accuracy is highly dependent on what tolerances are required for a part to be acceptable for its use case. There is no noticeable warping of this giant Benchy and only small deviations in layer quality in the most challenging aspects of the print. For a real-world accuracy analysis, a 3D scan of the print can be compared to the original design to determine tolerance.

Giant BigRep Benchy Bridging


Some of the bridges in Benchy are too long - in this case, up to 180 mm - to be printed without sagging, and therefore required support. The image above shows the top section of some circular cutouts which were printed without support. There are some slight imperfections, but the overall quality is surprisingly good at such a large scale.

Giant BigRep Benchy Surface Finish

Surface Finish

The more vertically oriented the surface, the smoother the appearance of the layer lines. As a surface is more horizontal, the layers become more pronounced with the appearance of the staircase effect. With a relatively large layer height of 0.6 mm, the differences between vertically and horizontally oriented surfaces is visually apparent.


The Benchy 3D model has become a cornerstone in the world of 3D printing, serving as a reliable benchmark for evaluating the capabilities and limitations of different 3D printers. Its various features, such as overhangs, bridges, surface finish, and dimensional accuracy, provide valuable insights into the printer's ability to handle complex geometries and produce high-quality prints. By closely examining the quality of Benchy prints, users can identify issues with their 3D printers and make necessary adjustments to achieve better results.

However, it is important to acknowledge possible challenges with using the Benchy. The test can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, which may not be ideal for users who require results very quickly or have limited resources, such as filaments. Moreover, the model may not fully capture the complexities and nuances of real-world printing scenarios, potentially limiting its usefulness in certain applications.

Nevertheless, the Benchy remains a valuable evaluation tool within the 3D printing community. It provides a comprehensive assessment of printer capabilities, highlights potential areas for improvement, and allows users to make informed decisions when selecting printers and materials for their projects. By understanding its strengths and limitations and using it with other evaluation methods, users can maximize the benefits of the Benchy for their specific printing needs and applications.

Want to learn more about large-format additive manufacturing?

Register to download the eBook, Guide to Integrate Large-Format Additive Manufacturing.

Learn how Increasing the build size increases the possibilities for builds: users can create larger parts, removing the constraints of more standard sizes of build envelopes. 3D printing a large part all at once means less time is spent designing around multiple print jobs, less time assembling multiple parts, and more time getting those parts to work for you. Don't miss out, download the eBook today:



The BigRep ONE is an award-winning, large-format 3D printer at an accessible price point. With over 500 systems installed worldwide, it's a trusted tool of designers, innovators, and manufacturers alike. With a massive one-cubic-meter build volume, the fast and reliable ONE brings your designs to life in full scale.

Explore the ONE


The BigRep ONE is an award-winning, large-format 3D printer at an accessible price point. With over 500 systems installed worldwide, it's a trusted tool of designers, innovators, and manufacturers alike. With a massive one-cubic-meter build volume, the fast and reliable ONE brings your designs to life in full scale.

Explore the ONE

About the author:

Nika Music <a style="color: #0077b5" href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/nika-music-2301/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a>

Nika Music

Digital Marketing Specialist

Nika is a Social Media Manager with a background in the philosophy of technology. After obtaining their MA, Nika's passion and expertise in this field naturally guided them towards the exciting world of 3D printing. Currently, Nika is thriving at BigRep, enhancing the company's social media presence and creating brand awareness.

How to Overcome Six Common Manufacturing Challenges

Whether you are an experienced manufacturer or a new entrepreneur, the business landscape is continually evolving with greater acceleration and more significant changes.

In this article, we will consider six common challenges for manufacturers and how they can be overcome with smart solutions that really work. By anticipating these issues rather than firefighting problems as they arise, you can secure a more sustainable business model to scale your business and grow revenue.

Let’s explore six manufacturing challenges producers face and how you can ensure success for your business.

1. Lack of Skilled Workers


A troubling trend is steadily rising around the globe: the lack of skilled workers in the manufacturing sector. This is the product of lower employment rates in many countries, an aging workforce, a lack of tech-savvy labor, and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, just to name a few factors. A report by The Manufacturing Institute and Deloitte Consulting concludes that 22% of workers in U.S. manufacturing will be retiring in the next ten years. Additionally, they predict that the manufacturing skills gap could result in 2.1 million unfilled jobs by 2030. A report by Eurofound in 2019 found that Europe is not exempt from these struggles, as 39% of European manufacturing companies reported that their production was limited by labor shortages. This year, the German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DIHK) explained that more than half of Germany's companies struggle to fill vacancies due to a lack of skilled workers.


The accessibility of 3D printing technology, also known as additive manufacturing, allows a broader range of workers, including those with limited traditional manufacturing skills, to aid in product development, low-volume production, and full-scale manufacturing. 3D printing simplifies the production process by creating complex parts and prototypes directly from digital designs, carrying out intricate manufacturing processes with minimal human intervention. This reduces the need for highly skilled labor to operate machinery and perform manual tasks.

One solution to simplify the digital design process is scanning an existing part to create a 3D model, which can be 3D printed. Another option is using a design configurator to customize and adapt 3D-printable designs without needing in-depth design expertise. To learn more about design configuration, have a look at BigRep FLOW configurator apps.

BigRep PRO 3D Printer

2. Inventory Management


Inventory management can be a real puzzle for manufacturers. Picture this: You've got to predict what customers want, but their desires are like a roller coaster, up and down. Plus, suppliers might send things late, putting your production on hold. Holding onto too much inventory costs you money, but running out is a disaster. And don't forget about products that can go bad or become outdated fast. It gets even trickier when you have many different products to handle, and deciding which ones to keep or drop is no simple task. Then there's the balancing act between having just enough inventory when you need it and keeping extra in case things go unexpectedly.

Forbes reports that today’s average manufacturing company carries thirty days more inventory than at the beginning of 2007. While adequate inventory is a crucial buffer for supply chain issues, it is also the primary source of waste for companies. Holding excess inventory ties up capital and incurs costs such as storage, insurance, and depreciation. In a world where everything is always changing, figuring out how to handle your inventory is like playing a game of strategy to stay ahead in the manufacturing world.


As a means of rapid production, 3D printing allows for just-in-time manufacturing, where parts are produced precisely when they are needed. Thanks to significantly reduce lead times compared to traditional manufacturing methods, you can quickly respond to changes in customer demand to deliver on time. Often called the digital warehouse, 3D designs can be stored on a cloud or server to be 3D printed once an order is placed. This also reduces the risk of overproduction and minimizes the cost of holding excess inventory. The number of business 3D printing components, products, and spare parts on demand is steadily increasing with early adopters such as Deutsche Bahn, Bentley, Miele, and Shell, leading the way. If you want to learn more about 3D printed spare parts on demand, read the eBook Deutsche Bahn Goes Additive with BigRep.


3. Supply Chain Dependency and Transparency


As a manufacturer, you always depend on suppliers for materials, components, and services. However, each supply chain dependency introduces a potential risk of delays, lack of availability, or price increases. As your business grows, so do the potential risks of supply chain failures along with the complexity of logistics. And as we saw with the global supply chain gridlock during COVID-19, one issue can have massively far-reaching repercussions.

In addition to these practical supply chain concerns, consumers increasingly demand greater manufacturing transparency from companies. Today's customers prioritize quality and ethically produced items, plus they're willing to spend more for those products. A study conducted by researchers at the MIT Sloan School of Management revealed that consumers may be willing to pay an additional 2% to 10% for products with greater supply chain transparency. So, not only do manufacturers need to manage their supply chains to keep their business running, but they must also consider how those supplier choices will affect consumer confidence. 


With additive manufacturing, companies can produce locally, reducing dependence on distant suppliers and minimizing the impact of global disruptions. By using a digital warehouse, you can even produce locally with distributed manufacturing from afar: send your 3D file to be printed on location wherever the part is needed, With greater control of your supply chain, you also have more influence over lead times and fewer unexpected or increased costs. 

By implementing 3D printing for in-house production, tracking and controlling your supply chain is much easier, allowing you to satisfy consumers' growing demand for transparency. You own your own production process, plus fewer steps and logistics require oversight. Localized manufacturing can allow more environmentally friendly production with reduced shipping and other logistics. For more information about how 3D printing can reduce supply chain dependency, read the eBook How to Reduce Lead Times with In-House Supply Chains.

Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM)

4. Mass Customization


An increasing number of industries and businesses are embracing the trend of mass customization. This movement encompasses well-established brands that have introduced customization features to expand their product offerings and boost their sales. It also includes niche manufacturers and startups, which benefit from not having costly legacy factories and intricate supply chains. Forbes claims that custom products are the future of small and medium-sized businesses, and The Deloitte Consumer Review reported that more than 50% of consumers showed interest in purchasing personalized products.

Customers are willing to pay more for unique products, and traditionally, manufacturers also spend more to produce them. For example, many plastic products are produced using expensive CNC-milled molds. This is cost-effective at scale, but the costs skyrocket for low-volume and unique production. Manufacturers are faced with the challenge of how to produce customized products at scale in a cost-effective way.


With additive manufacturing, there are no added costs in unique and low-volume production. That means you can print identical or modified products, and the only factors changing the manufacturing costs are material usage and printing time variations. You have the greatest freedom of customization without added costs when 3D printing end-use parts and products. While traditional tooling, such as CNC-milled molds, is durable and long-lasting, the cost is prohibitive for single or limited use. 3D printed tooling may be less durable but can be the perfect solution for limited production and robust enough to get the job done. Read this blog to learn more about mass customization and the power of 3D printing.


5. Scaling Your Business


One of the most unexpected challenges that manufacturers encounter is choosing the right time to scale your business.  Scale up too early and you risk financial strain, operational challenges, and loss of quality. Scale too late and risk market saturation, missed opportunities, and a competitive disadvantage to more established companies. To decide when the time is right, you need to ask yourself the right questions. Is your product ready for market? If your product is not performing well, do you need to pivot the product offering or redesign it? Do you have the capacity to meet production requirements if demand increases? 


To ensure adequate quality, good product-market fit, and best product offering, you need to iterate your product design. With traditional production methods, this typically requires outsourcing and/or hand-made prototypes, and unfortunately, both of these are expensive and slow to produce. 3D printing is widely accepted as the best solution for rapid prototyping, so much so that the two are practically synonymous. Additive manufacturing lets you quickly produce a design or functional prototype, make changes as needed, and reprint until your product is perfect.

Large-format 3D printing also allows you to produce larger prototypes in full scale. If you find that your product is not performing well after you launch, you can repeat the iteration cycle to change the product as needed. And what if your product is perfect and demand is high? 3D printing can help you meet those demands with in-house production, simplified logistics, and reduced supply chains.

In short, additive manufacturing lets you get to market faster, plus it helps you ramp up production. To see some success stories of how 3D printing helped companies iterate fast, produce faster, and get to market faster, see the webinar Improve Time To Market for Commercial Vehicles.

Nowlab BigRep Gripper 3d printed

6. Keeping Up With Automation


New technological advancements seemingly occur every day, increasing demand and putting pressure on manufacturers to fulfill larger orders. Automation boosts productivity, increases quality, saves costs, and perhaps most importantly, it can collect and analyze data to influence decision-making for continually improved outcomes. The robotic process automation market was valued at $2.3 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of nearly 40% from 2023 to 2030. This is concerning for small and medium businesses as they compete with large corporations that can afford to use AI to make their production lines more efficient. As automation has taken a foothold, it simply cannot be ignored as the future of manufacturing. 


A digitized workflow can help your business catch up to the automation super trend, and 3D printing can play a huge part in that. The key is choosing what processes and technologies need updating and how to integrate those within an existing workflow to become more agile and efficient.

Consider digitizing your prototyping process to iterate faster with more data-driven design iterations. Once in full production mode, you might produce 3D printed tooling to streamline your production process. Perhaps you choose to scan components to create perfectly customized 3D printed tools. Maybe you want to embed technology like sensors into those custom tools to provide valuable feedback during production. With an industrial 3D printer, you can expect reliable results with automation across the calibration and printing phases. You might incorporate 3D printing with robotics, milling, or AI so that the strengths of each technology can truly shine as part of an intelligent, automated solution.


3D printing is a transformative solution for manufacturing challenges. It simplifies complex processes, reducing the need for highly skilled workers. It also enhances supply chain resilience through localized, on-demand production, streamlines inventory management by minimizing stock needs, and enables cost-effective mass customization. With 3D printing, scaling your business becomes flexible and efficient, and automation seamlessly integrates into production, boosting productivity while cutting labor costs. Embrace 3D printing for a more agile, efficient, and future-ready manufacturing approach.

Want to learn more about manufacturing challenges overcome by adopting additive?

Watch the on-demand webinar Maximize Efficiency for Localized Production.

Learn how additive manufacturing can make a huge impact to reduce production costs and speed up manufacturing times. Particularly for low-volume and custom parts, highly skilled labor and outsourcing can massively inflate costs and lead times. Learn how large-format 3D printing can streamline processes, simplify logistics, and minimize supply chain risks to deliver the biggest business impact. Don't miss out, register for the webinar:



The BigRep PRO is a 1 m³ powerhouse 3D printer, built to take you from prototyping to production. It provides a highly scalable solution to manufacture end-use parts, factory tooling or more with high-performance, engineering-grade materials. Compared with other manufacturing and FFF printing solutions, the PRO can produce full-scale, accurate parts faster and at lower production costs.

Explore the PRO


The BigRep PRO is a 1 m³ powerhouse 3D printer, built to take you from prototyping to production. It provides a highly scalable solution to manufacture end-use parts, factory tooling or more with high-performance, engineering-grade materials. Compared with other manufacturing and FFF printing solutions, the PRO can produce full-scale, accurate parts faster and at lower production costs.

Explore the PRO

About the author:

Lindsay Lawson <a style="color: #0077b5" href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/lindsay-lawson-152a69185/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a>

Lindsay Lawson

Head of Product Marketing

With an MFA in New Genres, Lindsay's background in sculpture and animation eventually led her to the world of 3D printing. She is primarily focused on applications using large-format 3D printing with additional emphasis on post-processing techniques and design for Additive Manufacturing.

How to 3D Print Channel Letters and Signs

3D Printed Illuminated Sign

Channel letter manufacturers face a rapidly changing industry landscape. Traditional methods are reliable, but 3D printing offers a new level of efficiency and customization. By adopting 3D printing, manufacturers can enhance production speed, reduce costs, and meet diverse client demands.

This article explores the benefits and implementation of 3D printed channel letters.

The Basics of 3D Printing for Channel Letters

What is 3D printing? 

3D printing, or additive manufacturing, is a process that transforms digital designs into physical, three-dimensional objects. By depositing material layer upon layer, 3D printers can recreate intricate designs with precision and accuracy. This technology has found applications in various sectors, from healthcare to automotive, and now, in the realm of business signage. 

Why 3D printing for channel letters? 

The primary allure of 3D printing for channel letters lies in its unparalleled flexibility. Traditional signage methods can often be limiting, especially when it comes to custom designs or rapid modifications. In contrast, 3D printing offers the ability to produce bespoke designs tailored to a business's unique brand identity. This means that businesses can now have signage that is not only functional but also a true reflection of their brand ethos. 

BigRep ONE Large-Format 3D Printer

The Simplicity of the 3D Printing Process

1. Designing Your Channel Letters

The first step in the 3D printing journey is creating a digital design. With the advent of intuitive software tools, even those with minimal design experience can craft a digital model of their desired signage. These tools allow for easy adjustments, ensuring that the final product aligns perfectly with the business's vision. 

2. Choosing the Right Material

Material selection is crucial in determining the durability and aesthetic appeal of the final product. For 3D printed signage, there's a wide array of materials to choose from, ranging from robust plastics to metals. Each material comes with its set of advantages, allowing businesses to select one that best suits their needs and budget. 

3. 3D Printing and Post-Processing

Once the design is finalized and the material selected, the actual printing process begins. Modern 3D printers are efficient, translating digital designs into physical objects with remarkable precision. After printing, some post-processing might be required, such as sanding or painting, to enhance the appearance and longevity of the channel letters. 

Channel Letters - CAD Design

Designing Your Channel Letters

Designing for 3D printing might seem daunting, but with the right approach, it can be a seamless process: 

Software Selection: Start by choosing a 3D modeling software that aligns with your skill level. Beginners might find tools like Tinkercad or SketchUp user-friendly, while those with more experience might opt for software like Blender or Fusion 360. 

Typography Matters: When designing channel letters, ensure you select a font that is legible and aligns with your brand's identity. Remember, thicker fonts tend to be more durable and easier to print. Consider the 3D printer’s capabilities regarding the dimensions of your sign; for example, very thin letters may not be printable. 

Scaling and Dimensions: Ensure your design is to scale. Measure the space where the sign will be placed and adjust your digital model accordingly. This ensures that the final print fits perfectly in its intended location.  

Save in the Right Format: Once your design is complete, save it in a format compatible with your 3D printer, typically .STL or .OBJ. 

Filament Material Samples
BigRep Filament Material Samples

Choosing the Right Material

Selecting the appropriate material is paramount, as it dictates the longevity, appearance, and overall effectiveness of your channel letters: 

PLA (Polylactic Acid): A popular choice for 3D printing, PLA is bio-based, user-friendly, and cost effective. Available in a myriad of colors, it's perfect for indoor signs due to its sensitivity to UV rays and high temperatures. 

ASA (Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate): Known for its exceptional UV resistance and durability, ASA is an excellent choice for outdoor signage. It retains color and mechanical properties even when exposed to prolonged sunlight, making it superior to ABS for outdoor applications. While it offers a finish similar to ABS, it's essential to note that ASA requires a heated print bed and might be a bit more challenging to print with than PLA. 

PETG (Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol): Merging the printability of PLA with the resilience of ASA, PETG stands out as a versatile choice. Its UV resistance and strength make it suitable for both indoor and outdoor channel letters. In addition, PETG has the highest light transmission of the commonly used FFF materials. This can be a benefit when producing channel letters and signage.

Consider Finish and Durability: When deciding on a material, factor in the environment your sign will be placed in. For outdoor signs, UV-resistant and waterproof materials like ASA and PETG are ideal. Also, envision the desired finish—whether glossy, matte, or textured—and select your material to achieve that effect. 

BigRep Fiber-Ready PEX (Power Extruders)
3D Print Post Processing Powder Coating

3D Printing and Post-Processing

Once you've settled on a design and chosen your material, it's time to bring your channel letters to life. 

Printer Calibration: Before starting, ensure your 3D printer is calibrated. This means checking that the print bed is level, the nozzle is clean, and the temperature settings align with your chosen material. For instance, ASA usually requires a higher extruder temperature than PLA. 

Support Structures: Depending on the complexity of your design, you might need to add support structures. These temporary structures help in printing overhangs or intricate details and can be removed post-printing. The support structures can be created during slicing when you make your 3D printing file, called gcode. Slicing software like BigRep BLADE can automatically create the needed support structures from default settings. 

Layer Resolution: Decide on the layer height for your print. A smaller layer height will give a smoother finish but will take longer to print. Conversely, a larger layer height is quicker but might require more post-processing to achieve a smooth appearance. 

Post-Processing: After printing, some cleanup and finishing touches might be necessary. This can include: 

  • Support removal: To remove the support structures, by either breaking them off manually or dissolving them if you use water-soluble support material, like BigRep BVOH. 
  • Sanding: To smooth out layer lines or imperfections. 
  • Painting or Sealing: Especially if you want a specific color or need additional protection against the elements. 
  • Assembly: If your sign consists of multiple parts, you'll need to assemble them, which can be done using strong adhesives or other joining methods. 
Break Off Support Structures
Support structures are designed to break away easily after 3D printing.

Cost Implications for 3D Printing Channel Letters

Initial Investment

While there's an upfront cost associated with purchasing a 3D printer, materials, and software, the long-term benefits often outweigh these initial expenses. When compared to the recurring costs of traditional signage methods, especially for custom designs, 3D printing can offer substantial savings. 

Long-Term Savings

The ability to print in-house eliminates the need for outsourcing, reducing lead times and costs. Moreover, the flexibility of 3D printing means that design alterations can be made swiftly without incurring significant expenses. This adaptability is especially beneficial for businesses that require seasonal or promotional signage changes. Aside from creating 3D printed channel letters, a 3D printer can be used to make virtually anything, so if you have one in house, you will surely find many additional applications that are made simpler and less expensive with 3D printing. 

Real-Life 3D Printing Success Stories

ProLicht Makes Complex and Custom 3D Printed Signs

ProLicht develops and produces solutions for illuminated advertising and complex advertising installations for brands and corporate designs worldwide. They rely on modern technological, including their BigRep ONE, to be able to create highly individualized products with superior quality.

The BigRep ONE is integrated into ProLicht's streamlined workflow with 95% in-house production. This guarantees quality management so that control of implementation is almost exclusively in their our hands.

ProLicht boasts a complete portfolio that meets all requirements for inside and outside CI/CD of global brands.

Through quality and sustainability in the development, production, and installation of their signware solutions, ProLicht can create long-lasting value.

BigRep Headquarters Illuminated Channel Letters

The BigRep creative team shows how they 3D printed a large-scale customized sign with the size, font, and color of their choice. The sign was designed to be printed on a BigRep ONE without any support filament, which made the print very fast and inexpensive. With dual extrusion, two different filaments (one colored and one transparent) are integrated into a single print to blend the branded colors with light diffused through the transparent material.

Tips and Tricks for 3D Printing Channel Letters

Maximizing the Lifespan of Your 3D Printed Channel Letters

Regular maintenance can extend the life of your sign. This includes periodic cleaning to remove dust and debris and checking for any signs of wear or damage. If your sign is outdoors, consider applying a UV-resistant sealant to further protect against the elements. 

Creative Ideas

3D printing offers a realm of possibilities. Think beyond just letters. Incorporate logos, symbols, or even interactive elements into your signage. With 3D printing, you're only limited by your imagination. 

Maintenance and Care

Ensure your sign is securely mounted to prevent any damage from strong winds or other external factors. Regularly inspect for any signs of wear or damage and address any issues promptly to maintain the sign's integrity and appearance. 

3D Printed Channel Letters
3D Printed Sign by ProLicht

The world of business signage has been transformed by the capabilities of 3D printing. For manufacturers, this technology offers an avenue to create distinctive, durable, and cost-effective signage that truly resonates with their brand's identity. As the world of 3D printing continues to evolve, it's a well-timed moment for businesses to embrace this innovation and stand out in a competitive market. 

Embracing innovation is the hallmark of a forward-thinking business. If you've been inspired by the potential of 3D printed channel letters, now is the time to take the leap. Whether you're just starting out or looking to revamp your existing signage, 3D printing offers a world of possibilities. 

Have you already ventured into the realm of 3D printed signage? Or perhaps you're teetering on the edge of making the decision?  

Get in touch! Let's redefine the future of business signage! 


The BigRep ONE is an award-winning, large-format 3D printer at an accessible price point. With over 500 systems installed worldwide, it's a trusted tool of designers, innovators, and manufacturers alike. With a massive one-cubic-meter build volume, the fast and reliable ONE brings your designs to life in full scale.

Explore the ONE


The BigRep ONE is an award-winning, large-format 3D printer at an accessible price point. With over 500 systems installed worldwide, it's a trusted tool of designers, innovators, and manufacturers alike. With a massive one-cubic-meter build volume, the fast and reliable ONE brings your designs to life in full scale.

Explore the ONE

About the author:

Dominik Stürzer <a style="color: #0077b5" href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/dominik-stuerzer/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a>

Dominik Stürzer

Head of Growth Marketing

Dominik is a mechanical engineer whose passion to share knowledge turned him to content creation. His first 3D prints started in university. Back then the 3D printers were big on the outside and small on the inside. With BigRep the machines are finally big in their possibilities.

BLADE 3.7.2

  • Software Improvements
    • Better error reporting
    • Added 3D mouse plugin (https://github.com/smartavionics/RawMouse)
    • Fixed issue with GCODE hashing
  • PRO.1 and PRO.2
    • Improved material profile: PA12-CF
  • ONE.4
    • Added PEX 2mm: A 2mm nozzle for the ONE.4
    • Improved PEX FR 0.6mm: added multiple new profiles
    • Improved PEX FR 1mm: added multiple new profiles
  • STUDIO.2
    • Added 1mm: Added a 1mm nozzle option for PLA, HI-TEMP and HI-TEMP-CF

How 3D Printing is Changing Hydraulic Engineering

3D Printed Weir in Hydraulics Lab at Helmut Schmidt University

Ever wondered how top hydraulic engineers optimize river systems without real-world risks?

Step into the advanced hydraulics lab at Helmut Schmidt University. Here, Dr. Mario Oertel and his team are transforming weir designs with the BigRep ONE 3D printer, turning digital concepts into tangible prototypes swiftly.

This fusion of time-honored hydraulic research and contemporary technology is redefining water management. The lab, discharging 1,500 liters per second through a scaled river model, goes beyond computer simulations to test and iterate weir designs, ensuring both precision and cost-efficiency.

Discover how this blend of traditional hydraulic research and modern tech is shaping the future of water management.

What is a Weir?

A weir is a lateral structure commonly used in open channel flow systems, such as rivers, streams, canals, and hydraulic laboratories, to measure and control the flow of water. It is a simple and versatile device that helps regulate water levels, monitor flow rates, and study fluid behavior. Weirs are designed to create a specific flow condition by constraining the water flow, causing it to spill over the top of the weir crest.

Weirs have a wide range of applications, including water level regulation, flood control, irrigation management, environmental monitoring, and hydraulic research. There are several types of weirs, each with different shapes and purposes. Common types include rectangular weirs, triangular weirs (V-notch weirs), trapezoidal weirs, and piano key weirs which are used in the hydraulics lab at the Helmut Schmidt University.

A fixed-crest ogee weir in Berlin, USA
A fixed-crest ogee weir in Berlin, USA

Digital Simulation vs Physical Experiments

Researchers and engineers at the Helmut Schmidt University conduct experiments and studies related to fluid mechanics, hydraulic systems, and fluid behavior as part of the civil engineering program. The hydraulics lab is equipped with various apparatus and instruments to investigate how fluids behave under different conditions, pressures, and flow rates. One focus of research is novel weir designs, which are tested in a river system scaled model: a one meter wide flume fitted with design prototypes.

By developing and testing new weir designs in the hydraulics lab, researchers can create more efficient weirs that can have a greater impact when integrated into river systems. Digital simulation is a powerful tool for researchers, but there are limits to what simulation alone can achieve. Using physical experiments with 3D-printed weirs offers several distinct advantages such as:

Real-world Validation:

Physical experiments provide direct validation of simulation results. Comparing actual measurements from the 3D-printed weir prototypes with simulated data helps validate the accuracy of the simulation model and the assumptions used.

Physical Interaction:

Researchers can observe the behavior of the flow, the water surface, and the interaction with the weir structure in real time. This hands-on experience provides valuable insights that might not be captured in simulations.

Fluid-Structure Interaction:

These experiments can capture intricate fluid-structure interactions, such as vortex shedding, eddies, and turbulence, which might be challenging to accurately simulate.

Unforeseen Phenomena:

Unexpected or complex phenomena may arise during physical experiments that were not anticipated in simulations. These phenomena can lead to new insights and discoveries.

Quantitative and Qualitative Data:

Offering a dual perspective, physical experiments churn out both quantitative (like flow rates and velocities) and qualitative data (visual observations), enriching the understanding of weir behavior.

Sensor Calibration and Verification:

To ensure accurate data collection, these experiments help to calibrate and verify measurement tools and sensors in the laboratory.Innovation and Optimization

Innovation and Optimization:

Physical experiments can spark innovation and lead to the discovery of new and optimized weir designs that might not have been considered in simulations alone.

Complex Geometries:

3D printing enables the creation of complex and customized weir geometries that may be challenging to simulate accurately. Physical prototypes can be designed and manufactured with greater freedom and creativity.

Hydraulics Lab at Helmut Schmidt University
Hydraulics Lab at Helmut Schmidt University

3D Printed Weirs for Hydraulics Research

One project by the hydraulic engineering researchers at the Helmut Schmidt University focuses on piano key weirs, so named for their resemblance to the keys on a piano. Piano key weirs are designed to efficiently manage high flow rates and prevent flooding while taking up less space than conventional weirs. This makes them particularly useful in urban and confined environments.

While weir prototypes would traditionally be constructed from laser-cut acrylic glass that must be manually glued together, Dr. Mario Oertel turned to large-format 3D printing for a better solution. By 3D printing the weirs, researchers were able to quickly see their prototypes in action while cutting costs in the process. The BigRep ONE 3D printer also allowed them to easily iterate new designs and test them in the hydraulics lab within days.

Dr. Mario Oertel, Professor of Hydraulic Engineering at Helmut Schmidt University, with the BigRep ONE
Dr. Mario Oertel, Professor of Hydraulic Engineering at Helmut Schmidt University, with the BigRep ONE

Advantages of 3D Printing Weir Prototypes

Rapid Prototyping:

3D printing allows for quick and cost-effective production of weir prototypes. Researchers can design, iterate, and test multiple designs in a short period, speeding up the research and development process. Traditional manufacturing methods often involve longer lead times due to the need for tooling and setup. 3D printing minimizes lead times, enabling researchers to conduct experiments and gather data sooner.

Ease of Iteration:

Researchers can easily create custom weir designs tailored to specific objectives. This flexibility enables the exploration of various geometries, sizes, and configurations that might be challenging or expensive to achieve using traditional manufacturing methods. To test different parameters and variables, researchers can easily modify and print multiple iterations of weir prototypes. This iterative testing process can lead to more refined and optimized designs.

Complex Geometries:

3D printing enables the creation of intricate and complex geometries that may not be feasible with traditional machining methods. This is particularly useful for exploring novel weir shapes and designs.

Cost Savings:

Traditional machining methods can be expensive, especially for small-batch or one-off prototypes. 3D printing reduces material waste and production costs, making it more cost-effective for research purposes. After a slight learning curve, the researchers in the hydraulics lab were able to adjust slicing parameters in BigRep BLADE to reduce material usage by more than 60%.

Reduced Lead Time:

Traditional manufacturing methods often involve longer lead times due to the need for tooling and setup. Typical weir prototypes are constructed from acrylic glass, which is time consuming and expensive to produce. 3D printing minimizes lead times, enabling researchers to conduct experiments and gather data sooner.

Material Selection:

BigRep offers a wide range of filaments, plus BigRep 3D printers are open for third party filaments, allowing researchers to choose materials that balance research requirements with print quality and affordability. This is especially important in hydraulics research where accurate material properties can impact prototype behavior. Researchers at the Helmut Schmidt University hydraulics lab found great results printing weirs with BigRep PLX because it is easy to print, affordable, and produces beautiful surfaces.

Educational Tool:

3D-printed weir prototypes provide a tangible representation of theoretical concepts, making it easier for researchers and students to understand and visualize fluid flow patterns, velocity profiles, and other hydraulic phenomena. They can also be equipped with sensors and instrumentation to collect data during experiments. This data can be used for analysis, validation, and calibration of hydraulic models.

3D Printed Weir in Hydraulics Lab at Helmut Schmidt University
3D Printed Weir in Hydraulics Lab at Helmut Schmidt University

Large Format 3D Printing in Research Institutes

While the BigRep ONE is placed within the hydraulics lab of the Helmut Schmidt University, other departments and students can access the large-format 3D printer for additional research and projects. This facilitates collaborative projects involving students and faculty from different departments, encouraging interdisciplinary learning and problem-solving. Additionally, familiarity with large-format 3D printers equips students with skills and knowledge that are increasingly valuable in the many industries adopting additive manufacturing.

Having a large-format 3D printer in a university can enhance the learning experience, foster innovation, and prepare students for the evolving demands of modern industries. It serves as a versatile tool that encourages creativity, problem-solving, and collaboration across various academic disciplines.


The BigRep ONE is an award-winning, large-format 3D printer at an accessible price point. With over 500 systems installed worldwide, it's a trusted tool of designers, innovators, and manufacturers alike. With a massive one-cubic-meter build volume, the fast and reliable ONE brings your designs to life in full scale.

Explore the ONE


The BigRep ONE is an award-winning, large-format 3D printer at an accessible price point. With over 500 systems installed worldwide, it's a trusted tool of designers, innovators, and manufacturers alike. With a massive one-cubic-meter build volume, the fast and reliable ONE brings your designs to life in full scale.

Explore the ONE

About the author:

Lindsay Lawson <a style="color: #0077b5" href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/lindsay-lawson-152a69185/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a>

Lindsay Lawson

Head of Product Marketing

With an MFA in New Genres, Lindsay's background in sculpture and animation eventually led her to the world of 3D printing. She is primarily focused on applications using large-format 3D printing with additional emphasis on post-processing techniques and design for Additive Manufacturing.

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